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All posts for SolidJS
dynamic routes 404?
Infinite scroll
using solid-js/h but reactivity not working is there any way to make it work
Ignore specific error on the client during development (DevOverlay)
Error when evaluating SSR module $vinxi/handler/ssr
cloudflare sending 200 status for *404
Updating a signal vs Updating the data in the database
I want to debounce a signal for some effects, but not others
When, and what types of errors <ErrorBoundary> catch?
Google Analytics
props and createMemo
Solid Start Cloudflare-pages deploy returns 404
How can I animate an svg element, that already has it's custom transform
Parent Get/Set Child Property
createEffect not re-runing when value in accessors are changed
Debugging "Error: Can't render headers after they are sent to the client."
How does Solid attach event handlers to DOM elements?
Routes and fetch requests
<Suspense> not fallbacking correctly
@solid-primitives/spring: obtain velocity?
router: "background" page
Having The Same Context Transfer Different Properties
Handling loading state
[valibot] Types generic
useDraggable how to make second argument reactive
How to modify array partially?
Why does my component only update in a dummy For loop?
navigate - Wait for navigation to finish
Another `template2 is not a function` issue
solid-router causes error: "cleanups created outside a `createRoot` or `render` will never be run"
How to check if createMemo should be used?
"Simulating" loading state with createAsync
Exclude store property from `unwrap` or from being watched
can i change the path of `_server` and `_build` ?
When I use blockly, nothing is on the page
How to onCleanup an async resource from createResource?
Understanding Solid reactivity with console.log
reference child component as ref?
How can I tell solid router to navigate to a page by forcing a refresh, breaking the SPA
Server function not being called (?)
reactivity works in vite dev but fails in vite build
Using createAsync in SolidJS: Handling Data Dependencies
Can I Block All Back Navigation?
SolidStart(?) useContext problem
useContext is undefined
Initial search params
How do I best have createMemo in a store?
I can't initialize a session
Using Solid Signals/Stores in React
Help understanding the `solid` export condition, and how SolidStart uses it
SSG isn't truly static
Error during navigation
Applying styles specifically for vinxi/plugin-mdx generated pages
Dependency error using npm init solid@latest
How to dynamically 'render' a string interweaved with `<span />`'s
Component in test is not updating despite signal change
SingleFlight does not work (See Example)
shadcn-solid plain install ? (maybe a tailwind issue?)
Context provider breaks while using esbuild-plugin-solid
Questions on the `preload` functionality
Generate static UI elements from server data only ONCE
Do a one-time server operation upon page load, and then re-use that data
Component routing vs config-based routing
Client-only API called on the server side.
createSignal equals: false on mutable object value
Third party authentication
Calling a JSX event handler explicitly
How to filter/remove elements from an array within a Store
Related components
Error when using protected$ from @solid-mediakit/auth.
Range input issue with Dynamic component
solid router, absolute routes?
behaviour of createAsync in hooks - why cached?
Solid routing
"Show done" in a basic todo list, and handling reactive arrays
Reactive context in built-in components
Access ref in child component when using forwarding refs
Lots of separate requests when using lucide-solid during devmode
Using useNavigate within client-only action/query
Looping onMount
Can't use `bun run vinxi dev` as a result of a hang, node infinitely increases in CPU and RAM usage
Derrived Signal With A Ressource
failed to resolve import
Trying to understand stores in a reactive scope
createRoot with libraries?
useContext returns undefined
Duplicate `<link rel="canonical">` in SolidStart
Hydration error when using <Show> in SolidStart
Solid Router: save page state inside useBeforeLeave
Socket IO Errors
Stuck on a simple router setup
multiple options for auto import
Why do I end up with a server-fns for a number input component?
Is there away to pass all variable to all children components
Mixing async and signals
Solid-Meta on dynamic SSR routes
How to extract common reactive code?
How to integrate Apollo Client into Solid Start with SSR?
How can I test that all computations were created in a root?
I have integrated @solid/meta in my solid-start project but I keep getting an error.
Just using Filerouter from solidstart
Exception thrown when invoking useNavigate within Router root layout
Solidstart project won't build
Error when evaluating SSR module EVEN WITH ssr: false
Solving "computations created outside ..." using `createMemo() ?`
SolidJS SPA with Better Auth
TanStack Query vs Solid Router
[astro-island] Error hydrating /src/components/SignUp/SignUpForm.tsx TypeError: conds[i] is undefine
`scroll` event emitted until end reached when scrolling lazy-rendered table
How does `query` cache actually work?
Any way to redo this logic without an infinite loop?
Solid Start Vinxi complaining about public and can't resolve public fonts
Solid Start HMR not rebuilding styles on class change
Why is this code not reactive?
Best Practices for Handling Errors in a query-Wrapped Server Function
How to use server function & suspense
Have anyone gotten ts particles to work in solid?
Old client after server update
Seeking Insights on SolidStart Server Function Issue
How to set up a vite dev proxy with Start and Vinxi?
solid styled starter template(solid-start) bug
useParams not updating with urql's createQuery
Suspense not getting triggered although I am accessing the result of createAsync in my components
How to share async data inside a context
onLoad event doesn't trigger
Getting UnhandledPromiseRejection in Solid Start server function that stops dev server
Question about actions + cookies
"Issue Handling Query Parameters with Slashes (/) in SolidStart URLs".
@solidjs/router not working
createSignal vs createStore
How to change base directory
Calling a "use server"; function in a ClientOnly component?
Unable to run any vitest tests on initial launch
How to ideally protecting routes with Layout
solid-start is unable to resolve import aliases
Throw redirects in data APIs with "use server" at the top of the file not working.
Efficiently Managing Supabase Sessions and Context Sharing in SolidStart
Difference between Soild/Signals & Preact/Signals?
Containerized Solid Start Deployments
`useSession()` unexpectedly changing
type augmentation in monorepo with turbo-repo
Complex createResource management
SolidStart Meta not updating
abort `"user server"` function call
Unable to provide context to children
createSignal with preexisting data store?
Solid Start does not load images on load event?
Problem with text that jumps lines CSS
Post CSS with Solid Start
Impossible to build fresh Solidstart
Solid MotionOne, how to animate presence in list (using For)
SolidJS Stores + SortableJS - Weird update bug at runtime | but data is correct.
minified UI library package code calling undefined map
Wrapping SolidStart: JSX is an unknown file extension
Unexpected behavior when dealing with stores (createStore)
<style/> inserted above the component (unwanted)solidstart SSR
Registering API Endpoints on SolidStart
Pattern for "sticky" searchParams?
How to use query.set (prev cache.set) to mutate async data for optimistic updates?
Why submission result doesn't update?
How to type the context from the docs example
Error Boundary does not catch errors of the resource
Child Component not Re-rendering
Client side navigation does not render a page
In a File Route how to make it ignore the parent layout?
How to make a map?
how can I see console.log output in Solid Start server actions?
Need help debugging this error: Client-only API called on the server side. Run client-only code in
My solidstart app just hangs if I use process.env on any place
Changing baseURL based on production and window.location.href
useTransition not working
Route for error 500
How to better handle resource errors when component is instantiated outside of the render function?
Canvas Lags
invoke navigate() after function call but before signal update propagates to ui
SolidStart: serialization error when there is a default value in `createSignal`
Trouble getting `createEffect` to work outside the browser
Passing signals as props in a Route component
TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'when')
redirecting from API route
How do I manually implement hydration for a component?
Need help to convice developers to go to SolidJS
What does it mean when a tags don't navigate to their href?
Solid Start offline indicator in mobile / desktop app
Different server context when using "use server"?
Is there a 'useTransition' React hook equivalent in Solid?
Dynamic meta <Title> not updated on routes Solid-start SSR: false
vite-plugin-solid errors when doing `prop:x` instead of `prop:x={bool}`
Detect when client closes a connection that is being streamed from a server function
dealing with data shared between pages
weird history/url derived state behavior when using mouse back button
How to access env variables inside app.config.ts (solid-start)?
How to include Gzip compression to Solid Start project?
How to do Dark Theme (shadcn-solid + Vite + Tauri)
Prerender not working without javascript
Optimistically change URL and state without waiting for async to resolve
Multiple layouts using `Router`
Missing SSR component after client side navigation (help with icons library SSR)
Can't start solid start project
Run server code only once
[h3] [unhandled] H3Error: Client-only API called on the server side. Run client-only code in onMount
Solidstart Hydration error when using show and jsx element
Setting infinitely deep store?
Difference between `effect` and `createEffect`
Behavior of query.set / cache.set
How to improve list rendering performance?
Error handling with chained resources.
How to handle reactivity in this example?
Server Side Fetching
ServerSide fetching for metatags
Throwing a redirect inside a query
Error when trying to use provider method
actions: I can't tell if this is a bug or a feature
Google AdSense with SolidStart
Project Structure and Build Output Configuration
Component type
Help: Preflight OPTIONS Requests In SolidStart. I'm Lost!
Problem in Canvas
How to prevent re-creation of a component inside <For>?
[error] Client-only API called on the server side. Run client-only code in onMount, or conditionally
Deploy on Coolify
Details on how client code and server code is split
When does load and preload run?
Solid Start Navigation
"Hydrate" custom HTML
Confusion about `"use server"`
`reload`/`revalidate` + other response (e.g. `json` or `redirect`)
Best practice for fetching data and the transfer data to signals that I can can them in the input fi
Redirect in createResource
Hydration Mismatch with `solid-icons`
Is `query` cached per request or globally?
blank page on error
Vercel & CORS Problem
Passing Component in props
Using zod to validate env vars
Pass a named function callback to an old JS library
Difference between a nested route layout and just wrapping a route with a <Layout> component
Is there a way to trigger a store change manually even it's still the same object?
`React is not defined` error from a Solid library
Where to put <MetaProvider>
Using refs in list rendering
Hydration error when using <Show>
Route to Escape SPA?
API Endpoint Security Question
IoC and support for decorators
Masonry code takes too long to open
how can I colocate components in the routes directory
How do I disable codesplitting?
OAuth / OpenID Connect
Mass Normalization of Props
css.preprocessorOptions.scss.additionalData is not working.
Can anyone show code examples of how the permissions work?
Help Configuring SolidStart with Capacitor JS
Which styling library to use?
SSR with `query`
Use an action for a form but stay on the same page?
Particles not working
using action/useSubmission, discern which button submitted the action?
Vinxi conditional config by mode
SEO not working when sharing
Background jobs in Solid Start
Sessions broken on external hosts ?
Is `load` function a mistake for `preload` function?
How to use useSubmission in layout?
How to keep an active item for a list of items in SolidJS?
Reactive conditional rendering based on Store of objects
Rendering <input>s in <For>
Does createAsync cause double renders on the server i.e an extra render after data becomes available
Throw vs return in router’s action
SSR failed to import "drizzle-orm/bun-sqlite"
Weird Vinxi dev issue
Solid devtools with Astro
Nested layouts with dynamic route
`useNavigate` inside an `action`?
Issue when navigating between pages?
All of a sudden `classList` is typed as string | undefined
Handling 404 within existing catch-all route
Bloxclash Setup
Vite keeps loading the packages first before @solidjs/router
Problems to acess objects inside an array
Handling <input>
Submission not reactive in JSX ?
Solid/reactivity lint rule complains about async custom event handlers
Fetch on SSR is missing Cookie on request header
how to manage global signals interacting with other global signals properly?
Action triggering revalidation without cookie
Pre rendering
Suspense and dealing with large data
Jetbrains IntelliSense doesn't work
SolidJS + Typescript
Using solid js in a chrome extension to spawn button
can I handle a group of useSubmisson?
Server Side Rendering
useContext(someContext) returns undefined if the component is inside fallback prop for <Show ... />
BUG?: clientOnly inside Suspense boundary is not shown
Is this a correct implementation? :)
pnpm and ffmpeg-static
How to Implement Page Caching
Css modules not getting nonce attribute
Nested Stores not tracking with `trackDeep`/`trackStore`
mutate & refetch not causing a re render
Matching Error State with createAsync
SolidStart layout shifts using createAsync
pRPC - redirect not working in callers
How to make setStore treat a class/interface as an opaque value instead of a partiable one?
Reactive array transformation
Display HTML entity
Re: Reset a store to its initial value, doesn't react
exporting css from solid-lib-starter
CreateEffect and store properties
How to make use of <Suspense>
`classList` does not seem to apply the classes on render
Reactivity with shadcn-solid textfield
Bootstrap event handlers using on:* directive
Create resource TS types fail when using `{ refetching }`
solid-motionone/@solid-primitives/transition-group - onMount/createEffects called before add to DOM
How to avoid temporary undefined values in template literals in solid-meta?
[h3] [unhandled] TypeError [ERR_INVALID_CHAR]: Invalid character in header content ["X-Error"]
Should I use reconcile everytime I use produce?
Vinci build API issue
<Show> not tracking signals
Fetch request render HTML content to my page
RPC "use server" and CSRF Attacks
Default SEO vs Route SEO
is middleware strictly for server?
solidjs/html use: attributes
Reactivity stopped - advice for debugging?
can I import a `named export` while lazy loading the `default export`?
export route = {}
How to transform into getters outside of props?
Restricting children to specific component types
`createResource` for Create and Update Requests?
Uncaught Error: Failed attempt to create new DOM elements during hydration. Check that the libraries
Dynamic Component & Props
Setting custom 'children' type
Modifying subsets of resources, not re-rendering
How does Solid’s JSX attribute vs. prop implicit binding work?
H3Error: Cannot find module 'bun:sqlite' imported from
Why does this loop infinitely
Cache Auth Wrapper
How are you supposed to satisfy refs when not forwarding to a pure DOM node?
How to avoid passing too many props?
Cache with sanity
Confused between For and index
Can I nest cache functions
Production build in solid start is broken with vanilla extract
useParams() returns params with unknown values
How to get 'client side' createResource behavior in SolidStart?
