Wrapping `<FileRoutes />` in `ErrorBoundry`

Im trying to migrate from the pre 1.0 day, when solid-start cli was still a thing. Back then I was able to do smth like this in the root component:
<FileRoutes />
<Scripts />
<FileRoutes />
<Scripts />
Trying to accomplish the same thing, wanting to wrap the FileRoutes in an ErrorBoundry, by doing this in the app.tsx:
root={(props) => (
<ErrorBoundary fallback={(err) => <p>Error: {err}</p>} >
<FileRoutes />
root={(props) => (
<ErrorBoundary fallback={(err) => <p>Error: {err}</p>} >
<FileRoutes />
But that results in a hydration error
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3 Replies
REEEEE3mo ago
Put it in the root section
root={(props) => (
root={(props) => (
the magic guy
the magic guy3mo ago
ah right! tho can I not combine an errorBoundry and Suspense? It seems like when I have both, the errorBoundry doesnt seemt to kick in
<ErrorBoundary fallback={(err) => <p>Error: {err}</p>}>
<ErrorBoundary fallback={(err) => <p>Error: {err}</p>}>
the magic guy
the magic guy3mo ago
Hmm just noticed even when the ErrorBoundry is placed in the Router root, the hydration error still shows up in the browser terminal. It seems to be complaining about the 404 page, but im using the default one that comes with solidStart
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