SolidJS•7mo ago

Resource state never updates when consumed by <Show>

https://playground.solidjs.com/anonymous/d47ac50e-b5d4-4b1c-8cff-d2c8ed7e1199 Refetch the resource until it fails to make a joke, observe that the joke.state never updates afterward. Is this a bug?
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17 Replies
webstrandOP•7mo ago
createResource is always in pending state when used with `` compo...
Describe the bug The resource remains pending even after the fetcher throw an error. With astro it remains unresolved: https://stackblitz.com/edit/github-bxb9uz-fpjsjd?file=src%2Fcomponents%2FSolid...
webstrandOP•7mo ago
well I still have no idea how to fix this spooky action at a distance is very uncomfortable
Brendonovich•7mo ago
calling joke() causes the error to be thrown to an ErrorBoundary if present, since there's no error boundary in that example the app just freezes (might be nice if this was handled a bit better)
webstrandOP•7mo ago
I am consuming this resource in multiple places in my code, there's no one <Show> that I can use with <ErrorBoundary> some of the consumers aren't even in jsx context why does it work fine without <Show>?
Brendonovich•7mo ago
Bc joke() never gets called in your example if you remove the <Show>
webstrandOP•7mo ago
ah so any consumer of joke() receives the error?
Brendonovich•7mo ago
Basically the error bubbles up from joke() to the nearest boundary same as suspense
webstrandOP•7mo ago
So I just need to create an const foo = <ErrorBoundary>{joke()}</ErrorBoundary> somewhere in my codebase? I'm still struggling with the idea of "nearest" the resource is an export export [example] = createResource(fetchExample) in my code and its consumed/shared by multiple pages
Brendonovich•7mo ago
"nearest" being the closest ancestor. jsx is a tree, the error propagates up the tree like DOM events until it's handled by an error boundary so you have the option to wrap the call to joke() in a boundary directly, or you could add one around your whole app, depends where you want to display the error boundary fallback or you could put it somewhere in the middle, it just has to be a parent of the call to joke() in your example you could also do joke.state !== "errored" && joke() to prevent joke() from being called to get the behaviour you want
webstrandOP•7mo ago
if I have multiple places that consume joke() like in different components can I have multiple ErrorBoundaries?
Brendonovich•7mo ago
certainly you could put them inside the components, outside the components, wherever
webstrandOP•7mo ago
okay, then I think I see a path forward out of this. I really didn't expect createResource to do strange things like this 😅 I thought it was a simple signal that got updated with the results of an async task am I perhaps using the wrong thing?
Brendonovich•7mo ago
nah you're on the right track, solid just leans heavily into suspense and error boundaries though i'd advise that if you're looking to handle very specific types of errors, don't just throw them return them so you can handle them as actual data and so you get type inference for them
webstrandOP•7mo ago
so that's what the documentation means by
data.latest will return the last returned value and won't trigger Suspense and transitions; if no value has been returned yet, data.latest acts the same as data()
so in reality what I want to be using is joke.latest
Brendonovich•7mo ago
that will work most of the time, but if the first load throws an error then it'll still trigger the error boundary since if no value has been returned then it's the same as calling the accessor latest is more to avoid re-suspending on subsequent fetches after first load has completed
webstrandOP•7mo ago
so then () => joke.state !== "errored" ? undefined : joke.latest is the most accurate match for my "behaves like a simple signal updated from an async task" I've made too many assumptions that it works that way
Brendonovich•7mo ago
pretty much, but i don't think i'd recommend it

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