SolidJSβ€’5mo ago

Uncaught Error: Failed attempt to create new DOM elements during hydration. Check that the libraries

This is my first time trying to create solid component with tsup https://github.com/solidjs-community/tsup-preset-solid and I'm assuming I'm doing something wrong πŸ™‚ I never seen this error message before so I'm at a loss on where to start debugging this πŸ™‚ setup on library side is pretty minimal, here's my index.tsx
import { type Component, createEffect, createSignal } from 'solid-js';
import { generateHydrationScript, hydrate, renderToString } from 'solid-js/web';

export const Hello: Component = () => {
const [counter, setCounter] = createSignal(0);

createEffect(() => {
const interval = setInterval(() => setCounter((c) => c + 1), 1000);
return () => clearInterval(interval);

return <div>I want to say hi {counter()}</div>;

export function hydrateHello(element: HTMLElement) {
// render(() => <Hello />, element);
return () => hydrate(() => <Hello />, element);

export function renderHtml() {
const script = generateHydrationScript();
const html = renderToString(() => <Hello />);
return { script, html };
import { type Component, createEffect, createSignal } from 'solid-js';
import { generateHydrationScript, hydrate, renderToString } from 'solid-js/web';

export const Hello: Component = () => {
const [counter, setCounter] = createSignal(0);

createEffect(() => {
const interval = setInterval(() => setCounter((c) => c + 1), 1000);
return () => clearInterval(interval);

return <div>I want to say hi {counter()}</div>;

export function hydrateHello(element: HTMLElement) {
// render(() => <Hello />, element);
return () => hydrate(() => <Hello />, element);

export function renderHtml() {
const script = generateHydrationScript();
const html = renderToString(() => <Hello />);
return { script, html };
now on the consumer side I'm trying to call renderHtml and hydrateHello. It seem to be working when my component returns a string (instead of jsx) or if I use render instead of hydrate but the combination of using hydrate and using html template is what is killing it 🫠
GitHub - solidjs-community/tsup-preset-solid: Preset for building y...
Preset for building your SolidJS packages with tsup. - solidjs-community/tsup-preset-solid
17 Replies
JLarkyOPβ€’5mo ago
the whole error message didn't fit in the title πŸ™‚
Uncaught Error: Failed attempt to create new DOM elements during hydration. Check that the libraries you are using support hydration.
Uncaught Error: Failed attempt to create new DOM elements during hydration. Check that the libraries you are using support hydration.
JLarkyOPβ€’5mo ago
played with that a bit more from Astro. If I have solid plugin configured for Astro I can just use .jsx version of the component and everything works. If I force it to use .js then I see the same error. I guess that means that package didn't compile solid to plain javascript enough πŸ˜„ it still requires some pre-processing of the file before I can use it
mdynnlβ€’5mo ago
JLarkyOPβ€’5mo ago
thanks! that's should be there for client build, right?
mdynnlβ€’5mo ago
Both ssr and dom require hydratable This is likely intentional and solid pipeline should be integrated to whatever setup because there'd be a couple of output formats if you combine it with js output formats i.e 2 (cjs, esm) * 2 (ssr, dom) * 2 (hydratable, normal) so instead we just simply ship the jsx using solid export condition and let the solid pipeline handle it
JLarkyOPβ€’5mo ago
JLarkyOPβ€’5mo ago
@davedbase do you know who would be a good person to look at this? πŸ™‚
davedbaseβ€’5mo ago
Yep! @thetarnav has maintained it for a while. I wonder if @amoutonbrady is around and might have an idea as well.
JLarkyOPβ€’5mo ago
thetarnavβ€’5mo ago
I’m a bit skeptical about it. The whole point of shipping jsx was that the user would handle how it is compiled. Now you want to change how the buildless output works? Are you using it in a buildless setup? Since the precompiled jsx is for a SPA use, the only one you can get with buildless I think, it doesn’t need hydration. I know there is also an ssr jsx output, but that was just to make the server entries be usable in node. basically this
JLarkyOPβ€’5mo ago
I'm reading this as "if you want your solid library code to work with SSR you have to use solid in the app", but that's not what I'm trying to do here I'm trying to use it from Remix app the way solid works you kind of have to care about all of those options and you have to have all of those flags on and off depending on how you use it my problem right now is that solid preset doesn't have a way to set that flag if it did the way I would like to see it work is something like one entry point for hydratable code, one entry point for SPA there's of course a bigger issue is that preset doesn't allow you to configure any of the solid options at all πŸ™‚ if it did I would have just used that but if it tries to be opinionated I think it makes sense to have the option of hydratable JSX like there's an option for dev_entry
thetarnavβ€’5mo ago
this could be useful anyway but I also wonder what the default should do At some point the complexity has to be on the user to precompile the component themselves Like even if the preset was outputting another, a hydratable entry How would you use it export conditions by default only cover server/browser not ssr/no-ssr Unless I’m missing something
JLarkyOPβ€’5mo ago
Right, I feel like hydratable should be a default, but I can see that this could be not backwards compatible Regardless if it's a default or not there should be an option to set that value πŸ™‚ Do you want me to work on a PR that could be implementing that?
thetarnavβ€’5mo ago
being about to change plugin options? That one I wouldn’t mind
JLarkyOPβ€’5mo ago
okay, I pushed new PR πŸ™‚

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