Universal renderer createElement isn't running
I'm working on a custom renderer and I can't get the createElement function to run. I'm not sure if I missed some configuration or I'm misunderstanding.
I have an example I'm going off for a basic custom renderer which calls createElement as expected, but in my version and a separate sandbox I'm not getting the expected log.
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7 Replies
It looks like it might have to do with a missing babel preset configuration. It's mentioned on the universal readme that it's need. I'll see if I can look more into that.
solid/packages/solid/universal at main · solidjs/solid
A declarative, efficient, and flexible JavaScript library for building user interfaces. - solid/packages/solid/universal at main · solidjs/solid
All that is being called in my sandbox is the insertNode function on the first div in the <App /> component.
I was able to get it working eventually. I needed to set a renderer in the solidPlugin config.
My only issue now, is that typescript is throwing an error on the renderers option. The error says it's not a known property.
Ye universal renderer is a bit finicky to get working... what are u trying to make a renderer for?
If the order of the children isn't important u can most likely get away with components (that do not return dom-elements) and context to add children to parents (see p.ex https://playground.solidjs.com/anonymous/f5d725d4-f187-4138-ac76-3f537b0f616e).
If order of children is important, there is
that u can use too. It allows u to return non-DOM elements and to read them from the parents (p.ex used in https://github.com/bigmistqke/solid-triangle).Solid Playground
Quickly discover what the solid compiler will generate from your JSX template
POCs for a custom renderer for Matter/Pixi mainly for learning purposes.
I'lll take a look at the example you linked as well. Thanks for taking a look!
nice 😊 wanted to do a pixi-renderer someday too. lmk how it went
+ we r making a three-renderer at https://discord.com/channels/722131463138705510/1101885290899054662
matter looks fun!
I did go through some of the conversations there, and it looks exciting