Correct method for passing form data between pages

Feeling like this is a super simple thing to do, I just cant figure it out from the docs. I have a form that then once submitted needs to do two things, submit to a mysql db (this bit is working), and secondly show the submitted values on the screen. I currently have a route action that gets all the form data once submitted, however I'm unsure how to send this to the completed page. I've tried url params but only seem to be able to grab one param, not all 4 that I have.
1 Reply
Max2y ago
Is this form on the same page, if yea and its controlled you should have the values, if its uncontrolled you could just keep then in a signal on that same component that renders form. If you're getting the data back from the db after submitting it you should be able to use createRouteData or createResource

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