Source Record Audio
Does anyone know if the track that Source Record is completely separate from the set of stream tracks? Not sure if I an articulat ethis properly, but let me try.
Here is a screenshot from OBS Advanced Audio Properties and it shows all of the tracks. I have Minecraft (gameplay) going to Track 3.
Here is a screenshot from Source Record. It has a checkbox for "Different Audio" and I selected the Source of "Minecraft". Is the Audio Track that is above that source separate from the Track 3 audio track that is in the Advanced Audio Properties? If not and I send should I set it to a specific track or select "None" or something else?
3 Replies
Please ping if you answer.
If you do not use "Different Audio" then IIRC it will just record the audio from that source
Enabled "Different Audio" and selecting a track will only record that track to the file, so in this case anything that is on track 3 will be recorded to that Source Record file. Since you have only minecraft selected for track 3 then you don't really need to use "Different Audio"
But I would test this to double check if what I'm saying is accurate
Thank you Hunter