filebased routing for 'regular' csr solidjs
since filebased routing is a vite-plugin and afaik it's isomorphic too, is it possible to set it up in a 'regular' client side rendered solidjs project?
8 Replies
are you referring to SolidStart's? You can also opt-in to CSR in SolidStart
but if you're referring to bare SolidJS + Vite, import.meta.glob + some solid-router tweaks would get you the same capability
true, but solid-start's csr is a bit wonky atm.
last time i checked it still ssr'ed, at least when in dev-mode. ryan mentioned csr in solid-start was buggy too i believe
that does sound like a fun challenge 🙂 but nothing i can just
pnpm install
?not really, not with a plugin
cool thanks 👍
Unknown User•3y ago
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🤔 maybe i should give it another try then. always had issues with libraries that couldn't run on server still being run on the server in csr-mode and then getting server-errors.
Unknown User•3y ago
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that's great news!