Cannot reference properties of object stored in a signal after being fetched from API

I fetch some data via a REST API and store it in a signal within the onMount hook. The signal stores an array of the fetched data. I can reference all top level members of that array, but when I try to reference their properties I get an error. This only happens for me when I fetch the data from an API. When I pass in the static data via prop or just initialize the signal with the data, it doesn't happen. A reproduction of the problem is below (and also here: I think there is something fundamental I am missing.
import { render } from "solid-js/web";
import { createSignal, onMount, createEffect } from "solid-js";

function Test() {
const [users, setUsers] = createSignal([]);
const [users2, setUsers2] = createSignal([
id: 1
id: 2

createEffect(() => {
console.log(users()[0].id) //THROWS ERROR

createEffect(() => {
console.log(users2()[0].id) //DOES NOT THROW ERROR

onMount(() => {
.then(res => res.json())
.then(data => {

return (

render(() => <Test />, document.getElementById("app")!);
import { render } from "solid-js/web";
import { createSignal, onMount, createEffect } from "solid-js";

function Test() {
const [users, setUsers] = createSignal([]);
const [users2, setUsers2] = createSignal([
id: 1
id: 2

createEffect(() => {
console.log(users()[0].id) //THROWS ERROR

createEffect(() => {
console.log(users2()[0].id) //DOES NOT THROW ERROR

onMount(() => {
.then(res => res.json())
.then(data => {

return (

render(() => <Test />, document.getElementById("app")!);
2 Replies
REEEEE2y ago
it's because the data can not be available yet
createEffect(() => {
createEffect(() => {
This will work or
createEffect(() => {
if(users().length === 0) return;

createEffect(() => {
if(users().length === 0) return;

the type error with accessing id is because the users elements don't have a type that includes the id property
eponymousOP2y ago
@._rb Thanks! I wrongly thought that signals took care of that logic for you.

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