Add scripts to header from string
template2 is not a function
custom css classes not applied somehow
Losing reactivity when importing a signal from a library that uses SolidJS
Display relative time as signal
Any tip/checklist to debug Solid components when it refuses to react the signal changed?
SolidStart 1.0 and Deno 2.0
Issues when using SolidJS with child web components
is there a way to start data fetching before component rendering?
Store with const obj values passed to it does not update.
Background jobs
&& in <Show> when condition and typescript?
unwrap doesn't seem to do anything
Migrating from `<input>` to contentEditable and handle selection
How do I run an effect every change except initialization?
Context lost on HMR
Replit with solid-start hmr
What's the correct way to wrap server functions?
template2 is not a function
Cloudflare worker presigned url S3, R2
Deploying a VITE+Solid app
How to reduce undefined judgments
Using JSX in custom directives
`createContext`, What's the point?
How to mount a Solid component to a dom element?
Solid.js does not render children in a `<For>` loop correctly
.node file not being imported properly?
Solidjs admin panel?
How to use `cache.set`?
Importing bootstraps JS
Super slow _server function
Fundamental reactivity
Random Crashes when redirecting via middleware
Input type="reset" clears out wrapped inputs
Stores & CreateResource
Is there a hook for causing a reactive update manually?
How to implement a simple search-button?
Solid Router 0.14 Suspense Behaviour
Any way to pass the value of an event to say an onChange handler?
How do one test a custom primitives?
Are component props reactive?
Blank page while using vercel analytics
Weird solid start behavior
npx solidui-cli failing
Server Action Invalid URL
Can't make Router Work
createResource and createContext
Auth in layout?
get return cache type
how to make an input field that only allows numbers ?
refetch failed resources whenever their sources change?
Invalid Frame Header only on production build websockets
production build runs my code twice
cache doesnt revalidate inside websocket on('message')
Anybody gotten trpcError not crash start during SSR?
Validation of the props
Hydration errors with inline JSX
Delete items from store array issue
solid-plotly.js a new wrapper for Plotly.js
Why can I return a function from onMount?
"use server" doesn't work if put at the top of the file
How do I do something after a redirect, like reload the page, or in this case reconnect a websocket?
SRR And Web Crawlers. Help Me Understand
Should I destroy and create a new websocket connection on each page?
How to crossws websocket Resolver API access getSession?
Saving data to a store that has a getter?
npm install is taking forever
I can't load app.scss inside app.tsx and load globally on all pages
__vite-browser-external:node:async_hooks:3 Uncaught Error: Module "node:async_hooks" has been extern
How do I implement a custom fileRouter using vinxi
What is wrong with Math.random create Signal
Websockets in SolidStart Example
State sharing between Islands
custom props not rendered on nested components
Safari Video Not AutoPlaying when inside a Suspense
Router determine if 404 route
Vinxi server build fails: Big integer literals not available in target environment ("es2019")
Client side singleton for heavy resource allocation
disable untrack when param changes
Is it possible to show <Errorboundary> as toast/pop up?
null error
submission error doesn't show when js is disabled
Questions about migrating from MobX
subroute not rendering on client nav
Multiplayer in SolidJS
load custom css after a package is loaded
Solid SSR Setup
how to wrap one of the control components
Uncaught errors crashing Solid Start server (dev and production)
createResource with a nested source signal doesn't retrigger
Filtering projects not working
Type for two-element array event handlers
Reflect.getMetadata('design:paramtypes', target) returns undefined for SolidJS app using Vite
`onMount` not called / Component not rendered?
fix function running only on build
Proxy error
Sevoral Error while using AbortController
Foreign data not rendering unless page is reloaded
issues with createContext and useContext
Window freezes in dev mode
How do you use rewrite in production?
modern equivalent of `createRouteData()`
Force rerender of entire component on prop change
prevent portal from bubbling events
Push params to url without page scrolling to top
Console.log inside createEffect not printing...Even the setUser was called.
Keep client bundle small
Template doesn't react to property change in store of array of objects
hydration mismatch when using SuspenseList
solid func for beforeunload
(!) Failed to retrieve local session state from cookies after a successful session refresh
SolidJS renderToString with Hono: Undefined or 'React not defined' error
Client Only - Local Storage
Prevent re-rendering many components when object in store-array is updated
Reset signals when prop value changes
Abort server function
Animate page transition
"use server"; RPC calls cannot access global objects
Issue with nested routes
Create one global store with multiple createResource
help me
Cycles in dependency graph
Custom Accordion - Not Consistant
SolidStart - proper `_server` form action urls are only on page refresh.
best way to update multiple children in a multi timer app?
crazy bug global store + solid router
SolidStart - Server Only
App Structure
Cannot find module
Failed To Resolve
Overlay is not shown
Cannot call server function outside of a request
Router: get current config path?
Can I Pass `createAsync()` a Signal?
App errors because nodemailer
What is the ideal way to issue a redirect from the middleware?
Sugestion for Repeat component
dev server pending forever request solid start
Using localStorage after creating a project with solidstart
Hydration problem?
Solid-start/sockets only in development mode
`createAsync` crashing my app
Keeping data and code secure and on the server (restrict code to initial render)
How to update date object?
How does Transition API and createAsync interact?
Retrigger fetcher in createResource on store change
How to catch all errors but keep rendered component?
How to access cookies with ssr?
Unexpected SolidStart Behavior On Vercel. Can You Help?
Hydration mismatch when trying to reference slot element outside of JSX
Context Provider in Layout Component for nested routes in a solid start App is undefined
How Can I Generate A Sitemap?
Inconsistent prop logging between playground and local setup
Possible to define more specific predicated for when prop on Match or Show
How to use preloaded data
How do you recommend using SolidStart to access data for native mobile apps?
Environment Variables Missing `npm run start`
Best way to get search params in an API route?
Top level "use server" doesn't seem to work
solid-router: navigate(-1) or navigate(path)? How do we know which?
Will my "product" experience downtime when I publish my "codebase"/"admin panel"
Warning in build with PandaCSS
Performance Overhead When Panning And Zooming
Type '() => JSX.Element' is not assignable to type 'Element'
Show Callback with explicit condition
SSG/SSR on specific paths for landing page
Solid way to Show components based on information from the session or cookies or server only data?
How to trigger server function for SSR when transitioning routes?
onChange only fires when press enter ?!
How to handle repeatedly updating a value in a large Store
How To Communicate Between Components
createAsync not updating UI on client
Cannot build SSG
Reactivity from a hook passed down to a component
Help understanding createResource
[Solved] Change store object using reconcile
Help styling an component via props using TailwindCss.
useLocation and useNavigate in the layout? complains about `avoid serving legacy javascript` in my solid-start built site
solidstart with appwrite auth
why solidstart production build contains many references to source code?
is there an interactive guide for Solid Start?
cache function provided in 'solid-router' doesn't work properly when used with Promise.allSettled .
Seemingly random hydration mismatches
Aceternity UI components
Modifying Signals Returned by createAsync in SolidJS: Best Practices and Alternatives
"use server" working locally but not when deployed
Signal lost its reactivity when passed into another function
useSubmission pending state resolves on url change?
`ReferenceError: jQuery is not defined`
Netlify + Web Component
does any sort of primitive similar to Show for non-jsx use exist?
Can't get fetch to work in server code
use of cache causing page not to render at all on client nav
Using WASM in Solid(Start)
how to make SSG use dynamic client-side routing instead of full page refresh?
derived, but update-able, signal?
how to change solid-start build `target`?
Impossible to navigate to route that have any component using setSearchParams in createEffect
how to disable server output, enable *only* pre-rendering?
Unexpected End of JSON Input on API Route
using id on route and named route breaks
how to update the DOM styles in a time sequence when a single signal changes?
Is there a way to enforce children of a particular component type?
how to redirect in a "use server" function?
Solidstart routing group
isDev is false in dev
How can I make createEffect in SolidJS execute only when the dependency variable changes, and not wh
Race condition
Solidstart and websockets
What is the logic for the generatino of hyd. keys eg 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-1-0-0-0-0-0-0-1-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-2
onMount randomly not called
Weird Context Behaviour
Cookies banner
solid-transition-group not working inside createRoot
Multiple build
Getting value from store is not reactive.
handling (http) errors with createResource
Redirect on Client
Can you use hooks conditionally?
use createMemo outside a component
is solid-start dev server broken?
Cache-Busting with solid.js
What is the timeout of 'use server' functions?
Cache server variable separately in db, server, front-end
permission and groups
[BUG?] Router: `isRouting()` immediately returns `false` when transition is not completed
Solid Router - Lazy import section of site in one bundle / lazy add routes
Help with creating a builder pattern for main renderer
Export variable
Solid Form
Override component events
Mutate a Resource after fetch efficiently when using <For>
Hydration problem in Solid Start
JSX onWheel not being called.
server functions and ssr, how to get client headers during ssr when calling server functions
typing Page props ?
how to manually invalidate everything in cache in a server function.
Infinite context loop in start dev?
how do form actions revalidate data?
nested layout
what does returning an error from a server function do? I don't see it in the console anywhere.
is "use server" necessary for form actions in solid start?
How does useSession work from vinxi?
how to redirect from form actions
Endless "[vite] ✨ optimized dependencies changed. reloading"
With Solidstart, how do I force a refresh or prompt for it post a deployment
Need help debugging animations
Caching server-side render results
importing static assets (telling vinxi/vite about stuff other then png's)
Precache service worker
Failed to parse URL from after refreshing page
Offline Documentation?
"?raw" imports don't work with vercel
CSS dropping on navigation to nested [id] route
Authenticated routes in SPA
How to do client side redirects
Dynamic `<head>`
useContext from function dynamically imported
How to send emails
Testing createResource with dynamic import
memo is rerun but any side effects subscribed are'nt reran
useRouter hook
Deploying solidstart problems
<For> throws Cannot access 'product2' before initialization
createMemo question
Embla Carousel
<For> throws hydradtion error with a <span> as fallback element
Corvu Dialog
modularforms controlled/transform inputs not working
Showing error on ssr static builds, but don't know what it is
createAsync different values on client and server SSR issue
Pass props from Component to props.children
Appropiate type for Router root
How to create and test a data fetching library?
AOS alternative
<A> Component: #id Breaking Link
Component with only <For /> in it removes all HTML children
How can I use a custom hook with createMemo in many places?
Image optimization & createAsync saying that can be null
Why this modal reactivity is not working? 60 lines of code
How can I publish to github pages?
Resource state never updates when consumed by <Show>
Wait on (async) onMount from Parent before running (sync) onMount from Children?
undefined on contexts that depend on each other
How can i run some dom manip before rendering?
createResource blocks navigation
SolidJS routing not working, needs to reload the page.
Why do Components in For get recreated on any change
err::insecure_response: solid-start `service-worker` with 'vite-plugin-pwa'
Button to API route returns 404 but direct hit functions
How can I persist state across page refreshes?
No route matched for preloading js assets
How to wrap a store without losing reactivity
Make the child of a memoized component reactive
Best approach for using createResource
Context with children(() => props.children) helper triggers an error
Solid-Start vinxi/http issue with useWebRequest
How to use a common header with solid-router nested layouts
Creating a <ProtectedRoute/> component to use with solid router
Cannot build for Vercel
How to use a resource in a structure field as a reactive signal?
Slider packages
Binding events in a typesafe way with typescript?
SSR Cookies
How do I refresh data without reloading the page
HOC for Suspense and ErrorBoundary
Optimize image loading
Hydration Mismatch. Unable to find DOM nodes for hydration key
JWT to Cookie
Creating a store with data returned from an async function
Prisma integration example fails in build
Confusion about Preload mechanism
whats this
How to add vitest
chat why do i get strapi app i want a solid app
Outlet issue on routes
Generic yet obscure Vinxi error when compiling
component not update
Question Relating to Arrays
Is this a bug?
Can i set a temp variable in template?
changing route with useNavigate() causes onMount() of the child route to be fired twice
Cant set signal from getting another signal typescript error
is it ok to use `action()` to handle form submission in a SPA?
What type a derived signal should be?
Can I Preload Data in Non-Route Components?
"Cannot find module" for image files
How to create a `resource` which accepts two signals but only refetches when the second one changes?
Button click not working
Is there a type for children?
Build Error: " No known conditions for "./routes" specifier in "vinxi" package"
Is there any examples of making a library with vite that exports a Solid.js Component.
Error when using "createResource" as global.
LocalStorage Hydration Mismatch
Firefox - PROD - CORS Missing Allow Origin
Cast from `Type | undefined`
Setting Cookies in API Route with `aws-lambda-streaming` nitro preset.
Navigating through @solidjs/router doesn't load global app.css
createResource signal isn't trigger if undefined or null
is it necessary to mark "use server" for useSession
set signal batched intermediate sets are lost for animation
Untrack has no effect but signal doesn't fire anyway
Using vitest to render FileRoutes?
"default" is not exported by "src/entry-client.tsx"
Using createEffect to denormalise for efficiency - good/bad idea?
How do get Cloudflare bindings in dev?
Redirecting on protected routes
Error : Hydration Mismatch
Section that only render for specific paths
context provider's values are not being updating after useContext gets user session info.
How to use `createResource` value to initialize another signal on the client?
Cleanup function
Can The load() Function Access Secure Values?
Use `createEffect` in a terminal environment with Deno and TypeScript
Objects passing through a store are copies, even after unwrapping... why?
How to watch only one signal in createEffect?
Signals in global scope vs component scope.
Continuos refetches using Solid tanstack, / Reactivity logic?
css loads slowly (lazily?) causing ugly page for a few frames
How to process and save Uploaded File on server side
Help Me Understand "use server" Security
Using Router Action with Solid (not SolidStart)
Ideas what could cause static assets from failing to import?
