Bug? with ssr, lazy loading, and css.

The image where there is a red line is html after the page is loaded. The other is the html sent by the server. After loading, the page flashes. Access page style is added after the page is loaded, I think it shouldn't be like this. Sorry for my English, I'm not from the USA.
The document sent by the server
document after page loading
code of the project
8 Replies
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Unknown Userβ€’2d ago
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hannusβ€’2d ago
I have believed that this issue is a normal exception of DEV mode, beacuse It will okay when the project has built πŸ˜‰
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Unknown Userβ€’2d ago
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MaxLarionov0916β€’2d ago
Yes, it's true, it's a built project, but the problem still remains I still haven't found a solution to the problem, using tailwind would be a solution, but not a very good one, at least for meπŸ™‚ Maybe a temporary solution would be to create a component on top of the screen and remove it when the page loads? I'll try it today.
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Unknown Userβ€’2d ago
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ryansolidβ€’19h ago
Yeah any issue that affects prod needs to be elevated. In digging into other CSS issues I'm starting to get an idea of the gaps of the solution here. We're probably going to need to supplant Vinxi's current solution and find a fix until we can back port. I apologize CSS has been a blindspot becaus it isn't a place that typically gets exhausted in demos, so I wasn't seeing many of the issues before and it only takes one break in the chain. Like the FOUC people are seeing in DEV was introduced by a side effect of a different fix in Vinxi and it isn't supposed to be there either. So CSS is playing a bit of a whackamole thing on bugs right now.
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Unknown Userβ€’17h ago
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davedbaseβ€’14h ago
Thanks for being an amazing part of the community as well as being patient. Ultimately these details make the product better and stronger for everyone.