Why does my component only update in a dummy For loop?
The component works correctly in the For loop, but doesn't do anything on it's own.
The component itself doesn't seem to matter, it can be as simple as
return props.content
8 Replies
How are you reading the prop?
You can't do
return props.content
as it won't be reactive. It has to be read in jsx. So you can do return <> {props.content}</>
to make it reactiveOK, I'll put it, but that part I just tried to make it too much minimal reproducible code sample.
I'll make a bit more detailed one
OK, it worked correctly with
return <> {props.content}</>
. So I went back and checked the original, function, which doesn't work:
It works by wrapping it in a createMemo:
Is there any way to say that one value is reactive, without using createMemo?You could use a normal function too or inline
into the each
so I just cannot use it outside of the JSX part?
ok, inlining I get it, it works. can you explain the "You could use a normal function too" part?
You can do this
to make the read to props.content reactive. Since solid components don't generally rerun, once you read the prop (like in your original use), it gets that value at the time of read and that's it. Only effects, memos, jsx, and functions (for the most part) are reactive. If you read props or any reactive value in the body of the component it won't be reactive
Great, thanks! So no need for createEffect or createRenderEffect for this?