Reactive var in obj

I have a context provider with an object, one of the property is conditional based on a prop you pass, what is the best way to handle the reactive property in this case?
const query = () =>
condition ? 1 : 2;

const context = {
// ... other properties
query: query(), // The reactive variable 'query' should be used within JSX, a tracked scope (like createEffect), or inside an event handler function.

return (
<Wrapper.Provider value={context}>
const query = () =>
condition ? 1 : 2;

const context = {
// ... other properties
query: query(), // The reactive variable 'query' should be used within JSX, a tracked scope (like createEffect), or inside an event handler function.

return (
<Wrapper.Provider value={context}>
4 Replies
deluksic2y ago
simply pass the signal (function) instead of the resolved value!
Tommypop2y ago
If you'd rather access with .query instead of .query(), you can write it as a getter:
const context = {
get query(){
return query();
const context = {
get query(){
return query();
deluksic2y ago
also, if your computation is complex, consider using createMemo
LadvaceOP2y ago

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