Cloudflare Pages deployment route content not loaded
"[error] UnknownAction" on getSession() in AuthJS
createStore doesn't trigger createResource refetch action.
web-vitals integration
Is there a more proper way to set value across components?
Implement 'load more' feature efficiently
How can I make sure that data from createAsync is loaded, before passing it to another function
Is createAsync supposed to work with Suspense?
<Title> Component Throwing Error. Can you help?
Issue deploying Solid Start server functions on Vercel
Per-route CSS when using FileRoutes
Server functions returning page not found
is this a good pattern?
Mutating a resource
How to store JSX element in a signal and render it from other elements
How to make range input element reactive
Why is this not reactive? (using signal + html open attribute)
how do i dedupe requests without `cache`?
Is there a way to prevent `lowercaseevent` names?
Issue with Solid JS Routing After Deployment
How to pass props to context reactively?
Is there a way to access children props?
is there a way to disable default lazy loading for routes in solidstart?
Granular update of store array doesn't trigger effects depending on the whole array
Need to add a Babel plugin to solid start
EventSource's response has a MIME type ("text/html") that is not "text/event-stream".
With CSR, I see components inside Suspense rendering without waiting for CreateAsync's data
Incorrect response MIME type. Expected 'application/wasm'.
I have a use case for createResource vs normal async await api call.
Is My Understanding Of RouteSectionProps Correct?
Page content not updating on route change
How to get snapshot value from store
AggregateError on accessing my db with drizzle-orm and supabase
how to create brotli files when building?
Can't build solid-start app on vercel
Using session causes "Cannot set headers after they are sent to the client"
Help Me Solve "undefined" warning When Using <Show> Component
Vercel server call not Allowed: 405 Method Not Allowed
Vite Certificate
@solidjs/start @solidjs/meta not being SSR'd when resources used, bug or my misuse?
Redirect does not happen during load if there is an awaited call before it.
Bug? with ssr, lazy loading, and css.
how using createRoot?
useNavigate outside of router - for example on authentication faiures?
How do i host static vinxi build with nginx so the routing works, is there any guide?
Running into ambiguous error
SOLVED: createLazyMemo Broken?
How to use useSubmission with server action passed to form?
Struggling with load function and cache revaliation
Basic store example is not reactive
setStore TypeScript Issue
Redirect troubles
Error: Cannot find cache context
Phosphor icons
`bun create solid` takes long time to create a new project
Is there a convenient way to check the permissions of a user
How to route `products/[id]/settings` in Solidstart?
(Vinxi)Error while deploying a project generated by Solid Start
this is undefined
Is the `solid-element` library still being maintained?
Issue with localStorage and signals
Proper Usage of load() for Authentication and Redirection in Solid-Start
Different header for specific routes
Returning Errors and not throwing
With Solid Auth template, I get "UnknownAction: cannot parse action at /api/auth/session"
Is this a good method to secure routes?
solidjs pnpm workspace
Return error when try to setting session
Reactivity not referentially transparent?
How to opt-out of re-triggering page-level resources after server action invocation
Implications of using multiple routers across app
SOLVED: Non-Reactive Memo for Reactive Values?
Context providers inside <Routes> don't provide context values to routed content - Issue #273
Recommended CSS Compiler for Solid
Unable to deploy solid-start website to netlify
Beginner question about signals
DOMException *sometimes* after changing element order
Layout rendering breaking
Best way to pass complex values (e.g. objects) to a route?
DeepTrack for a `Component[]` (Deeptrack for functions)
How to make full static generation
Reactivity in store
Redirect in production:
routing based on subdomain
Routing: Component/UI Element not rendered
`class` vs `classList` behaviour
How to set URL for static assets?
Solid Start Nested Router
Reactivity issues with array items
Using Lucide Icons removes all components from the DOM.
Help with context and storybook
Broken reactivity @ `vite-plugin-solid` with `{dev:false}`, but works fine with `{dev:true}`.
npm run build fails if outDir is changed
`vite-plugin-solid` ignores/removes `/** @jsxImportSource ... */` pragma comment
nested router, root leads to 404
Busboy "missing content-type" error
Importing external .d.ts declarations for Web Components
ErrorBoundary reset() method
Google Fonts
Hydration Mismatch error when resource passed as a prop
Solid with Sanity CMS
Optimistic UI with useSubmissions/useSubmission not working
What Replaced createRouteData?
How to make Server Sent Event (SSE)
How do I recursively wrap a `JSX.Element` with an `Array<FlowComponent>`
Broken vercel deployment with solidstart 1.0.0 and pnpm monorepo - clientOnly does not load
TransitionGroup from props derived from store duplicates items
VsCode: Cannot find name react
Solid, CDK, Basic S3+CF Distro
createStore doesn't signal with a class as the store, but everything else works.
404 in deployment with Vercel
Accessing server on Network
NPX failing to install
How to set a new value in a store of `Record<string, __>`?
SolidStart is it possible to make `load` function on Solid Router async?
can I configure seroval plugins?
Split server code from client code
How to make fetch request on server before sending html to client?
error handling with lazy
Run route.load and access return value only once when navigating to page
How to handle Loading/Error
Integrating external mutable objects
Is there a way to hydrate signals on the server?
Index page blanks out after coming back from another route
access event.locals from a server function
Help understanding actions and how to manage user session
Can I get some assistance with context usage?
Question about store `range` update API
Problem with createAsync.
How does serializing work
Wheel event not firing on chrome 125?
Create Effect not executing
Meta head management with title template?
Is it possible to do url rewrite like Nextjs in middleware?
Just wondering, is there any implementation of RealWorld app in SolidStart?
Syntax-sugar for binding state to window or client size?
Can I make a library package in solid-start
Yet another reactivity problem :cry:
Is it possible to configure a custom RPC endpoint in SolidStart? [Tauri] [CapacitorJS]
Solid as a global variable
Is It Possible To Pass An Extra Parameter To A Form Action?
Dynamic imports?
How to get and set simple data or a variable in a session?
Hydration mismatch (SolidStart)
Seroval File Serialization
Session stores in SolidStart
vite-plugin-checker with v1 Start?
Excel table component
FileRoutes layout
Routing and using special characters with <FileRoutes>
Cannot read properties of undefined @ router normalizePath
The combination of API routes and data loading functions
How to Execute Server Action on Each Route Visit?
The requested module '/_build/node_modules/.pnpm/
[email protected]
Whole page component rerenders in default Solid-Start project
SolidStart: Uncaught SyntaxError: The requested module '/_build/node_modules/resolve/index.js'
Different folder but making Vercel work on it (I'm a beginner)
Path syntax flexibility
Renaming Index not working?
Getting Prisma TypeError in the browser console in a SolidStart app after doing build and start:
I have a question when building npm create solid with-prisma template.
Solid and It's Ecosystem
Getting random behavior from cache(), createAsync() and signals
SolidStart ver.1
having separate layout
Modify dev server port
SOLVED: Trigger Side Effects on a Callbacks Dependency Updates
Destructuring functional props remove reactivity ?
Cannot read properties of null (reading 'nextSibling') ERROR in a hello world simple Solidstart web
Query vs data loader?
Deploying static site + hosted functions
Support for discriminated union types?
Are Record types a bad type for using stores in Solid?
ReferenceError: exports is not defined when using islands on dev
create example solidstart project takes forever
FIXED: fetch error on route load function
Error: Hydration Mismatch.
A simple case(ts) of using "native drag(webapi)" with solid.
How to export setter function for component?
createAsync vs createResource and how does Suspense work?
tree structure: granular updates and retain open state
deploying a solid js app in render while consuming a backend api
How do i fetch data correctly in a route?
Adding new element to an array before the last element inside solid store
Using SolidStart's prisma template app, getting odd error & crash from the route.
Modularizing Components
Context with Meta
Suspense overlay
is hmr broken? or is this intentional?
How to label each page with a title?
Comp is not a function?
how to return a 404 error in `cache`?
Solidstart with CSR, SSR and SSG?
View transition api and solid start
Vercel deployment broken
Layout Help
OAuth2 with Scopes
Do something when a submission ends if there's more than 1 action
Is there a good way to force Solid to fully rerender a component when its props change?
Maximum call stack size exceeded
Which way to go? Solid Router's action or SolidStart server function
Issues with creating a new solidstart app
solid-router, don't remount when component is the same between routes
How do I redirect properly?
enableScheduling causes simple solid router examples to crash
SolidJS with Vite vs Solid Start
Server Action Updates Load Function Server-Side but Stays Stale Client-Side
Empty Password while updating session.
Cloud Flare Context is not defined when using Session
Problem importing useSession from vinxi/http
Universal rendering does not trigger re-render and onMount or onCleanup
declare types for locals?
How do I set up different languages in routes in SS?
Can cache be manually set?
Await a resource inside a function?
how to load data on link hover?
Trouble With onCleanup()
how do i redirect on load?
Difficulty updating deeply nested store: produce() typed as Partial<T>
Where can I find any documentation about `RouteDefinition`?
how do i use Drizzle?
Problems changing the value of a reactive signal returned from a function
OptionalParams in route not working
Reactivity resulting from updates in a websocket event listener
How do i conditionally add something to <head> based on what createAsync returns?
How do you delete an entry in an array when using `createStore`
Uncaught ReferenceError: React is not defined
What do I do if I have to wait for things to happen, meanwhile define extra state or what
Vinxi build failing in CI
Reactivity in single table cell from memoized data
Insights on my component library
Assistance with SolidStart and Supabase Auth in SSR
Why is solid start dev site so heavy?
<Show /> vs React-style conditional rendering.
Reactivity in single cell in nested For tags
Filter and <For each />
Is it possible to have a nextjs-style app router?
Potential upstream problem in solid for users of Astro + solid + cloudflare?
I dont even know what the error is
Does the Solid compiler convert JSX to template variables? Know anything about this issue here?
Any recommendations, or does it look good?
Styled-components or Tailwind?
should you manually remove event listeners from onMount with onCleanup
Standards/Conventions for Solid/SolidStart project setup
Solid Router within Router
Shared Layouts with SolidStart
Confused with SolidStart and context provider
createAsyncResource and <Suspense>
Save global var in SolidJS
Custom renderer with hyper dom expressions
How do I stream search results to client with solid-start?
How Do I Update The createAsync() Signal?
Reactivity of my component
Create route which opens a modal
Comp is not a function when using remarkMath
Stop infinite recursion when updating state
Grouping/Combining multiple context providers
Solid.js onClick event is not firing when app is in ShadowRoot.
UnoCSS installation issue related to ESM imports
Reloading Wasm or Reloading Page
Hydration mismatch
form action Breaking On Second Submit
Is there a way to skip the createResource query until a parameter is available?
The requestEvent in the middleware is different from requestEvent from getRequestEvent in the same
On the server, `getRequestEvent()` sometimes returns null
Component that can render a different tag depending on prop?
Hydrating SSR - <Hydrate /> doesn't seem to rehydrate dehydrated app
revalidate() Not Working As Expected
Destructuring with splitProps
Computations created outside a `createRoot` or `render` will never be disposed
scroll restoration
Should I disable `solid/reactivity` linter warning in this case?
`createPresence` with `createResource` and `Suspense`
hmr issues
OnMount fired twice for the same component
Solidjs with AEM Integration
App.tsx with Solid-transition-group fails to create dom on CSR.
Ref's parentElement
Get array of matched nested routes
Issues with peer dependencies found
Return non DOM element as component with hyper dom expressions
Using babel-preset-solid in browser
porting over some ssr react code, getting different behavior
createSignal + createRenderEffect
Binding to component onClick
Solidjs vs Astro with Solidjs
html range input doesn't work correctly inside <Dynamic> on android devices
Router primitives can be only used in side a Route.
Getting Object.hasOwn is not a function on older browsers. Attaching the trace
Style attribute not updating in Safari
Server Actions and Cookies sending error: Cannot set headers after they are sent to the clien
how to use bun:sqlite without it leaking to the browser?
Solid +Astro SSR + Data Fetching on hydration
Is it ok to use a global store to persist component state between mounts?
Kobalte 13.x update issue
Tagged Template Literals - Why is unwrapped props value reactive?
API route in Route Group not picked up?
computations created outside a `createRoot` or `render` will never be disposed
"AsyncLocalStorage" is not exported by "__vite-browser-external"
About tracking re-renders and Store usage
Get the request header inside a form action? For Solid Start
“Push synchronization to the edge of the reactive graph”
Router preload and cache.set don't seem to be working
Is this (completely 🫣) illegal in Solid world?
Calling root render multiple times
Vite 5.2.x / Vitest 1.5.x: How to Resolve Multiple Instances of Solid
When to use createEffect
Force effect computation, or alternate approach?
How to update a table of textfields? (stop re-rendering when users type)
direct Access to pages resulting in 404 error
Does the createMemo() in the "Solid in 100 secs" vid make sense?
How do i make a dropdown menu?
getRequestEvent not return the correct type in monorepo
What's the correct way to make store persistent?
Why can't I change the path alias "~/*" to "@/*" in the tsconfig.json?
Does SolidStart support private folders in the routes directory?
Preloading Data with 'use server'
Tailwind CSS Styles Not Applied After Adding SolidJS Routes, Why ?
Are store reactive?
Render a new router and redirect in action of opened component doesn't redirect in the opened window
Slow table paint/display
Help Me Stop Theme Flashing In SolidStart
Vite error when evaluating SSR module
global state for auth
URL Query Parameters
Mapping props to attributes
Form validation help
equivalent of React.detailedHTMLProps<T>?
`<Dynamic>` function prop args are `any`
how to deploy a website built with the solid.js framework on vercel?; troubleshooting
Wrapping `<FileRoutes />` in `ErrorBoundry`
How do I build my component?
Practice of handling application globals in Solid(Start) symmetrically across client and server?
