createSignal + createRenderEffect
Say I have an Input component that might or not be controlled. Within this said component, I need to peek reactively into the value. Is it a good idea to have something like the following?
This is also compatible with SSR, since the createRenderEffect will run on the server. My main doubt is for things like
6 Replies
value() === previous
this line confuses me a bit. isn't it always going to be true?@bigmistqke previous hold the value before onInput, that might update externally the props.value which in turn would trigger the render effect, resulting in a new state. in this case, if the value is already updated, there's nothing to be done. Imagine
derives the value form
but changing it (eg. input mask). But now, explaining it to you, I realise that props.value
is always up-to-date upon reading, instead of holding previous
I could just check whether props.value
is undefined, if so, I could call the setValue
That's to cover the case where the consumer doesn't set the value
so if u set the prop on the input u have to update signals from the consuming component?
Not necessarily, here's the example:
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console.log is ran for both sourcing from internal signal with the most up to date value
gotcha. i think i missed this
Say I have an Input component that might or not be controlled
part of ur question. the logic of combining both confused me but now i understand the goal