Dynamic imports?

Is there a similar straightforward approach to import modules dynamically in SolidJS? In Svelte it's as simple as:
onMount(async () => {
const myModule = await import("my-module");

// Which is pretty much equivalent to in a regular ESM import:
import MyModule from "my-module";
onMount(async () => {
const myModule = await import("my-module");

// Which is pretty much equivalent to in a regular ESM import:
import MyModule from "my-module";
It helps with non-ssr-friendly module imports. I was wondering if SolidJS has something similar? :))
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8 Replies
bigmistqke8mo ago
I think https://docs.solidjs.com/reference/component-apis/lazy is what you are looking for
BlankeosOP8mo ago
Thanks, I couldn't find examples of it being used for just plain javascript modules tho. Not components. For instance:
const heic2Any = await import("heic2any");

const conversionResult = await heic2Any({ blob });
const heic2Any = await import("heic2any");

const conversionResult = await heic2Any({ blob });
bigmistqke8mo ago
A ye u can just use await import Vite will resolve relative imports and create a chunk for each import U get proper typing for relative impors And u can also use it for external dynamic imports too, it's a web feature Import esm modules from esm.sh for example That's the secret sauce of why u can import external modules with the solid playground
BlankeosOP8mo ago
Hmm yeah wtf, it worked. I cannot confirm if this is actually importing client-side tho lol.
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BlankeosOP8mo ago
// something.ts
import { isServer } from 'solid-js/web';

console.log('module has loaded. Server:', isServer);
export default function something() {
console.log('something happened!');
// something.ts
import { isServer } from 'solid-js/web';

console.log('module has loaded. Server:', isServer);
export default function something() {
console.log('something happened!');
Alright yup, it does work. The screenshot above is what happens if I do a regular ESM Import (isomorphic):
// +Page.tsx
export default Page() {
// +Page.tsx
export default Page() {
But when I do the await import (client-side only):
// +Page.tsx
export default Page() {
onMount(async () => {
const { default: something } = await import("./something");

// +Page.tsx
export default Page() {
onMount(async () => {
const { default: something } = await import("./something");

The log on the console (in VSCode) won't be there, which means it's only on client-side (browser).
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bigmistqke8mo ago
this is because onMount will not be called on the server i think you should be able to await import on the server too i think, as long as ur in esm-mode. both dynamic and static imports are part of esm.
BlankeosOP8mo ago
Didn't know this before. Thanks! I was assuming it was a Svelte-specific feature.
bigmistqke8mo ago
You are welcome 😁

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