Ideal way to load settings/configs
How to call `useNavigate` outside of router
Hydration Mismatch Error Every Time I Update a Component
How can I synchronize two stores without running into an infinite loop?
What is the most idiomatic way of disabling an effect after a condition is met?
page refresh taking alot of time or may be not loading
Getting `Error | Uncaught Client Exception` without any errors in the console
TypeError: useContext is not a function or its return value is not iterable
Build process with solidstart
Conditionally redirect based on resource result?
share context through web-components
library template
Is conditional rendering possible?
How to output raw HTML with SSR Start?
How to make a reactive copy of a store.
How to deal with `on:event` in typescript?
How can I inject json-ld data into my route page?
Is this Firebase Context correct?
`onClick` delegated event fires wrong handler
Is it possible to access Request in action?
SolidStart with TanStack Query causing hydration error
Side effect in bundled code `ie(["click", "keydown"]);`
Dynamically remove effect
I see my Solid Start app downloading tons of ts, tsx, scss files - Attaching Screenshot
onLoad attribute on a link tag in entry-server not running
Reactive field inside objects of an array
How do you keep reactivity?
Configure Background for routes
Transparent Border styling is weird
Adapting a list of objects to signals
Using Kobalte, am trying to use the Tooltip. But I don't like how the trigger is a button.
Difference between using `const` and `function` to declare a function
Refs to children elements?
Stores, context, & reactivity
Authentication in both component and middleware
Dynamically rendering components
Discord Invite via DM
Why Would I Use An Action For Anything Other Than Form Submissions?
I got spam from this server.
`vite-plugin-solid` makes Vitest take over twice as long to run
Passing JSX around: Computations created outside a `createRoot` or `render` will never be disposed
How to rerender children whenever a signal changes?
Solidjs route not working...
Getting the full domain/url server side
Does Solid Router's APIs provide any way to abort a pending submission?
No Context when using hyper dom expressions
How do you do route transitions with SolidStart's <FileRoutes />?
How to do CSR in SolidJs?
App is misconfigured. Please correct sub_filter.
facing reactivity issues
The props are reactive, right?
Is it possible for all requests and actions to share a server side (singleton) module in memory?
Delete key in store
Solid Start Route for simple redirect
Am I obliged to combine Suspense with Show?
computations created outside ... in a Context
Need help on how to make "Kind of multipage" in SolidJs
Possible to map of `useSubmissions` result?
Help Me Understand SolidStart vs. Next.js Caching
Understanding Solid Reactivity Lint Error
Example in solid-testing-library example not working
"<A> and 'use' router primitives can be only used inside a Route." When testing component in router
Failed to execute 'replaceChild' on 'Node': The node to be replaced is not a child of this node.
Set default location state
Why does adding a new field duplicate the value?
Does SolidStart have a function like basePath of nextjs?
Dependency configuration in Astro
How do I postpone invocation of fetcher function of the solid-js resource?
how to edit html attribute?
How to deploy SolidStart project to Cloud (AWS/GCP etc.)
Resource loading from param blocks navigation
Is it bad to have A LOT of `createEffect` in a single component ?
How SolidStart SSR (& hydration) work?
Struggling with Router useParams() reactivity
order of reactivity
how to deal with flashes of unstyled content
Storybook `children` not working as expected
Range input doesn't work correctly with props value
How to work with SSR pages?
Context and HMR
Delegated custom events
`createEffect` doesn't working in `input.addEventListener('change')`
Typescript auto completion is broken in a monorepo
Ternary and Show have unequal output
websocket get peers on the server
Router isn't working.
Idiomatic way to handle API route errors
"Cannot call server function outside of a request" in onRequest middlware hook
What do you recommend for drag and drop capabilities?
Adding Auth to Solid-Start, need some pointers
Router brakes css
createShortcut callbacks fire even if a textinput has focus
Removing element from store array doesn't remove rendered items
<Index> with stores
Can't find replace attribute on <Navigate />
Solid-CLI won't create any project
createEffect is reactive, JSX isn't
Restricte route by user role, possibly a middleware?
Navigating with A from and to dynamic route doesn't re-render.
Is it possible to get createAsync to revaluate/ refetch data like createResource?
[solved] Can't use `@solidjs/router` in external package for SolidStart
Seems like I found a JSX bug
How can I protect nothing ever breaks, while the setTimeout is waiting
Canonical way to handle exceptions in async functions to perform redirect?
[solved]Issue with Solid Start MDX Project: 404 Error for New Page
Trying SolidJS + Deno + ViteJS + Solid-Router + TailwindCSS, would love some help :)
How to css preloading
Handling of sensitive information from the front end
Resource with async cache
Getting this error - TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading '_isDirty')
Derived signals with args?
JS Full stack framework designed web vs API fetch use web
How do you preserve reactivity across package boundaries?
How to create a wrapper for SolidJS's setStore in TypeScript?
submit form without reloading
setStore with partial application
Set cookie from a resource
Trouble creating an Ory based login
how do you usually convert a form field from string to number on rpc servershould i use valibot to
when changing a dynamic variable that contains json <For> will not be re-rendered
HMR briefly updates before reverting in docker container.
Hmr doesn't work with custom port
Mutate data for optimistic updates with createAsync
I've shot myself in the foot again.
CreateResource does not update as expected
How to add babel plugin into new configuration?
Cannot find module
Bundle lazy load
Set search params after navigate
How to destructure properly?
CSS Modules not updating without page refresh
Dynamic Route Being Called Twice
Async Primitive
`createMutable` fails Vitest's `toStrictEqual` when `vite-plugin-solid` is active
Render Portal as Error Boundary Fallback?
events not fired inside react modal
How to decorators typescript signal
How to avoid passing props all over the place
Does streaming work in SolidJS with signals?
Route definition within a component
Need help with running solid-community/solid-primitives
How to build styled Web Component with a CSS library?
Using SolidJS's produce(), but with Immer-style patch generation?
Cookie bug
Why is `BoundEventHandler` typed this way?
How can you get the id of element body when its id is changed?
Is anyone detecting light vs dark mode on their site>
how to end response without using "nativeEvent"?
what's the difference between? createResource andcreateAsync
How to create a reactive localstorage?
How do i make a list properly reactive to state changes?
SolidStart - Create T3 Equivalent
Can't use import `assert {"type":"json"}``
Was watching Theo's video and wondered if solid had a good way to do this
How to use load property of <Route>
update JSON.stringify when child object updates
Passing State between different routes
Solid Contexts with Astro for authentication
Issue subscribing to store changes
I have no clue what I am doing wrong
How can I only set the ref for an element once it's been inserted into the DOM?
Intersection Observer Issues
what write so as not to constantly write a redirect in every function in case of unauthorize
Solid doesn't re-render when update the same array in createSignal
For some reason <select> doesn't work correctly
Can someone tell me how to redirect the user on each API, if 401, that is, do not write the logic ag
How to use web component in solidjs
How do I debug updates
How to detect button holding in solid js?
Vite internal server error expected "}" but found end of file
How do I "curry" a function with props?
MobX + SolidJS enableExternalSource untracked bug?
how to efficiently make nested data structures in solid
SolidStart - Nitro Module missing `context` keys in `request`
Handle user interactions to send backend
How do I use solid for reactivity without a build step?
use directive typescript error
I have to fetch initial information in a component, how do I do it?
Dynamically creating resources based on reactive state in Solid Store
Struggling to understand the correct way to use createResource with a store
How do I "protect" routes? I am using @solidjs/router
What are canonical patterns to separate UI from domain logic in SolidJS?
solidjs createResource doesn't show error when there was an error i.e 401 Invalid credentials
someone used the plugin postcss-functions ?
Hydration Mismatch. Unable to find DOM nodes for hydration key
solid primitives storage is bug
memo with dynamic props pass
Pass authed user data to protected routes
AWS Amplify with SSR Solid Start
Why is it considered wrong to destruct props?
If I am using a singleton class why would I use a context
Deployed in Vercel, but doesnt load CSS files
How to create a nested menu from a nested object?
is it possible to use matchFilters from @solidjs/router in file routes?
What am I missing for HMR, here?
dev environment constantly not showing pages correctly
How to make optimistic update using solidjs?
Reacting to a store change outside the context of a root or render function
Setting properties to the unwrapped value of a store doesn't always propagate into the store
Is there any approach to invalidate the back/forward browser cache in solid-router (v 0.12.x)?
Sharing data between routes
Modifying <body> tag
Does FileRoutes only work for Solid-Start, and not in normal solid js?
Anchor doesn't load the page
Scope styles to a page
I use set timeout everywhere for animation and state is that ok?
Code review request: Optional context Provider pattern
How to disable ssr in solidstart?
Import error with Outlet
Create signal from store element
How to react to length of store array?
SolidJS with Router behind Apache Proxy
Error in NSwag generated api client
Handling errors in createResource
How to update data saved on local storage
SolidJS Universal - How does the method of tree creation get chosen?
Solid-Start preloads 404 page instead of OAuth API route
Solid-Router: "named views" equivalent?
How to add headers to static asset responses with Solid Start?
stop screen flicker from createResource refetch?
Need help opening
css styling out of route options
multiple layout
How do I apply Css only for certain routes and then unload the effects on other routes
Can anyone tell me how best to do it? Store API
Export Vercel Functions config on @solidjs/
[email protected]
How do I upgrade a solid-start project to use the latest version of solid-start
React is not defined when using custom server directory for Vite
solid-router without SSR and without having to redirect
Portals in nested routes not rendering in consistent order
How do I use solid router in the solid playground?
how to make two-way data transfer through components?
Is createRouteAction removed ? Or Replaced ?
Passing "up" signals in Solid
useNavigate - navigate(path) throws "computations created outside a `createRoot`" and error
(node:53181) Warning: An error event has already been emitted on the socket.
Can't use an image without src/assets/ at the path
solid-router | return Navigate as component
Anchor with target="_blank" leading to app's URL
Solid-start site shows blank page when deployed with github-pages
Is there a way to get Server Reference inside SolidStart? or other way to use webSockets
Passing data from `event.locals` to Frontend
How does the "You might not need an effect" page from translate to SolidJS's effects?
Does solid-element support defining methods on web components?
I'd like to see an example of working with a microservices API architecture
SolidStart or Vite + solid-pwa plugin for creating a fast and secure PWA app?
is Index of Store that is array Signal?
captureStoreUpdates vs reconcile
Errors loading Bootstrap SASS in dev-mode
some confusion regarding authentication when accessing third-party APIs in SolidStart.
Uninitialized signal in JSX but initialized in component
understanding store setter updates
remove element from store array createStore([])
Trying to simplify tab creation
ReferenceError on something that should (and DO) exist
Can't find variable: theme
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'afterCreateSignal')
SSR/SSG: How to share context between client and server
[h3] [unhandled] H3Error: Missing "./runtime/http-types" specifier in "vinxi" package
solid tagged template literala
Lazy Loading make a blank page when component change
Error "RequestEvent is missing." for cloudflare build
Blank array of documents from Firestore - createEffect(), createSignal()
Custom auth solidstart by prisma
Derived data in a store vs reconcile
Best practices for reactively updating a store
Suggestions for refactoring an async image component?
weird behavior: a button declared in TSX with onClick does not have onClick in the final html?
Should event: APIevent have client cookies on SSR?
Uncaught ReferenceError: React is not defined
Solid-Icons with Webpack and Module Federation?
Is there any secure alternative to createEffect?
example authorization on the outside server
no luck with context providers
solidstart authorized example
[SOLVED] Textfield patterns (input masks)
How to better handle `from`'s possible `undefined` state?
renderToString without hydration markers?
Async SSR Magic?
TRPC. The module system cannot find the file
How do I use Solid.js with clear data model <-> UI primitive distinction?
Routes import issue
[SOLVED] Solid Router v11 + TanStack Query issue
confused about primitives(useEffect,on,createComputed)
SolidStart Vercel deployment issue with CSR
solid-element docs or examples
Prevent re-fetching resource after pageload with SSR setup
Error running Jest - testing
How to handle necessary async/await work inside of a createEffect?
useNavigate causes Make sure your app is wrapped in a <Router />
Better stacktraces when using SolidJS via a library?
createResource doesn't seem to be catching errors.
How to use ref both inside and outside(parent) component?
Hi, with latest solid starts ssr title and meta are disappearing and google sees them as empty..
How to handle auth with solid-router?
Hydration issues when using props.children inside component
vite:css and postcss creating errors on SSR ?
Placement of Context Providers and Routes (Router 10.10)
Imported unused variable for a directive seems awkward
Vitest support
Escape Suspense when using resources?
Circular references in Stores?
How to make a library with Vite's library mode?
Understanding memoization re-running
Make sure your app is wrapped in a <Router />
Failed to execute 'insertBefore' on 'Node': The node before which the new node is to be inserted...
Download file from public/documents
Having trouble implementing a stack of views because of the lifecycle of <Dynamic>
Use solid as middleware
How to trigger createEffect when navigating to the same URL ?
Getting ReferenceError: React is not defined with Vitest + Solid Testing Library
backend solidstart or another backend.
Understanding the deployment of a SolidJS app (with a separate backend)
Creating custom SolidJS hook that can be used in a global scope
How to set a cookie that is returned from api call?
renderToString not work
useNavigate wrapped in <Router>
Response.clone: Body has already been consumed. Seroval/trpc conflict?
SolidStart for PWA with CSR? And Guide of available templates.
Import React component with Module Federation
How can I make auth0 with solidjs
Cached resource runs into an error when using an action
Can on__ handler be async?
Can't route with Solid Router in subfolder of multi-page Vite app
createResource does not trigger suspense when its first-argument signal changes not empty after changing route
Undici fetch failed while building solid-start project on prod server
Nested Immer "produce" signals with components
How can I pass data from middleware to frontend on solid-start.
