Created by MaxLarionov0916 on 6/28/2024 in #support
Bug? with ssr, lazy loading, and css.
Thanks for being an amazing part of the community as well as being patient. Ultimately these details make the product better and stronger for everyone.
14 replies
Created by XxX_MLG Noob_XxX on 6/22/2024 in #support
Is the `solid-element` library still being maintained?
I am curious about this as well. State sharing across components is a concern of mine.
41 replies
Created by XxX_MLG Noob_XxX on 6/22/2024 in #support
Is the `solid-element` library still being maintained?
He has a great vision for how Solid reactivity can help the WC community as well.
41 replies
Created by XxX_MLG Noob_XxX on 6/22/2024 in #support
Is the `solid-element` library still being maintained?
Joe’s great! Always willing to help out. I think you can contract him too 😉 haha
41 replies
Created by XxX_MLG Noob_XxX on 6/22/2024 in #support
Is the `solid-element` library still being maintained?
As for Solid Element, it probably needs work to define how it can be improved in a Solidlike way. Lume Element has had years of work though and is pretty awesome in its own right
41 replies
Created by XxX_MLG Noob_XxX on 6/22/2024 in #support
Is the `solid-element` library still being maintained?
I think if users prefer Lume Element and that style it’s a fantastic tool
41 replies
Created by XxX_MLG Noob_XxX on 6/22/2024 in #support
Is the `solid-element` library still being maintained?
It comes down to opinions and ideology ultimately. It’s preferences. Decorators and classes are not common in Solid ecosystem and probably won’t be as far as I can tell. Btw just stating what I’ve come to understand. I’m not looking for a debate of if that’s good or bad.
41 replies
Created by XxX_MLG Noob_XxX on 6/22/2024 in #support
Is the `solid-element` library still being maintained?
I mean it’s a bit of both. lol they are just unique in their ideals
41 replies
Created by XxX_MLG Noob_XxX on 6/22/2024 in #support
Is the `solid-element` library still being maintained?
The class based approach doesn’t fit with Solid’s philosophy unfortunately. It’s best that Lume Element exists in its own form so that it’s not tainted by Solid’s ideology or opinions.
41 replies
Created by gsoutz on 3/1/2024 in #support
solid primitives storage is bug
Frustration is acceptable, attitude and condescension isn't (on anyone's part for that matter)
41 replies
Created by gsoutz on 3/1/2024 in #support
solid primitives storage is bug
Yeah, I was going to suggest that being a nicer might get you a bit further ahead. Just friendly advice
41 replies
Created by Turj on 12/22/2023 in #support
Referencing Solid without breaking any Licensing issues
Thanks for reaching out. Solid doesn’t have a corporate entity. The rights and trademark secured to protect the name and logo are Ryan’s trademark and copyright directly. I can however assure you that you would be granted the right to display solid’s name and project title as long as you link to our OpenCollective directly. Thank you for asking before proceeding, but rest assured this is a non-issue.
4 replies
Created by Mirardes on 11/6/2023 in #support
Error: Hydration Mismatch
PS. thanks Alexis. You da best
58 replies
Created by Mirardes on 11/6/2023 in #support
Error: Hydration Mismatch
@lxsmnsyc 🤖 sorry to ping you but do you happen to have a few minutes for our community member?
58 replies
Created by Mirardes on 11/6/2023 in #support
Error: Hydration Mismatch
Absolutely, we're here to help smoothen that effort...just bear with us. There's a LOT happening atm
58 replies
Created by Mirardes on 11/6/2023 in #support
Error: Hydration Mismatch
Hi @Mirardes. Very sorry that core members haven't gotten back to you. We try to support questions like this as often as we can but everyone's stretched very thin rn. Let me ask around and see if we can get someone's time to help.
58 replies
Created by eformx on 10/9/2023 in #support
I looked at Vite but there is nothing on there site on how to install it? what are the steps?
Ah, you're braver than I for trying at least hehehe
26 replies
Created by eformx on 10/9/2023 in #support
I looked at Vite but there is nothing on there site on how to install it? what are the steps?
Deployed 🙂
26 replies
Created by eformx on 10/9/2023 in #support
I looked at Vite but there is nothing on there site on how to install it? what are the steps?
Thank you!
26 replies
Created by eformx on 10/9/2023 in #support
I looked at Vite but there is nothing on there site on how to install it? what are the steps?
26 replies