Created by davedbase on 9/23/2023 in #support
How do you disable SSR on a specific route/part of a route?
Is there a way to mark a whole route or at least a portion of a route as being client only? I know there's syntax that allows something similar to use but finding documentation on it has been tricky. Halp? 🙂
7 replies
Created by davedbase on 8/1/2023 in #support
Issue with using ApexCharts (solid-apexcharts) in Start
I'm having trouble with @wobsoriano's solid-apexcharts package in SolidStart. We're getting a weird "export" error when loaded. The package seems to be exported properly for for cjs and such so I don't easily see what the problem is. I put together a recreation to tinker with: https://stackblitz.com/edit/github-eq59tk?file=src%2Froutes%2Findex.tsx,vite.config.ts
8 replies
Created by davedbase on 6/27/2023 in #support
Announcement: posts will now be indexed via Answer Overflow
Hi everyone, this is a note to let everyone know that we are starting to index our Discord with Answer Overflow. Please note that your posts will now appear outside our Discord. You can opt out of this with the Answer Overflow commands.
28 replies
Created by davedbase on 5/13/2023 in #support
Identifying multiple versions of Solid installed
15 replies
Created by davedbase on 3/21/2023 in #support
How can I circumvent the wrapping Router requirement error?
I have a ui library that lives in a monorepo with my core application. I'm structuring a lot of component in the ui package so that it can be shared across projects. I have a header and footer inside that library that wants to use utilities that require solid-router ie. <A> specifically. Since UI isn't directly wrapped in a router context it errors. Curious to know if anyone has any suggestions to get around this and ship the components without that will eventually be used within a router context?
12 replies
Created by davedbase on 3/11/2023 in #support
Do we have an ExtractProps helper?
Finally have a need for this, but managed to avoid it till now. lol
5 replies
Created by davedbase on 2/16/2023 in #support
useBeforeLeave or similar for tracking route change in Start
I need to track route changes within Start. Solid Router comes with useBeforeLeave which I can use to track the page the user is moving to however Start doesn't export it. Is everyone else importing router directly in this case?
13 replies
Created by davedbase on 2/15/2023 in #support
Strategies for not calling setters in effects
I'm helping train someone on the dos and donts of reactivity and I got stumped with a pretty basic question regarding calling setters in effects. Most of the time I'm able to design my reactivity to ensure I'm not calling a setter but there's one pattern that got me curious. Say I have a signal that exists at the root of the application. I want a child component deep down the tree to be able to temporarily effect that signal as an override. In my case when I display a modal I want the navigation elements on the page to be hidden then reappear when the modal is closed. This is basically what would seem like the only reasonable solution:
So when the prop on the component is truthy then set the header. This is a bit of a contrived example and I would typically do it differently but this explains the general idea. How does others avoid the setter in these situations?
22 replies
Created by davedbase on 2/7/2023 in #support
Deploying changes to SolidStart app then navigating the application throws strange error
82 replies
Created by davedbase on 11/29/2022 in #support
Hello! Testing help forum!
Welcome community members! We're SO excited that this is finally available to our Soliders.
3 replies