Reading page states in App
cannot use import statement outside a module
Solid-refresh with Webpack HMR errors
Best pattern when using createStore to store large amount of data for a large app?
How to read SolidJS source code ?
Getting import errors
Hack to render
Accessing props
For is not Reactive ?
How to refetch a "use server" function / RPC?
Conditional Component Type rendering?
.env.local not working
Router issue
Reactivity lost if awaited function precedes?
Unexpected behaviour on a shuffled hardcoded list with Solid Start
What text editor libraries can be used with Solidjs (not SolidStart)?
Use environment variable in defineConfig
Share JSX code with a React codebase?
Why is graphql not working with beta 2
onClick function not rendered in the DOM ?
What is the difference between Transition
how do you get a route to respond with an http header?
Basic Router
SolidJS Parent keeps passing null into child.
How To Setup HTTPS on localhost
`vinxi build` fails with RollupError during unecessary "Preparing app for node-server... "
Autofill input does not trigger the `onInput` callback
SolidJS Web renderToString returning undefined
Stripe Error: "ReferenceError: require is not defined"
API Routes Not Found. Can You Help?
am I using <HttpHeader/> correctly?
API Proxy in SolidStart
Context Provider only getting default values - can't update
How to create a library that uses @solidjs/meta as a dependency
HttpStatusCode not working
use server get cookie
Solidjs navbar and router setup problem
Building app for static file hosting
Routing in SolidJS "microfrontend"
Routing in SolidJS microfrontend
Should you still use the routeData function?
SolidJS UI library + Astro
Nested Reactivity not working
createMemo with `{equals: false}` not reactive
Using a function outside of components
Make sure your app is wrapped in a <Router />
TypeScript type for classes that extend class
Store item = undefined, causes typescript error
My first solid component
How to keep store in sync with supabase's multitab session?
noob question regarding solid-router
Solid-UI The `border-border` class does not exist.
How to Inform children of the active status of it's parent <A/>
Solid-start + mdx: remark-shiki-twoslash does not work
How props.children get informed in router.jsx value change ? eg: logined =true,children refresh
Error while using useNavigate() or <Navigate />
Lowercase props
Good library for handling combobox-style search UI? (with Pagefind)
Which Solidjs Router library should we use
Router with hash integration or hash Router in SolidJS
“use server”; Is Breaking Everything In My App
Help with Transitions (solid-transition-group)
Failed to build with Vite plugin and Vercel adapter.
Help with some JSX logic in Typescript on an Advanced Resizing Component
Using kobalte ui combobox with asynchronous options
How Do I Update Client Signals When Using "use server";
dev or build when using new solid start
SolidJS Router problem
Need clarity on eslint(solid/reactivity) warning use-case
Help with solid-router
Question about async effects and their underlying reactivity
How to wait for the value from a useAction?
How to create effect for each element of mapArray?
Vite + SSR, CSS not loading correctly
Context uses default value instead of one passed to provider
How to define layout for index page?
Route Intercepting
Build a Drag & Drop Designer with Solid
How to set size of child element?
Deploying vanilla Start Beta2 to Netlify fails, edge function crashes
Newest Router... Error about missing the wrapper Router component
Solid Start Getting Started example not working
What Auth services do you guys use?
`vinxi dev` command crashes when used with bun
Using "use server"; But My Code Is Still Showing On Client. Why?
component doesnt react to changes in state
Subscribe to patches for a store ?
Is there any recommended bundle tool for developing with solidjs?
How do you disable HMR in Solid Start?
[Middleware] Confusion around onBeforeRequest hook
I'm having trouble with `` being undefined
Right side of assignment cannot be destructured
[Solid-Start] Issue with context who don't return the value
Routes Component Not Available
Accessing grandchildren
Unable to mutate data created by createResource.
Server background jobs / tasks
Dragging rectangles impossible? (tried to build a timeline component)
[macOS] Module '"@solidjs/router"' has no exported member 'cache'.
I keep seeing this pattern in some solid code where dom refs are kept in signals.
Need help in solid-router
`Request is not defined` when loading a page with the solid start (basic) dev server
SSG with `bun create solid`?
Is there a way to grab a throwed error in "action" function
NPM Start Error + Beginner Question
How Do I Turn On SSR?
ReferenceError: __filename is not defined in ES module scope
Struggling to get FileRoutes working
Move table columns around with drag & drop
How to import solidjs core as external library
"use server"; Help
Documentation related to SolidJS Router
Best way how to call sever function onClick (SOLVED)
Referencing Solid without breaking any Licensing issues
type narrowing signals
SolidStart Beta 2 Docs
React.createElement equivalent?
Beta2: Server init hook?
Beta2: How do I render html attribute server-side
Avoid re-rendering toolbar in solid router 0.10.x
Using script tag with custom parameter
setState variable as path doesn't work
Solid Router 0.10.x double render of App
Solid-js router 0.10.x cache invalidation
Polyfilling ecmascript features
Why does solid-router break DaisyUI styles?
does Effect have a number limit?
When to use data.loading vs <suspense>
Development vs Build variables - using Vite
Is there any way of caching an image loaded from a url?
Multi-line element truncation
does createResource with multiple signals trigger when onMount
Is there a better way of doing this sub and unsub? I fell like I am just translating React code xD
Is solids SEO friendly ?
Is there a better way to make authenticated routes ?
accessing store multiple time, in batch() causes infinite loop
[Solid-Start] [Meta] Encoding Issue
createresource signal return undifined
Pass every child in props.children a context of their index
official website createresource
createresource why is this error even on a basic example
How can I set a style based on reactive state with fallback to props?
What is JSX's hoisting behavior?
Inputs losing focus on sort
"Outlet" is not exported by router anymore. How to use 0.10.x of router
How to pipe/stream file into API Response object?
How to implement a webcam component gracefully and correctly?
Suspending or creating a resource from a Signal
Unable to edit data in store ( Solved )
Felte Form server error handling
solid router's Data API
routeData params are empty but not useParams
Error while installing dependencies on template
Usage of createResource and correct access to the result
useContext() from custom element
How to clear a store?
Lazy-initialized createMemo's updating once, but not again
HMR not working
setting signal inside createRenderEffect
`reconcile` object to array mutation
does not provide an export named 'createRef'
"comp is not a function" or "class constructors must be invoked with 'new'"
Data on fetch must be updated everytime like realtime data
Get DOM id attribute from current element
Router nested in Context breaks in Astro
How to make SolidJS tags not return HTML elements for a custom renderer?
show is rendering children when still falsy
Is there a way to use the <For> component with an array of inputs?
Issue with createMemo and createInfiniteScroll
Sort the data in createStore
Iterate Set with For?
how to not update previous value in array
sync with external data for use in web game
How does solid.js handle complex data structures when working with props
implementation detail: enableScheduling uses MessageChannel API?
Infinite scrolling solid-start
Solid.js Playground console doesn't support creating const / let variables
Non-return part of <For>'s callback only seems to run once?
createStore default value with anonymous function
How can I use SolidJS ref with typescript?
SolidStart SSR + CSR?
Behavior of "Portal" component
how to put the types to the context
__vite_ssr_import_1__.template is not a function
<Show> with number | null
Load unknown jsx component after building
Component does not rerender when the state changes
SolidJS, DXOS and reactivity
cascading createRouteData
Idiomatic way to change 2 derived signals when input signal changes
createResource - SSR / SPA
Dynamic Component is not working
Generating Client Only code for static deployment
Most concise upsert for store?
Computations created outside a render will never be disposed.
Using Show with createRouteData / useRouteDat
1. arguments to useTransition() 2. measuring async updates
Can't run npm install
How do we configure babel proposal decorators with Solid's vite plugin?
Can't build SolidStart after updating packages
how to trigger the fetcher in createResource if there are multiple signal values?
Nicest way of having computed properties in a store?
Typesafe way to render conditionally based on whether array has zero, one or many elements?
How to implement JWT authentication in SolidJS, without SolidStart?
Attempting to access a stale value from <Show>...
solidJS equivalent of react's cloneElement
How to properly memoize children?
Nested Routing
stack overflow internal to solidjs?
confused on rendering issue
No known conditions for "./browser" specifier in "msw" package
Checking if children exists breaks refs
Confusion with signal not updating the dom
This expression is not callable. Type 'Number' has no call signatures.
SyntaxError: The requested module 'solid-js/web' does not provide an export named 'classList'
Unrecoverable Hydration Mismatch error when trying to implement pagination on a custom table
How to set a store back to a default state at the top level (or clear it)?
How to fetch chunks of data with createResouce?
How to use async functions inside of synchronous components?
Good pattern for refetching the data
useContext. why doest get the value
A vs Link
How do I implement authentication?
Custom signal for observable props parameter - Reactivity issue
Set headers inside createServerAction$()
`unstable_clientOnly` doesn't solve SSR issues when importing a dependency
How to handle hydration on client side?
Change Component Name
Cache dom elements with router
Use of `<Outlet />` vs `props.children` leads to duplicated code?
Added the official solid-router, followed the docs, now nothing loads
Where does <ErrorBoundary/> catch errors?
Warning when modal uses state
Is there a way to render a solid component to html string from the browser?
CRUD App - Suggestion for Utility Functionality
cant set signal exported from a context
Error: Hydration Mismatch
Prevent a route component from running before the old routes `onCleanup` runs
Error: Hydration Mismatch with component from node_modules
Bundled package breaks when used in PROD
Bug with `solid-js/store` and `solid-primitives/history`
Clicking browser's Back button from external site doesn't render the right state
hydration mismatch when wrapping component in a suspense
getting route parameters severside
I can't seem to get ref bindings correctly
Running a script in a solid start project
whats the use case of routeData and useRouteData
How do we determine what's client side code and what's serverside code
Setter type errors
"Deep linking" Why the disparity btn local & prod
image error and load
splitProps default value
Request data not consistent between createServerData$ and API route
Show PDF on my page
What UI libraries are used when working with SolidJS?
Why does `Outlet` not work when using `element` instead of `component` in the configuration?
Custom ProtectedRoutes component does not render elements on URL match
Capture events from child of Portal
Unable to find modules
Loading screen for app
Does Solidjs have its own tanstack query?
TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'push')
encapsulating logic that uses refs?
How to allow updating of elements instead of destroying and rendering the elements?
How is a Context reactive?
setState - typescript : Argument of type 'string' is not assignable to parameter of type 'never'
Error boundary wont catch error
Lazy named import?
clear canvas from a parent component
How to defer rendering a component on server side in solidjs
Resetting state in child component
Testing conditional rendering in child component
mark module or just variable as secret to stop being bundled into client
Undocumented Hook useAssets ?
Test component with useContext
What are these solid-js/html, solid-js/h and solid-js/universal?
parent of nested routes
Where Do I Put Providers In SolidStart?
Use non breaking space with hyper dom expressions
Internal Server Error - Make sure your app is wrapped in a <Router />
createStore not reactive
Re render on filter in a for
Signal dont update the class
Mutable routeData
Type of setStore args?
Multiple SolidJS apps in one?
SolidStart error on redirect
Using Solid for apps with large/complex states
Issue wih testing (Solid-jest)
How to pass reactive values to `ref`?
setStore odd creation behavior
How do i use script tag
hmr and WebSockets
What are your favorite libraries or packages for web development?
Global store in Solid Start app
`ReferenceError: Request is not Defined` on Node 18
referenceError _$HY is not defined, on 0.3.7 prod, but not on 0.2.32
How do i create library?
Typing nested routeData
createSelection() primitive odd behaviour in contentEditable div's
What's the most idiomatic way of forwarding an onClick event handler?
Load more button
How is the type of the onclick event ?
Loading CSS issue (FOUC) on optional parameter
Any advantages by tanstack libraries for solidjs users?
Setting a deeply nested store property changes produces new reference for property's parent?
Can I avoid the getter while keeping the reactivity?
Combining Solid store with query engine?
ESLint error: ref is never reassigned, use const
children.forEach typescript problem
Solid Router with Suspense does not fire signals
Using pending & error states with createRouteAction
direct link?
Dependency on `window`?
Issue with reactivity when using mergeProps
Regular Solid - the Correct way to use createResource?
Set Initial Route using @solidjs/router
Is it a good idea to make a real time chat app with SolidStart + ASP.NET?
Provider context isn't being executed on SSR website before child component?
Correct method for passing form data between pages
Is it possible to have a route rerender only a portion of the page with Solid Start
console.log asynch function delay the actual value
How to get previous route as search params?
Nesting startTransition calls arbitrarily
Issue with playground console errors on firefox
Anyone using solid-social with solid-markdown?
How to array.filter Signal with array and pass down as Signal
can anyone give me a scenario in when to use createresouce : refetch and mutation
How can you return early from a server action
SVG interface for typescript?
Is it possible to make two separate SolidJS 'apps' work on the same page?
I looked at Vite but there is nothing on there site on how to install it? what are the steps?
Use :before and :after inline?
Persist routes between reloads with @solidjs/router
Can I react/listen on store changes?
Can reconcile be used on its own?
How do i deploy solidjs app to github-pages?
Problem with bundled UI library
Route not updating its routeData
Item in store array being overwritten
computations created outside a `createRoot` or `render` will never be disposed
Add types to context provider
Anyone using SolidStart in production?
Sitemap xml
Updating rendered element in HMR?
How to choose between Store and Context?
Using signal in child component
HI guys I have a problem with with ssr on my lib. I use rollup
Can I Populate A Store Using createResource()?
Ref pointing to the wrong element
i oftenly have this problem everytime i turned on my pc and run
RouteGuard with FileRoutes
Confusion with suspense and nested routeData
Dev server works build/start doesn't
How do you consume server actions response?
Link to imported component w/ parameter with Module Federation
Context undefined when called from a function in onClick, but not if called in component
How to trigger update on resource update?
