Davinci Resolve can't rendor jobs av1 2160 x 3840 HD vertical
Render Job failed as the current clip couild not be processed. Has anyone ever experience this when trying to render AV1 videos vertically?
10 Replies
free or studio? gpu vendor? screenshot of settings?
one moment
I'm using Free D.R
What's your encode settings
only happens in vertical
if i do 1080x1920 it works fine
Is AV1 even supported where you are uploading social media wise
Yes it's supported I was able to upload to tiktok and youtube
I dont uplaod directly from D.R tho
Alright i did some digging online seem as if i need the paid version to render at those higher resolution 😦 "Resolve free is limited to 2160 lines.
Buy a $300 studio key if you need 4k vertical"
ah that might be the case, since 3840 high is nearly 8k
tbf 4k for vertical is a complete waste
yeah you do have a point was just reading up on it too. Thanks for the quick help