Migrating from `<input>` to contentEditable and handle selection

I'd like to migrate from using <input> to using <div contenteditable="true"> (to enable text selection across multiple elements) but I am not sure how to migrate some code, and whether I should use some SolidJS-specific way to handle selections. The specific code I am wondering about is here: https://github.com/ToposInstitute/CatColab/blob/43e054aa5efb57bf98fa4fabc2c9c21c9a0a9493/packages/frontend/src/model/object_cell_editor.tsx#L19-L26
let nameRef!: HTMLInputElement;

createEffect(() => {
if (props.isActive) {
nameRef.selectionStart = nameRef.selectionEnd = nameRef.value.length;
let nameRef!: HTMLInputElement;

createEffect(() => {
if (props.isActive) {
nameRef.selectionStart = nameRef.selectionEnd = nameRef.value.length;
CatColab/packages/frontend/src/model/object_cell_editor.tsx at 43e0...
A collaborative environment for formal, interoperable, conceptual modeling - ToposInstitute/CatColab
1 Reply
Alex Lohr
Alex Lohr5mo ago
I wrote a selection primitive: @solid-primitives/selection. Enjoy.

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