Unresolved createResource doesn't trigger Suspense boundaries?
Kobalte Paginator
Spinner component questions about best practices
how to better understand `createDeferred`?
Vercel deployment issue.
Custom cursor not working
better way to type props with default props
"Make sure your app is wrapped in a `<Router>`" with Lucia-Auth
ErrorBoundary explanation
catch 401 error in entry server
How do you disable SSR on a specific route/part of a route?
how solid.js handles props
root.tsx & cookies
Best way of passing props from Provider to Context
Is the following a "clean" way of handling modals?
Is it possible to use Outlet inside conditional render like Show?
Navigate user in login/logout functions
Multiple Path Routes still Re-rendering, why?
ErrorBoundary requires string fallback when root is not a fragment
Looking for some advice for a new tech stack
Async TRPC query with ssr
How can i go back with @solidjs/router package ?
What are the differences? Produce vs regular setStore
How to create an effect that runs on page navigate
Integrate External, Read-Only Data Source Into Reactive System
vite bundling unused components from external libraries (SSR)
How to mutate a createResource storage
Are there any important considerations to creating signals in control component callbacks like For
Dispose function not actually disposing of anything
React key prop substitute!
Best way to dynamically access i18n-translations with typescript
i18n and context issues
Difference between `setState` and `produce`?
Solid Start not deploying on vercel in turborepo
Problem duplicating a component navigating with dynamic routing
How to solve ts(2322) error on "each" attribute of "For" component
How to make array key in resource from useRouteData reactive
createResource from the main layout causes it to completely crash the page
Rendering Solid inside another app
Testing state update after api call`
onMount vs createRenderEffect
how to handle responses from the server on the client?
createDeferred returns undefined under some conditions
How can I achieve server side rendering in solid
404 for dynamic routes
Best Practices for Unrepresentable Intermediate State
when using <Portal /> on shadow mode, on change events are not working!
Vitest 0.34.4 caused `You appear to have multiple instances of Solid`
Cannot use tRPC infinitequery in SolidStart app
Safari solid crash
Astro + resolvePackageJsonExports: false
Navigation in SolidStart app always fully reloads the page (i want a SPA!)
Update searchParams with useNavigate
set response header from within `createServerData$()` callback
import.meta.env.SSR = false even though ssr is set to true
Can Solid Start export a build folder that would be compatible with Capacitor?
how to rerender component, when access store prop on component level?
Detect which dependency changed when using "on" utility with createEffect
Typing custom hooks
How to parse solid code to ast
Solid Router with useParams, createResource and two params
Is it possible to subscribe to particular properties in a object wrapped by a store?
Creating Package - Need Bundling Help
How to write an effect that depends on a store property?
Troubles Deploying to AWS EC2
Client renders in dev mode, but not once built
Good practices in SolidJS
Variable initialized in `onMount` becomes `undefined`
Cannot build on server
Solid-Element Custom Elements Manifest
What's the SEO situation like with solid?
Can't start the server with https enabled on Start
Jest, TypeScript, and @solidjs/router
Any pattern to avoid getting ts angry when using route data fields?
Is there some equivalent to <Portal/> that is also compatible with ssr?
Recommended way to track the setter of a signal?
Is it possible to pass paramters a function wrapped by a createEffect/createMemo?
Is it possible to implement LiveViewJS type functionality using SolidJS + SSR?
Need to pass a function as a dependency to the solid js web component.
Adding components that use context to the DOM after mount
Fetching data with authorisation token
For loop in route breaks when form in another component is submitted
input elements become empty upon hydration
Missing Http method returns 200 status code on api route
Why does (return new Response(({'error' : ""}), {status : code})) not work
SolidStart Firebase error on production
how to define event.locals type?
Is it possible to untrack writes to a signal?
signal vs createStore vs createMutable performance for large objects
How to initialize a store from another store?
Possible Bug with routeData
Context Not Being Defined
typing CreateResource
<name>.server.ts file naming convetion ?
Plain string for <Link onload="..."> shows warning
why is it possible to use singletons in astro but not solid-start?
Please, HELP with SSR
PocketBase Auth with Context doesn't track store
How can I populate HTML on the server with db data before sending it to the client
Proper implementation of a timer/stopwatch
No Vercel Logs
Prevent re-render <table> element when changing array in store.
Is <HydrationScript/> required even if I'm not utilizing SolidJS' SSR?
Building with SSR false starts (and doesn't close) listeners
SolidJS: Manually using SSR with v8?
How to save canvas state to backend and load it later?
Is this really the most ergonomic way to preserve searchParams with <A>?
How to instruct a component to reset a state it holds?
reactiveMap does not work with size/delete
[SPA Routing]: How to not call data function for the protected routes
Why is this store still reactive?
Bundling Component SSR Compatible library - sharedConfig is undefined
Is it possible to create a resource of type HTMLImageElement with SSR?
solid-trpc and infiniteQuery
How to handle requests that need to be fetched later?
Solid Start: CSR Only Page
Remove element from store not working
Protected route dynamic route that has to match certain parameter
Default values in props with Merge Giving me a weird interface
Solidjs site metadata (title, description, meta image etc.) in Javascript
Panda CSS and Solid-Start = FOUC
Is there something like a replacePathParameters method?
SolidStart with the static adapter and hynrid routing?
What should I use if I want features of both Resources and Stores?
noUiSlider rerenders when moving slider
Array of components gets re-render every time that a new component is added
<Show when={}> typescript error question.
Kobalte popover not opening in testing
Setting cookies (or headers in general) from `createServerData$`
file routes callbacks on parameter change or top level useParams
efficient way of parsing markdown files with solidjs and solid-start
SSR in Turbo Repo
Better Way to Write This?
Integrating IndexedDB with Solid.js for Real-time Updates
How to make footer that shows at least at the 100vh down?
ReactiveMap global signal
D3 Force Graph in SolidJS with TypeScript
an error that occurs every time something changes, but disappears with refresh
What is wrong with this reactive select list?
How do i write routes which update automatically based on if authenticated or not
template not exported from solidjs/web
Solid Start + Tailwind?
What's the best way to debug `Buffer is not defined`
Solid DND
SolidStart unknown number of optional nested route parameters
how to use solidjs meta
Resource chaining and other promise-like composition
Dynamic parameter on routes
How to await on the Resource's promise?
Rotate Component.
Prevent route from rerendering
I don't understand why I get this kind of matter which method you try
solid-motion. Children exit animation not triggering.
Solid start createResource not fetching as first route
Help me build a custom link component which adheres to solid's principles
SVG images cannot use css variable as fill, they can only use rgb colors
Delay <A> routing? UseTransition between routes?
useReducer vs createReducer
how do you set attributes on `<Html>` and `<Body>` from within a route?
Anyone know a good solution for using GraphQL in Solid.js?
Signal cross bound a route
Solid Start with Prisma, when making changes to pages results in routing to 404 page.
What is the proper way to start solid-start in production (especially with something like pm2)?
onCleanup in Root component?
Now using createResource(), the content never loads.
Access child ref from parent component
`Suspense` deep dive 🐬
Createeffect not working in component where signal was defined
Replacing specific HTML elements with Solid Components
Render a component referenced by a object
solid start `npm run build` hangs in docker container
server$ API change in start 0.3.1 ?
Help with AList Cloud
exclude specific file from getting bundled
Components moved away from DOM
How to properly import fonts (with Tailwind)
Resource with createContext?
Reactive var in obj
Error handling in dependent memos
Refetching Route Data with Solid Router
SolidStart unicode behavior
Styled Components CSS LSP Support
input loosing focus after each key press
ESLint error "Promise-returning function provided to attribute where a void return was expected"
How to throw errors in `createRouteAction()` and `createServerAction$()`?
createResource / Suspense blocks rendering
`<script>` tag are loaded at the bottom of body, I need to load them on the `<head>` tag...
Solid context doesnt work
Reactivity inside closure in return value
Error [RollupError]: "assign" is not exported by "node_modules/solid-js/web/dist/server.js"
solid-router not updating when going the same page but with different parameters
updating a member inside another member inside an array inside a store using an index
FileRoutes duplicate hydration and not displaying dynamic route
How to use SolidStart on existing SolidJs project in order to benefit of File Based Routing ?
How do I modify a member of an object in an array in a SolidJS Store using the SetStoreFunction?
useParams() not changing when switching pages?
Component doesn't rerender when prop changes
make object no longer reactive
Solid Start error
What is props.children really?
Serve a statically generate Solid.js app to Github Pages
Array.includes is not reactive.
Back end framework with isomorphic rendering
Best way to upload files from a form with solid-start?
question about stores and effects
Navigate then scroll
How to reload a component in solidjs (a route or a specific component) (I'm using solidjs/router)
Preserving State during HMR Errors
Web Components from a Stencil Library (Custom Event)
Debounce selector
solid-start dev works, solid-start start does not
Nested object signal
How to reactively set height of a element?
Issue with using ApexCharts (solid-apexcharts) in Start
idiomatic memo usage
Error Tracking/Logging
createMemo accessor null value
solid devtools fails with O.createRoot is not a function
Should I use <Show>?
Uncaught The browser resolved template HTML does not match JSX input
Is there a good guide or howto on how to make (non solid) custom web components work with solidstart
on store change
Type conditional Syntax between props
SWC Support for SolidJS
How to prevent component from unmounting on navigation?
Avoiding rerenders using `setState + reconcile`
How to avoid rerenders when using refetch ?
How to use JSX.HTMLAttributes<HTMLDivElement>?
solid build works, vite build doesn't
How to use svg file as component??
How do I export components as child objects in a JavaScript object?
Navigating to `//` causes an error to be thrown.
Converting code to ES5
pass session via `<Outlet />`
Easiest way to spin up an e2e/integration-test setup with solid-start?
Container onFocus to observe to subelement focus?
can't reset createInfiniteScroll
Help integrating microfuzz search library with solid
createResource doesn't rerun when passed store changes
React Icons Error
solid-eslint warning about event handlers
Scroll & Drag Solid DND
How can this incredibly simple piece of code lead to "Maximum call stack size exceeded" ?
How to protect all routes other than sign-in
TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'remove') at reconcileArrays
Validating a field based on promise values min and max with yup and react form handler
Reaching into nested properties and keeping them reactive?
Testing difficulties in solid-start
ReactSVG like component in Solid
Suspense not updating when navigating to Route directly
How do you do logging errors etc. In solid start?
warnings when passing onClick as prop
Routes are being duplicated when HMR is on
Solidstart Astro or Vite
sibling components
testing createRouteAction$ using vitest
createResource returns undefined
Suspense doesn't seem to work with ContextProvider
Layout for layout group
How to deploy an solid js app myself
SVG A elements not created correctly
How to add events for scrolling like React? (with solid-qurey)
What's the best way to create multiple layouts that only some routes use?
Looking for best way to re-validate route data after some arbitrary amount of time.
How to stop VS Code from erroring with `Cannot find name 'React'.ts(2304)`?
How should I use createRouteData
How can I access a store from the parent context from inside of a nested context?
Using `createResource` without triggering suspense
`<A>` from `solid-start` is slow on Android. How to debug performance?
Warning on a reactive variable using TSX
store values do not update
How to add derived values in store after creation
Transition state getting lost after an await inside ResourceFetcher
Issue with multiple useTransition
Trouble porting a React hook to Solid
Signal Factories and eslint warnings
How to handle Reactivity for nested objects?
Replace part of string with a component
Can the server$ call get access to the Request object?
Store for binary tree object
Solid-Slider docs
SolidJS + DenoDeploy
Reactivity does not flow through nested structure and <For />
useRouteData returning undefined
Nested ErrorBoundary not used
Are there any performance implications with using the style prop?
Losing reactivity in production build due to multi-project setup lib <--> app
page not found when navigating to routes
solid-transition-group leads to reactivity warning inside test cases
If I'm using createResource, why would I use Suspense?
Can you use the reactive object from useSearchParams as a source signal for createResource?
Issue with event delegation and a native library
Search params reactivity in route's data loader function
How to pass key into createRouteData function inside useRouteData ?
Context is undefined during development reloads
How to export solidJS project as module to be reused in others projects? Including typescript types.
Production build failing
`@solidjs/router` doesn't navigate in production mode
How to handle complex form?
SSR and routes in Solid.JS
createServerAction$, ReadableStream, and createEffect are inconsistent across dev and prod
Best Practice for ContextProvider - Store vs Signals
How to use Context/ ContextProvider with File Routes
*Npm Run Start* Fails To Mysterious Error
Async Await Issues
Help with Script Loader
SolidStart pRPC - No QueryClient set
solid-start: How to import browser-only depencency
Make createMemo depend on unmentioned signal
refetch() from child component
SolidStart progress communication
Run code on component becoming visible for first time
Use ErrorBoundary inside a createRoot?
HMR is not working
memoized debounce
How would you go about Font Awesome icons?
Owner not setting for context provider
onMount() vs addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded')
Testing portals
createEffect dependency
render(() => { <Component />, element }) throws an error when including props
Why is this Resource fetcher called 2 times?
createResource refetch causes full page refresh
Brand new going through the tutorial. Unsure of the purpose of the <Dynamic> component.
Forward ref downstream
How can I stop code from executing before?
Trying to modify a type from @auth/core
JSX alternatives?
Difficulties using Pdfjs-dist with SolidStart
createResource not updating on error
how to make route's resources rerun on changing the page
Using SolidJS Playground in custom docs
Favorite way of dealing with typescripts `!`-forbidden warnings
Manually mounting SolidJS component within HTML component via `render`
Solidjs and RxJS compatibility
Question on Functions vs Components
Is the createUniqueId-helper safe to use?
Quiz on SolidJS
FileRoutes props for app-wide signals
Nested For Loop?
Is there some cases where createResource doesn't handle errors ?
Are global signals ever reset between test runs?
