Does SolidStart Have a Global `Context` That Server Functions Can Use?

Other SSR frameworks have a concept of a "context" that is globally available to all server functions. For instance, Svelte Kit has event.locals (, which can be set at the server entry point (hooks.server.ts). This context info is then available to all of the server data loaders. Similarly, Remix passes a context argument to its loader and actions. The value of context can be set by getLoadContext ( Does SolidStart have anything similar? Or are there at least plans to add something like this in the future? Having a global context is really helpful when it comes to user identifiers.
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Unknown User2y ago
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lxsmnsyc2y ago
different api from the question
XxX_MLG Noob_XxX
Ah, I forgot to close this out. Yes, I opened an issue on the Solid Start repo sometime after opening this question. It seems we have event.locals now. Thanks @zihan
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