Audio issues
When I looked back at today's vod I noticed that my audio after about 10 minutes of streaming shit the bed not sure why or how but it sounded totally fine through my headphones so I had no clue. This was happening when using OBS 30 and no other plugins for audio.
LogansMediaHub - Uh... DRUMS?!? No requests just jams!
Watch LogansMediaHub's clip titled "Uh... DRUMS?!? No requests just jams!"
12 Replies
To me this sounds like an audio track issue
It sounded bad all the way through
Got the log from the stream?
Actually it got better at the 24m mark. But large chunks are muted
The muted chunks are because I played copyrighted music, I'll grab the logs right now gimme a sec

Heres the file
What was the audio source that was having that issue? Was it the app audio capture?
Looks like all of them were having that issue according to the clip anyways
Actually maybe just the app audio capture
Well you didn't say anything in the Clip and all I cam hear is distorted music
Looking at the full stream
LogansMediaHub - Uh... DRUMS?!? No requests just jams!
Watch LogansMediaHub's clip titled "Uh... DRUMS?!? No requests just jams!"
That's a known issue with the app audio capture source. And it's seemingly a windows issue, so it's going to require Microsoft to fix it
Ah that's fun so for now stick to simpler audio configs?