How to have a default layout for all routes?
Why does effect re-fire? How to use createStore values in effect correctly?
Access native html dialogs show/close methods in clickHandler
Uncaught ReferenceError: createDeepSignal is not defined
__vite_ssr_import_0__.default is not a function only on API endpoints
Why is storageSignal possibly null?
Is there a way to debug how callbacks are called, when firing an event with testing-library?[SOLVED]
Understanding Suspense in SolidStart SSR
SolidStart debugging in VSCode
What's the best way to make a docs website?
solidjs/testing-library using `location` but still getting <Router /> error
Any way to get the status of a multipart/form-data file upload?
regex in useMatch
How to deploy unplugin-icons on production?
Make a Resource depend on another Resource
vanilla js in onMount?
Empty event with useRequest()
Example of using createWebSocketServer within an API endpoint with SSR: false
Solid Bootstrap Data Table
How to get `useParams` in the "root.tsx" in a server-rendered-page.
[Solid-start]FileRoutes] is there a way of using two separate Routes folders in `root.tsx`
How to call for server-side-data in the `root.tsx` of solid-start`
Any tools for SolidJS that you wish you had?
Router Error when on a server with lazy loaded component on root page
Runtime Env vars in vite
Await for signal state?
Resource from async generator?
Solid-Start + GraphQL session info
Losing reactivity in props passed to `children` callback
1 property in `createMutable` with only 1 signal
How can I tell `solid-start` that I want most `routes` to be rendered entirely in the client
Is there a way to see links for indexed threads?
Announcement: posts will now be indexed via Answer Overflow
How to define reference for a component?
Help rendering markdown gotten from server using createResource
signal of createResource is not reactive inside a For component
createInfiniteScroll from @solid-primitives/pagination with createServerData$ and useRouteData
Solid JS + Auth (How to store the credential)
Solid-testing library TS-eslint-errors
Solid-start client side state best practices
Solid-start-vercel rollup error
Not sure whether I'm using reactivity right... (Codereview)
How to improve performance in my code?
fetch in createEffect?
Coordinating Signals in a Layout System
Signals not updating in <For> tag
Navigate then perform action
typescript cssproperties
vitest error 'registerGraph'
Maximum call stack size exceeded while using createEffect
Anyone one have any insight on how to integrate a Meta/FB Pixel with a SolidStart site?
How to set a url for the Solid router on backend (SSR) side?
Increment counter every time component is used?
how to add debounce to any signal setter ?
Add props to an element programmatically
Is possible to use Solid Router on SSR side?
addEventListener not working?
Dynamic Fragment
Handling rerenders when overwriting state
Disappearing button text?
`ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE` on solid-start build
Only able to get one value from multiple checkboxes that are checked
Trying to test a component containing a createResource
Troubles Reading / Writing search params using solid-router useSearchParams()
Content Security Policy Issues
Build process stalls when global variables present
Unexpected token in testing render method
Module Federation inside a Monorepo
routeData arguments
<Show> transition when opening/closing
Solid Testing Library
How to create a signal for a webkitdirectory input
Different suspense boundaries between client and server
Props Reactivity to Signal and Signal Change to the props
Using CSR mode, got asset error when there is a new build
Deployment Failure on Netlify
onClick event not appearing in DOM
How should i render components stored in array?
How "beta" is SolidStart?
Remove item from store list?
setstore mutate more than one property in one call
Resource refetch doesn't trigger effect
Triggering css transition on signal change?
`@solidjs/router` doesn't seem to work with Capacitor
remove url params using setSearchParams
Invisible solid-icons
Is it possible to expose a function so it can be called manually via console?
Saving Results of routeData() into a Context
useContext returns undefined.
Confused about resource mutation with `createDeepSignal` and `produce`
My site no longer loads | updated all npm packages
Iterating routes don't work
createResource as initial value with store
Prpc and Suspense question
Prefill Input with value from a fetch source - Best practice
Is there any scenario where batch wouldn't be fully synchronize?
how to avoid child component re-creation with For
Waiting for big component
Html elements have no space in between them
using vanilla js with import?
child-components not updating when parent state is modified.
I don't like refs
`ClientOnly` fallback
Reactive in case of dynamic data
Motion one with exitBeforeEnter doesnt do enter animation
The browser resolved template HTML does not match JSX input
Cannot exclude an external package from server bundle file
Which methods do you use for check user login or not?
Solid Router and losing Contexts
required Textfield when presented in Safari 16.3 it'll show as ` *
Mutate createServerData$ resource
Use Common Store in js file and edit it using file 1 then use it in file 2.
checkbox controlled from outside
Effects not running after a unhandled promise rejection event
Why is this page with `useParams` and `createResource` not reloading?
call `createServerData$` outside Route?
`solid-start` site opens multiple `about:blank` on Load
How to keep/reuse DOM elements across routes?
Disabling transition on load?
setStore function replace object value
Solit-start routing works for a bit after `run dev`, but then only shows 404. Why?
passing signal to component
Conditional fetching with createResource
Is there a polyfills.ts for `solid-start`? Or is there a way of modyfing the produced `index.html` ?
Pure client based page complaining about `window is not defined` in solid-start (No SSR needed)
Why does typescript not accept `text() && text().length === x` in solid-start?
Universal renderer createElement isn't running
How to read reactive state from imperative contexts (audio/music)
How to handle auto scrolling in a chat app when new message comes in?
How to get `onMount` to be called on the client for a server-rendered site
Reactivity with normal functions
Solid-js design system CSS troubleshooting
How to throw an Error on an unknown route?
Joining SolidJS Vite app with a rest api as single app
How to make a sticky navbar change color when it has reached the top? Like in solidjs homepage
How to detect env in `createServerData`
Uncaught ReferenceError: _$HY is not defined
createResource swallows error?
Make signal react on prop change
Make sure the dom updates (equivalent of `tick` in Svelte)?
Solid Transition with createServerData$
How to use SolidJS Routes in Astro?
how to get two class managers to cooperate on a single ref?
Does SolidStart have CSRF protection by default?
Context not working as expected
Conditional tailwind css using signal
problem with "use:" and custom directives in tsx
Uncaught TypeError: _tmpl$6 is not a function
CreateResource Not complete Fetch (promise) when page first loads, but completes when VsCode Saves
HTTP trip, custom backend
force a dom update when updating a signal before the rest of the onMount function
Add a ref and make it also exposable
Running tests in docker fails, but works outside of docker
Best way to implement a dialog in Solid.js
Reactivity when passing props down not reactive on nested component
Cannot find package 'solid-start-node' imported from 'solid-start/bin.cjs'
Nested routing not working
How to share .env files among NPM Workspaces?
splitProps instead of destructuring?
How to route in a callback function?
useRouteData empty on HMR
Don't know why solid context complains it is not called in the right place
Why does routeData() return undefined?
Page Refresh or Browser Button or ...
How to iterate over Object.entries()?
Help with Forward Ref and Ref from solid-primatives
Updating only one property on an object
createRouteAction Form TypeScript
using the callback to <Show> and update store, results in whole store being set to new value
Resource has wrong types?
Where to protect SolidStart routes?
Identifying multiple versions of Solid installed
html not rendering consistently inside span
Can't get createServerData$ to work as expected
Typesafe <Show> only when store has data
How to make the navbar change color when it's sticky like in the Solidjs homepage?
cant access global signals inside onMount?
createResource does not working with json()
updating a tree of nodes in a SolidJS store
Navbar re-renders
Problem with ref
CreateStore types not work for array
Children helper break Context
MotionOne with solidStart
i expect a refetch with new data when the value of "firma()" changes - but this don't work.
route.outlet is not a function
basic progressively enhanced counter not working
ErrorBoundry component not works
SSR, Reactivity of Signals on onMount
Flickering UI with solidstart
onClick event does not get fired
suspense + store
props.children is not defined.
Context.Provider breaks reactivity
Node instance often hanging at 100% CPU.
Filtering array in object keyed store inside a produce
Outside a createRoot error when multiple signals in a prop?
parent route with redirect (solid-router)?
Why do keyframes not work in <styled> in SolidJS
Title of page not updating
how to`createStore` and using `createEffect` to persist without warning
Google Oauth in Solid: Best Practices
Dealing with null checks on resources
SolidJS failing all of a sudden
sibling function triggering
Losing Reactivity When I Import Solid Component in Lib
Importing use:form declaration for Felte
Need help setting up sync of signals backed by GraphQL, details in a thread
Solidstart + CF Durable Objects in one Project
CreateLocalStorage hook problem with reactivity
Is there a way to untrack store reads?
Abort resource
Cant Change Store with unwrap
TypeError when using `createResource` in vitest
Vite app with Solid and React files simultaneously
Solid JS to mixins or HOCs
Wrap each child
Using WebComponents in SolidJS
Any help for using Framework7 with SolidJS?
how come solid-js is devdependency for Solidstart
Hydration issues on navigation while hydration is ongoing
Creating an Observable from a store.
How to highlight searched text in solid
Need help solve issue with createEffect, complex state
CreateEffect in a separate JS file
Are there any semantic or performance differences between `Show` and ternaries?
Signal set from localStorage not updating
Client-only resource with SSR
Context undefined
Websockets on Solidjs
Noob question: createRenderEffect vs createEffect or onMount
Derived Signals vs Memos
Effector Solid binding reactivity
can I use solid as just a reactive library?
Is it safe to spread props
Confused by context updating in handleOnMouseDown()
How to implement an ErrorHandle to wrap the handle error and loading of a resource?
Object.entries not updating
Why is this onClick handler not called? (Playground code)
Resources and fetching state kind
Noob question: Axios vs Fetch
routedata not updating on A tag navigation
Animation capture like Remotion?
Derived value in event handler causing router error
Efficient reactive rebuild of large derived object
My app breaks when there is any javascript error.
how to use createResource in Astro SSR
Reset signals when same component is navigated to
Solid.js event handler that depend on reactive value best practice (fix solid/reactivity lint rule)
createStore causing warning
one of my dependencies is using "buffer"
Array of refs - keeps extranuous values - need to reset/slice
Partial Setter for a Store
How to extend native events
Say I have a `Card` component, How can I have a `Card.Header` component?
How to have reactive getters on each element?
frontend navigation: null is not an object (evaluating '_el$11.nextSibling')
create-jd-app auth.ts type error
How to import MWS only in dev mode in solid-start
RouteDataArgs Type Error for nested RouteData
mergeProps deeply?
How to get the first child out of `props.children`?
Constraining input element not working
Make routeData blocking
React user confused on how to work with createResource response
DOM nodes caching for faster swap
If the prop array can be an object or a string. Which method would you use ?
Uncaught TypeError: _tmpl$ is not a function
SolidAuthConfig type error
How can I load external .js script on specific route?
How can I access root data?
how to add function call into JSX
Render HTML from string
how to throttle effects
solid start typescript 4.9/5 satisfies operator
Index block does not notice change in a store
how do I tell FileRoutes to look for a folder other than `routes`?
Explicit Routing (opt out of file based)
Adding eventListener in an onMount shows error in console
refetch not changing the signal of the createResource
Stuck in 'rendering index.html' in solid-start build
Handle union type in store
Passing For Id between InputGroup and Input using children
Are there any guarantees on the order of createMemo / createComputed execution when siblings?
createMemo with `equals: false` not reactive when mutating reference
How to have an effect that does not subscribe to the signal's values?
multiple sites
createResource mutations / page state
Why autofocus on input element not work with solid second time
Pass ref in routeData
Is there an easy way to render React inside Solid?
Cannot read properties of null (reading 'nextSibling')
SolidStart: Get Rendered Route Instead in useLocation()
Solid App to Web Component (js file)
Stricter JSX?
Firefox Fails loading Font Awesome modules and can't run dev Start Project.
How do I test this behavior?
Get simple fetch data to render
How to use <Show> in ssr?
Nested layouts
Show doesn't hide component when signal changes
How to use <Hydration> and <NoHydration>?
document is not defined in HMR
"WARN Issues with peer dependencies found" on fresh project
Is it possible for a route to have async data loader?
Using solid-element, how do you get the children of a web component?
Can't use `useRouteData`
function prop destructure
granularly derived store
How to make a layout for every page except index?
Animate on scroll
How can I skip the first effect run with createEffect?
Catching Errors from async requests started in onMount
Nested Routes for index and route debugging
using readFile in routeData
Component doesn't react to changes in Signal
Await resolution of previous routeData in nested routeData
How can I circumvent the wrapping Router requirement error?
Route Data to Pass Signal to Children Components
Ref either locally or passed via prop
[solved] Tutorial: server side routing for remote API call with keys
does @solidjs/testing-library render shadowDom?
Routes and FileRoutes
Question about Contexts
Props/Default Defaults
Parent setting prop to child with Context?
Solid-Primitives Key compatible with 1.7 beta (types)?
Pass data from Express up to Solid
Does anyone else find it annoying that you can't pass a store as a source signal for createResource?
Eslint, am I doing something wrong?
CreateEffect has infinite loop
createResource returning undefined when data is fetched
Question about onError
[solved] Brain fart: in need of fresh eyes
[Solved] Reactivity problem when refreshing the page
Is Static Site Generation possible with SolidJS?
Does <Show> narrow types in typescript?
Get SSR attribute value when hydrating
Cannot find name 'React' when using Astro + TypeScript
Loading data into context
Listening to all changes in an array or object in a store
Problem creating web component with solid-element
Confusion around solid-query
Can I use component as context value like this?
[solved] DB change not being reactive?
How to add child to parent component outside of parent?
Transform property on all elements
Context store issue with array
[solved] createEffect signal is Undefined
Hydration fails with start-cloudflare-pages
client-side solid-router prepends every relative link with hash, even when not desired
Passing signal from one template's function to a different template function
Monorepo error with SolidStart `__vite_ssr_import_0__.template is not a function`
undefined context for dynamically added component
Do we have an ExtractProps helper?
