I have a question about screen capture using gpu with wallpaper engine max settings while recording.
I have a i5-9600k. i really want to replace motherboard to get a new cpu but can't at the moment so im stuck with it. i have x2 16gb(32gb) ddr4 3600mhz c18 ram and recently bought the rtx 4070ti for AV1 encoding. will this put a heavy strain on my cpu while recording? games im looking to record is genshin impact at 3440x2560p. And i would like to keep wallpaper engine running at max settings 60fps at all times
4 Replies
Wallpaper engine over 25fps on most wallpapers will be a performance hit
And if gaming, why does it need to stay running?
because sometimes i tab out to search something
sometimes i play in window mode or i minimize the game
So if gaming is the main focus, why not set wallpaper engine to pause when something is full screen
Who cares about what wallpaper is going when a game is happening
okay but i sometimes boarderless or not full screen at all. but i do plan to full screen later on because next week im getting another monitor arm for dual monitor set up