can I use solid as just a reactive library?

I'm trying but the createEffect() callbacks aren't running
5 Replies
fabiospampinato•2y ago
the reactivity system for node doesn't really do anything, you'd need to import the browser version of Solid to have it working
Erik Demaine
Erik Demaine•2y ago
In particular, you can run node with the browser condition via node -C browser. If you're using a builder, it should have a way to specify conditions.
fabiospampinato•2y ago
That possibly would just work, but I think it also interferes with other dependencies, which could provide a non-browser implementation that should be loaded for them to be functioning. Loading the web build of the reactivity system directly is probably safer, I don't remember what the path for that is though.
Erik Demaine
Erik Demaine•2y ago
I hear @solidjs/reactivity is Coming Soon. Until then, it's solid-js/dist/solid (production) or solid-js/dist/dev (dev)
Samual 🦢
Samual 🦢OP•2y ago
this works thank you

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