Scene hotkey HOLD instead of toggle

I'm looking for a way to have a scene switch hotkey only work while I'm pressing the key, so it will go back to the original scene when I let it go. Is this possible? I bought a footswitch which I'd like to use to zoom in on my face, which works great but then I need to retrigger the original scene I was on. I have way too many scenes so it'd be nice if I could just go back to the current scene when I release the footswitch. If this isn't possible, how do so many streamers do the "reaction cam/tight zoom on their face" thingy? Do I just need a Streamdeck?
4 Replies
HunterAP3y ago
I believe nutty talked about using a non-Elgato footpedal with some tool to be able to do crazy stuff like the zoom-in thing you're describing, but I haven't heard specifically of a "switch while held" functionality you're talking about, although I'm sure it could be done I can't find the exact video, but you can search around Nutty's channel:
OakMtnOP3y ago
Does the Elgato pedal have extra functionality? This is the one I bought:
OakMtnOP3y ago
PCsensor USB Foot Pedal PC Triple Foot Switch Programmable Computer...
PCsensor USB Foot Pedal PC Triple Foot Switch Programmable Computer Keyboard Shortcut Key Customized Combination Key One Key Move for Video Game Office Equipment Control HID (Photoelectric)
Technically Alex
Use autohotkey: ; Replace F1 with your desired hotkey F1:: ; Press and hold the hotkey Send, {F1 down} ; Wait for the hotkey to be released KeyWait, F1 ; Perform the second action MsgBox, You released the F1 key. ; Release the hotkey Send, {F1 up} return In this script, when you press and hold the F1 key, it sends the {F1 down} command to simulate pressing the key. It then waits for you to release the key using the KeyWait command. Once you release the key, the script will perform the second action, which in this case is displaying a message box using the MsgBox command. Finally, the script sends the {F1 up} command to simulate releasing the key. You can replace the F1 key with any other key that you want to use as the hotkey, and you can replace the MsgBox command with any other action that you want to perform when you release the hotkey. The script is done by ChatGPT so it might not work, but I’m sure there are plenty of examples you can find

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