Avermedia GC573 issues and general dual PC problems.

Hi fellas. So I have been facing several issues with this capture card since the day I got it pretty much. Passthrough at 1440p 144hz causing some tearing (on my main monitor), the signal in OBS eventually freezes or presents frame drops. In addition, I have tried screen projection with OBS and still, there is noticeable frame dropping going on. Screen clonign does somehow allow me to use DP and avoid the tearing, BUT, I get input lag and the games freezes upon tabbing in and out. Moonlight so far seems like the most stable way to utilize between 2 PCs, BUT, at the cost of framerate in games. Any help or advice would be appreciated. Thanks!
34 Replies
HunterAP14mo ago
Could you post the following: 1. Your PC specs for both the gaming and streaming PC's (CPU, GPU, monitor that you're gaming on) 2. Can you post an OBS log where you had these issues occur
PalmaurianOP14mo ago
Hi and sorry for the delay 1. Game rig "9700k, 1070, 16GB ram 1440p 240hz" , stream rig "6700k, 2060" Basically after a point the card just makes a major tear and freezes. https://obsproject.com/logs/7FmPj1QhidyIXuD7 I cloned the capture card which helped with framerates and all, but as I said, it does a major freezing after a while.
HunterAP14mo ago
That log doesn't have any recordings or streams done in it - do the issues happen even when you're not recording or streaming? Also have you tried updating the firmware / drivers for the capture card?
PalmaurianOP14mo ago
`Yes everything is updated. I haven't noticed it, because I only turn it on when about to stream. https://obsproject.com/logs/eOBARJxaI1xdUZUW try this
HunterAP14mo ago
No outputs in that one either
PalmaurianOP14mo ago
🤯 How.. 😦 Damn, I have no clue why.
HunterAP14mo ago
What time did you last stream or record something
PalmaurianOP14mo ago
a few hours ago
HunterAP14mo ago
For the video capture device sources you're using, how are they laid out? As in do you have that source in two different scenes?
PalmaurianOP14mo ago
yes One for main scene one for just chatting same source tho not like "capture1" and "capture 2" I think at least let me check
HunterAP14mo ago
In the logs I'm seeing two different sources of Video Capture Device 1 and Video Capture Device 2 Can you try doing this:
PalmaurianOP14mo ago
lemme check every scene does it say in which one? I have a few I'll find it nvm, go on. 🙂
HunterAP14mo ago
- Make a new scene - Create a video capture source in that scene for your capture card - In every other scene where you used the capture source (should be your In-game and Just Chatting scenes) delete the video capture device and replace it with a nested scene source
PalmaurianOP14mo ago
Alright I will do that. Do you believe,l that might fix the issue with the tearing of death? As I like to call it.
HunterAP14mo ago
It should, my guess is that pulling the capture card in twice is causing some contention issues Also other question, you have a game capture source on the streaming PC - what is it for?
PalmaurianOP14mo ago
It's my backup plan when the capture card dies in the middle of the stream using moonlight which yes, it does the job BUT at a very heavy cost to my GPU of the gaming PC in terms of frames for some reason As an example, MW3 will get 190frames let's say witht he cpature card or the system alone but with moonlight down to 120
HunterAP14mo ago
I'd test things out with removing it as well just so you're not taxing the system more than necessary
PalmaurianOP14mo ago
70 frames deduct is just lame 😦 yes The tax with moonlight is real 120frames means on stupid unoptimized areas will go down to 75 and GL against the people with 40 series and monster CPUs 😦
HunterAP14mo ago
Try turning off Moonlight on the gaming Pc and removing the source for it in OBS on the streaming PC
PalmaurianOP14mo ago
Alright make a cpature card only fresh scene and then add a capture source on just chatting na dgaming right? Yeah it is not on only on emeergencies
HunterAP14mo ago
You would add a scene source to the two scenes I mentioned, and select the newly made capture-card-only scene
PalmaurianOP14mo ago
Alright gotcha doing it now thanks 1080p 60 right? for the capture not 1440p 144hz? Yes?
HunterAP14mo ago
Use whatever settings you'd normally use for your capture card Realistically 60fps is fine unless you have a specific reason for it
PalmaurianOP14mo ago
No 60 is what I always use. Shall I clone or passthrough? Cloning appears to act better than passthrough no tearing or anything When passthrough, I get something like a moving line on the gaming monitor
HunterAP14mo ago
Try passthrough for the time being Cloning introduces a lot of other issues Do you have a screenshot of that line?
PalmaurianOP14mo ago
Sadly no lemme explain it Imagine a line that starts from the top and rolls down to the bottom like...a waterfall or rather liek a scanning line like thos 80s movies scan detectors
HunterAP14mo ago
What motherboard are you using for the streaming PC? What slot is the GPU and what slot is the capture card in?
PalmaurianOP14mo ago
It is an HP Motherboard but the design looks like an MSI Upper slot is the GPU, 2nd is the capture card Plus for some reason with Passthrough HDMI, the monitor dimms itself -.- which is annoying
HunterAP14mo ago
Can you open a command prompt window as admin and run this command and paste the output here wmic baseboard get product,manufacturer,version,serialnumber
PalmaurianOP14mo ago
sure sent on DM K scenes are ready It seems to be working smoothly in terms of mouse motion, something which was kinda glitched before, but we'll see
HunterAP14mo ago
If the suggestions I had from earlier don't work, my next would be that the PCIe slots on the board are the issue Basically the top slot is connected to the CPU directly, whereas other slots go through the chipset. Capture cards don't do super well when plugged into the chipset slots
PalmaurianOP14mo ago
I did switched seats in the past still had the same issue But now with the new scenes, I will see how it goes But with what you suggested it seems fluent so far in terms of frames
HunterAP14mo ago
nice do a longer term test and let me know how it goes
PalmaurianOP14mo ago
I will, ty very very much for your time and the advices so far 🙂

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