Fetching resources only when logged in

export default function Dashboard() {

const { createToast, styles } = useToast()
const { logged, user } = useAuth()
const { show, hide, SaveButton } = useSaveButton()

const [guildDB, { mutate }] = createResource(fetchGuildDB, { initialValue: { moderation: {}, economy: {}}})
const [roles] = createResource(fetchRoles, { initialValue: [] })
const [channels] = createResource(fetchChannels, { initialValue: [] })
const [guild] = createResource(fetchGuildDetails, { initialValue: {}})
export default function Dashboard() {

const { createToast, styles } = useToast()
const { logged, user } = useAuth()
const { show, hide, SaveButton } = useSaveButton()

const [guildDB, { mutate }] = createResource(fetchGuildDB, { initialValue: { moderation: {}, economy: {}}})
const [roles] = createResource(fetchRoles, { initialValue: [] })
const [channels] = createResource(fetchChannels, { initialValue: [] })
const [guild] = createResource(fetchGuildDetails, { initialValue: {}})
Here for example I want to fetch all those resources only when logged() === true right now it fetches every time someone navigates to that page and that results in the page freezing (clicking links/navigating doesnt work) how is this supposed to be handled?
1 Reply
KokoNeot2y ago
Same here
function UserData({ params, location, navigate, data }) {
// const { logged } = useAuth()
// console.log(logged())
// if (logged() === false) return { userDB: () => {}, playlists: () => [] }

const [userDB] = createResource(fetchUserDB, { initialValue: { timeObj: {}, jobObj: {}}})
const [playlists, { mutate }] = createResource(fetchPlaylists, { initialValue: [] })

return { userDB, playlists, mutatePlaylists: mutate }
function UserData({ params, location, navigate, data }) {
// const { logged } = useAuth()
// console.log(logged())
// if (logged() === false) return { userDB: () => {}, playlists: () => [] }

const [userDB] = createResource(fetchUserDB, { initialValue: { timeObj: {}, jobObj: {}}})
const [playlists, { mutate }] = createResource(fetchPlaylists, { initialValue: [] })

return { userDB, playlists, mutatePlaylists: mutate }
this was my attempt at route data function but it doesnt work as intended because initially logged is === to null, the AuthContext makes an api call to check if user is logged or not and then its set to true or false but the data function doesnt rerun