Source Record Audio

Does anyone know if the track that Source Record is completely separate from the set of stream tracks? Not sure if I an articulat ethis properly, but let me try. Here is a screenshot from OBS Advanced Audio Properties and it shows all of the tracks. I have Minecraft (gameplay) going to Track 3. Here is a screenshot from Source Record. It has a checkbox for "Different Audio" and I selected the Source of "Minecraft". Is the Audio Track that is above that source separate from the Track 3 audio track that is in the Advanced Audio Properties? If not and I send should I set it to a specific track or select "None" or something else? Thanks Fazu
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3 Replies
FazuBattlecasterOP2y ago
Please ping if you answer.
HunterAP2y ago
If you do not use "Different Audio" then IIRC it will just record the audio from that source Enabled "Different Audio" and selecting a track will only record that track to the file, so in this case anything that is on track 3 will be recorded to that Source Record file. Since you have only minecraft selected for track 3 then you don't really need to use "Different Audio" But I would test this to double check if what I'm saying is accurate
FazuBattlecasterOP2y ago
Thank you Hunter

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