renderToString not work
I have two questions about SSR:
1. It cannot work according to document about renderToString. The browser always plain when the response is a string by renderToString. However, If the response is string that I need not to use renderToString, it works well. The code is following:
import { renderToString } from "solid-js/web";
function Test() {
return <div>Hello World</div>;
const server = Bun.serve({
port: 3999,
fetch(request) {
const html = renderToString(() => <Test />);
return new Response(html, {
// return new Response("Welcome to Bun!");
Listening on localhost:${server.port}
2. Is solidStart too complicated to the only purpose for SSR? I just want to change my tiny project from CSR to SSR.
thanks a lot.4 Replies
1. did you compile it in ssr mode?
2. well it's a metaframework so expect some additional stuff
1. not yet. Actually I am freshman of modern JS, so I do not know I should compile it. Could you give me some refrrence document about how to compile it?
Okay yeah since you're a "freshman" I don't think I can recommend this path. Have you tried SolidStart? it has a bare template, so you don't have to worry about routes and stuff
thanks a lot, I am going to try SolidStart. I hope it is easy to learn and use.
Thanks for your advice. SolidStart is cool. I am going to use solidStart to deploy my project, although there are a lot of stuffs to learn. However, it seems that the document is missing how to deploy. Is there any document to reference? Thanks