Solid-Primitives Key compatible with 1.7 beta (types)?
Hi, wondering if anyone has tried using together with [email protected].
After updating getting when using Key.
solid-primitives/packages/keyed at main · solidjs-community/solid-p...
A library of high-quality primitives that extend SolidJS reactivity. - solid-primitives/packages/keyed at main · solidjs-community/solid-primitives
5 Replies
@thetarnav need to update types
hey 1.7 is not out yet!
but true, they have to be updated 👍
Nice thanks, will wait for official 1.7
all of the primitives work last time I've checked, but yeah, some types haven't been updated
Yes it was working wherever I was using it was just the types. But I think from solid start some things werent working with 1.7 beta, like route outlets.