Property 'pathLength' does not exist on type 'CircleSVGAttributes<SVGCircleElement>'
Events (oninput on keyup) stopped working?
How to add calculated getter in a existing store?
using createResource on node
Trying to update a value at index in a store array, updates all elements
Redirect to current location from createServerAction$()
looking for better solid solution
Questions on the `owner` of using children() helper inside a context
createStore array containing arrays
Track Variable Changes
`createServerData` with `fetch` is returning `undefined` in `createEffect`
Netlify Fails to accept `dist`
Is there a way to hook into the router's match (client)?
What to save to database with authjs to preserve privacy?
Cannot reference properties of object stored in a signal after being fetched from API
`crossOrigin` and `playsInline` types don't work with solid & typescript
solid-js reactivity eslint with functions
routeData not being refreshed when navigating
with-auth unused export
Anyone has tested Tauri App with Solid Start ?
Getting accurate scrollWidth is hard
$server rpc call failing (404) in production mode
How to re-render <Portal> if target component is removed or added?
Modal Implementation
createServerData$ question
Load component after createServerData$ fetches data and it is rendered
Can I make getElementById reactive?
how to handle POST in a route?
useServerContext() returns empty object in server$() callback
How to not render <Portal> if mount is undefined?
get cookie inside $server rpc call
Solid PointerEvents, Firefox, RequestAnimationFrame and OffsetX/Y
Suspense triggered witout reading data
Mutating element onMount doesn't re-render
create-solid messed up peer dependencies
What's the simplest way to combine the classList prop?
How to import `renderToString` into a plain js/ts file
Correct Syntax of passing a Component via prop
Animate on scroll in solid
Can a Solid store contain class objects?
ProtectedRoute with a redirect using @solidjs/router
recent SSR template or example
How to implement dangerously set innerHTML (which is there in react) in solid
Store creation and location in effector-solid and Solid Start
Render as element kind
"The reactive variable 'head' should be wrapped in a function for reactivity."
How to create a generic Input when passing prop `class` to override styles?
Waiting for context provider to load before rendering children
How does reactivity works in createStore?
Possible to use routeData outside a component ?
How to update store with arary
Is it possible to have generic children for a generic component?
Components Props and Text
CORS when running solid client from VPS
How to untrack() or on() a props value?
Setting innerhtml causes error
Manually refetching server data, causes double request
Any workarounds or guidance for circular dependency warnings?
use:clickOutside not defined
Is it possible to create fully functional component without JSX/TSX syntax?
Typescript type for generic html props passthrough?
Don't send component logic to client conditionally on data?
Adding aws-amplify libs adds 5s each time I change a line of code
Component is not updated when prop is changed
index.html <script> tag doesn't work?
delay execution of createEffect.
Breaking out proxied Stores object as a signal (while retaining reactivity)
SSR Hydration error in ChildRoute with Context set in ParentRoute and intermediate Context Update
Right way of getting errors out of async context functions
Avoid Provider nesting
Tailwind Not applying?
contextProvider using signal
Guide for more complex usage of stores
Is it possible to create a `createCustomAction$`?
filebased routing for 'regular' csr solidjs
$server v. tRPC
useBeforeLeave or similar for tracking route change in Start
useParams doesn't auto decode URI component?
How to send data between different pages using Solid js?
How would I wrap over some p5.js code to create a solid component
onfocus or onFocus or onFocusIn?
useMatch not updating?
Strategies for not calling setters in effects
Scrolling to id is not consistent
Refs cleanup when element unmounts
Using routeData in context provider at root of page not working
False positive: `Make sure your app is wrapped in a <Router />` , @solidjs/router 0:7:0 - in npm lib
Weird 404 errors in `undefined:12`
Dinamyc inline svg
how to use useParams inside a ContextProvider
How do y'all handle mobile phones in landscape for mediaquery breakpoints
Accessing child element size from parent.
Fetching data in root.jsx
Solid-Start w/ Firebase
peer dependency error when creating a new SolidStart project
api route errors not being logged and the dev server just stops
How to preserve reactivity in a multilevel object stored in a nanostore map ?
Don't fully understand solid's reactivity, help understand with a case
onKeyPress event
show user data based on authorization?
Check if the code runs in CSR or CSR + hydration
createResource State gets updated without directly doing so
Simple SSR server redirect not working
Use breakpoints in suid `createTheme`
Deploying changes to SolidStart app then navigating the application throws strange error
Why can't I access `useParams()` in `onClick`?
Documentation example of context with typescript does not work
Router and createRoot
CSS Transition does not get animated properly when applied in style={} directly
Route layout not define
How do I create a tree view with minimum updates on updating a child node.
Subscribe to any unknown store change
WebComponent Support
WebSerial Support
Project Structure
How to modify HTMLElement after script loads / elements render?
createEffect doesn't fire for a memo passed as prop to a third party component
How do you refer to a deeply nested component?
Sentry in Solid / Vercel
Network issues with Solid
API failing
How do I lazily load stylesheets for different pages
Trigger animation using Motion One for Solid
UND_ERR_REQ_CONTENT_LENGTH_MISMATCH error when navigating to index route
Pass prop into style={{}} on hover
Global style tags get added before page is actually visible
Control when child component is mounted
Client only component (or client only createResource)
SolidStart on Plesk
Best practice working with reactive values inside context provider
Trigger same API call with different payloads in parallel using CreateResource & router
Subscribe to
Strange React not defined error
I get `Invalid left-hand side in assignment expression.` when I assign a value.
For component not displaying values
Component is called twice when using Suspense, createResource and solid router
How to make Signal/Resource do incremental update
Handling locale dates when SSR
Calling database with server actions in Solid Start
Using renderToString in node is a route param for some reason
Unknown file extension ".ts" for rollup.config.ts
Map return from createServerData
Argument of type 'string' is not assignable to parameter of type 'never'.
Accessing cookies in routeData()
Testing SolidStart routes with Vitest
NativeScript + SolidJS
Creating a generic based component
Using FLIP Move with createServerData
Context hierarchy
Info from Children to Parent
Facebook/Twitter share implementation?
renderStream not working after build
How to handler this standard ReactJS pattern?
When is `keyed` useful for `<Show />`
Value returned from routeData is undefined
is there an isServer signal or boolean?
Lexical (or another)
Forward props
class string interpolation with tailwind
useReducer in Solid, but how
Trigger createEffect when createSignal has been changed for the same value
updating nested object not triggering update
Build timeout with Gitlab Runner
Solid newbie
UI isn't updating properly depending on the context provider's state
How to do nested <For
Is there a way to make an iframe reactively render with state/signals from its parent?
how can I use createEffect so it doesn't rerun when certain signals change
Forward reference a Component's state in Template
Child component cannot access context that the parent can access?
How do I scroll to bottom, on a scrollable content that displays a Show when
Solid JS force rerender on signal change
Subscribe to data in solid-start
Generate random numbers serverside and don't regenerate on hydration
How can we lazy load route data using @solidjs/router ?
Context In Typescript
Vercel + Prisma
Server rendering error on createResource. Inconsistent HMR.
Set Timeout Example
How to make an Isomorphic Component Library?
Register custom component props without default values
how to make a route working after page reload
Does SolidStart Have a Global `Context` That Server Functions Can Use?
how do i make my component to accept class and classList ?
disposing of a `createRoot` nested inside a `createEffect`?
SSR build failing
solid-router nested routes - access child params from parent component
Math.random() overwritten on hydration
how to add package to
window.getComputedStyle returns react-style CSSStyleDeclaration?
add fade-in and fade-out animations when navigating routes (using solid-routes)
Loading google fonts
Resource not being called when componet loads
Updating signal value doesn't always update DOM?
vite-template for building libraries
Await Resource
get types of HTMLElement-attributes
Passive Event Listeners
Using lifecycle functions in abstract function?
Modals in SolidJS
route not rendering sometimes
Argument of type 'StoreState' is not assignable to parameter of type 'PartStoreState, layers'
Why dose createServerData$ return undefined
Image loading SSR
How can I execute a function from parent?
add keybinds to buttons
How do I pass props to child components which are accessed through props.children?
How to getUser without doing a server request on every page.
can i propagate event to child?
Interpolate percentage?
Reading localstorage theme value before rendering components not working
Lazy loading routes instead of components
minimal ssr|ssg-setup, general pointers for solid on the server
Authorization still triggering fetch when using conditional routing for AuthProvider
Best way to Read JSON files (Locally Stored)
Fetching resources only when logged in
Does mergeProps deep merge objects?
Smooth scroll
How to pass classes to custom component
Docs for debugging Solid Start
Has anyone gotten AWS Amplify to work with Solid.js?
Solid Start run createServerData$ once
click outside directive in typescript
How to use IndexedDB in Solid?
Signals inside Bootstrap Modal
modify state by `produce` vs directly
How to split codes in store to multiple files?
Small preload script after document load but before page load
Creating custom signal.
How does height of the body work in Solid Playground?
Is solid-realworld example really real world?
Theme management with Solid
Will we see solid-native?
How to clear solid-primitives's storage?
useSearchParams not working
stop and then restart makeIntersectionObserver on window height change
Access dynamic route params in components outside of the FileRouter
classList not working on icons svg
useParams not working
SolidStart - Can't use 'os' module.
Solid Playground error in style tags
How to change child child value?
Please remove Portal's div wrapper...
Keep 'DEV' in production-mode
setting getter in store on already defined key loses reactivity
Can I change the requested URL in a middleware?
How to set a cookie when using `createRouteData` or `createServerData$`?
Thrown ServerError are not catched by ErrorBoundary
Reactive CSS's prefers-color-scheme ?
Ref is undefined unless I wrap in createEffect, if, and setTimeout
How to make createEffect to mutate two signals by condition?
How to recover scroll bar position with Show?
Better way of reusing event listeners for hooks
Route actions
problem with canvas
Saving md to jsx files in a folder with vitejs & solid-jsx
solid-jsx not working
EPERM operation not permitted, rmdir
Object.keys returns undefined on JSX
Random errors on previously working project
What is the difference between solidJS and solid start? and which one should I use?
EditorJS does not show up
Using express middlewares with solid start node adapter?
useDeepCompareEffect in solid
Incoherent data with multiple createServerData$ in routeData
Rendering issue
Good way to create session cookie on every route?
How do i pass ref to child?
how to await createResource?
Including solidjs router creates multiple instances of solid
Load data async
Importing web component `[...] does not exist on type 'JSX.IntrinsicElements'`
Is there a preference as when to use props or import data types?
Is this possible to render a component as string in browser context ?
Solid Cache
Why useRouteData can return undefined?
useReducer equivalent?
emmet support
Parent doesn't update view when state changes.
How to pass data from child component to parent?
Unable to Render Skeleton Component
solidjs not putting element in the correct spot.
Solid's Ecosystem
Type 'StoreState | undefined' must have a '[Symbol.iterator]()' method that returns an iterator.
i18n solid primitive with SolidStart
How to check if a variable is a solid-Mutable or -Store?
For Component
Streaming Suspense
How to make window.localStorage reactive?
How to subscribe a signal using createEffect?
General component organization question....
How to retrieve params in `createServerAction$`?
Creating a global store like redux
Functions inside store VS outside store?
How to return field error(s) from server action?
function MyComponent() vs arrow function Component
client-side rendered solid-start, router and vercel
SolidStart release date
How to make child as props in For loop?
How to use length for 'For'?
Setting up polyfills in Solid Start
Passing data from route to layout in solid-start
Using custom element tags in JSX
Dropdown with click outside pattern
SOLID svg tsc error
Looks like solid-router doesn't like encoded forward slashes as params?
Vite v4 and You appear to have multiple instances of Solid
Is my Solid app size is huge?
Vite v4 breaking solid-auth
How to make a global layout?
Is `style={}` performant?
Lazy in For results in renderToString timed out in production build
Virtual Scrolling with animation and dynamic loading
Should I use createMemo always?
Refetch routeData when dynamic route changes
SolidStart render page from POST function
How to update nested store values such that it triggers updates
How to have data attribute on Custom component?
createStore from fetched data ?
losing reactivity in For component
`xyz` is not a function
I have too long Switch, Match
Can we use solid's For and Index component for data that isn't stored as a signal?
Property 'giscus-widget' does not exist on type 'JSX.IntrinsicElements'
Solid Router Layouts
Is this considered good practice?
how to use from or reconcile with an external producer
Export an IIFE build with esbuild not working as expected
SVG path animation in Solid like Svelte's transition draw
Getting User Info from route page
How to properly type the `mergeProps` with Typescript?
reactive initialValue on createResource
Can I create a hole in Suspense
Is the on change broken for file inputs?
How to use Hash Mode Router in SolidStart?
How to have kind of 'named slot' in Solid like Vue?
Conditional rendering approach
Solid Show animation?
How to set delay on signal's setter
Should I use 'batch' for store?
How to make custom getter for store?
Plz, What's best store design pattern in this case?
I'm having issues deployment a Solid start site to cloudflare pages
Github pages
Rerender child component with updated props
Warning computations created outside a `createRoot`....
Computed getter for store?
Vite compiles .jsx files from node_modules as react files
How to bind element width, height to signal?
Pagination Component
SolidStart prod build fails to start on `require()`
Show-tag with callback for multiple values
Rate limit SolidStart API routes
HMR of solid-element for Vite ?
Import JS library via script tag
Where are real word example using SolidJS?
storing a function inside a store
How to add child component to component?
Template seems to have an issue.
Handling forms
Is this right store?
How to use createEffect with store?
How to get previous value in createSignal's getter?
How to move these divs?
Is there a way to set cookies on page load?
State management
Is it possible to activate a derived signal with an unrelated signal?
helper function like classNames?
Hello! Testing help forum!
pog (this is cool)