How to send active obs screen to a remote monitor with NDI?

I want to be able to send my active obs screen from my birds nest to a large screen tv at our snack bar. I'll be running fibre between the 2 and I'm sure I'll need a converter of some sort at the tv end. Don't know how to send from obs. Maybe I need an ndi tool? There won't be a puter at the tv end
12 Replies
MEE67mo ago
GG @nuthinfancy, you just advanced to level 1 !
Addie7mo ago
well you have to have a computer of some sort on the TV end to decode the NDI signal either a computer or a NDI-specific playback device like the Birddog play You can't just feed NDI to a TV, they aren't built for that
nuthinfancyOP7mo ago
Thanks for the reply. I knew I would need some sort of convertor---the birddog play sounds good. It still doesn't get me to sending the screen to obs. Maybe I should check with birddog support.
AMD(rare) User
AMD(rare) User7mo ago
Chromecast and cast pc screen to it? Would that maybe work?
Addie7mo ago
Yeah there are potentially better options than NDI For obs/ndi you need the ndi tools from the ndi website and then the ndi plugin for obs Although you can just use the ndi tools without obs if you just want a camera or screen cap
nuthinfancyOP7mo ago
Hmmm I've never used the cast stuff before but, if I can enter a url somehow into the Play, I should be able to get the stream from youtube. I'd rather not be sending and receiving over the internet if I don't have to
Addie7mo ago
Erm From YouTube? YouTube doesn’t support NDI The birddog play is purely a ndi device So you’d install the ndi tools on pc and send stream and control the play through web ui to connect and play the ndi feed What are you trying to send to the TV?
nuthinfancyOP7mo ago
I'm running 4 cameras and have other stuff like sponsors slides, replays and such.. My cameras are all ndi. I stream motorsports races. I want to be able to send the obs output to our snackbar so customers can watch while waiting in line The Play would just be the connection from the network cable to the tv
Addie7mo ago
ok yes that would work. would need to install these then reboot, install this then tools - ndi output can choose preview or program monitor
Tools – NDI
Take control of your connection. Discover all the NDI tools and plugins you need to set up, test and manage your NDI streams.
OBS Forums
DistroAV - Network Audio/Video in OBS-Studio using NDI technology
This plugin adds simple audio/video input and output over IP using NewTek's NDI™ technology. Three integrations are currently available: - NDI Source: add NDI Sources into OBS like any traditional source - NDI Output: transmit the main program...
Addie7mo ago
OBS Studio 128 - How to use NDI w/ OBS for NO SCREEN TEARING dual P...
▼▼▼ EXPAND FOR IMPORTANT LINKS & INFO ▼▼▼ Welcome to my OBS Studio MASTER CLASS - The most in-depth and comprehensive OBS Studio tutorial course EVER MADE. This should be a great one-stop shop of a resource for you to learn about the software. ▹ Elgato Stream Deck - This episode focuses on NDI - a new stream...
nuthinfancyOP7mo ago
My hero😍 I must have an older version or different plug cause all I have is ndi source. Thank you!
nuthinfancyOP7mo ago
Create NDI Stream Output with OBS Studio
NDIThis article is for setting up NDI streams to receive in Streamlabs Desktop or other application. For information how to receive NDI streams in...

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