Solid Cache

hey @lxsmnsyc sorry to bother you. I´ve been trying your library, am I doing this correctly:
const [queryParams, setQueryParams] = useSearchParams()

const { data: bookings, isFetching } = createCachedResource({
source: () => queryParams,
key: ({ page, query }) => [page, query],
get: async () => {
const searchQuery =
queryParams.query === undefined ? '' : queryParams.query
const currentPage = ? Number( : 1

return await supabaseClient
'booking_start, booking_end, reference, created_at, products!inner(product_name, product_id)',
{ count: 'exact' },
.eq('tenant_id', user?.user_metadata.tenant_id)
.ilike('reference', '%' + searchQuery + '%')
currentPage * pageSize() - pageSize(),
currentPage * pageSize() - 1,
.order('reference', { ascending: true })
const [queryParams, setQueryParams] = useSearchParams()

const { data: bookings, isFetching } = createCachedResource({
source: () => queryParams,
key: ({ page, query }) => [page, query],
get: async () => {
const searchQuery =
queryParams.query === undefined ? '' : queryParams.query
const currentPage = ? Number( : 1

return await supabaseClient
'booking_start, booking_end, reference, created_at, products!inner(product_name, product_id)',
{ count: 'exact' },
.eq('tenant_id', user?.user_metadata.tenant_id)
.ilike('reference', '%' + searchQuery + '%')
currentPage * pageSize() - pageSize(),
currentPage * pageSize() - 1,
.order('reference', { ascending: true })
I'm not really sure how key works, I see it's string based, but was wondering how to effectively use this correctly
34 Replies
lxsmnsyc2y ago
Key is for caching purposes. It allows solid cache where to save/load a resolved resource - source doesn't do anything here; you aren't tracking anything. - key must be string (as mentioned) You should invert your key as source then produce a string from the source
Casacobra2y ago
@lxsmnsyc something like this:
const { data: bookings, isFetching } = createCachedResource({
source: () => [, queryParams.query],
key: ([page, query]) => `/page=${page}&query=${query}`,
get: async ([page, query]) => {
const searchQuery = query === undefined ? '' : query
const currentPage = page ? Number(page) : 1

return await supabaseClient
'booking_start, booking_end, reference, created_at, products!inner(product_name, product_id)',
{ count: 'exact' },
.eq('tenant_id', user?.user_metadata.tenant_id)
.ilike('reference', '%' + searchQuery + '%')
currentPage * pageSize() - pageSize(),
currentPage * pageSize() - 1,
.order('reference', { ascending: true })
const { data: bookings, isFetching } = createCachedResource({
source: () => [, queryParams.query],
key: ([page, query]) => `/page=${page}&query=${query}`,
get: async ([page, query]) => {
const searchQuery = query === undefined ? '' : query
const currentPage = page ? Number(page) : 1

return await supabaseClient
'booking_start, booking_end, reference, created_at, products!inner(product_name, product_id)',
{ count: 'exact' },
.eq('tenant_id', user?.user_metadata.tenant_id)
.ilike('reference', '%' + searchQuery + '%')
currentPage * pageSize() - pageSize(),
currentPage * pageSize() - 1,
.order('reference', { ascending: true })
lxsmnsyc2y ago
yes! I think this should work I would recommend though, adding a unique prefix to that string Because solid-cache uses the same single cache for every boundary, and so it may conflict if you have too similar key factories
Casacobra2y ago
So, the key is basically what gets stored in cache?
lxsmnsyc2y ago
no, it's the "key" to the data stored in cache imagine a Map
Casacobra2y ago
i see!
source: () => [, queryParams.query],
key: ([page, query]) => `bookings:${page}${query}`,
source: () => [, queryParams.query],
key: ([page, query]) => `bookings:${page}${query}`,
lxsmnsyc2y ago
yes that should work too
Casacobra2y ago
we need the source values in the key, right?
lxsmnsyc2y ago
basically source is for tracking what you return in source is passed to the key and getter key produces the key, get produces the value
Casacobra2y ago
got it! Thanks my man
lxsmnsyc2y ago
let me know if there are any issues
Casacobra2y ago
@lxsmnsyc thanks my man. Question, is there anyway I can see where this cached data is being stored, just for debugging reasons? I tried using solid devtools, but no luck
lxsmnsyc2y ago
hmmm, yeah I don't think it can be inspected in solid-devtools there's not much right now
Casacobra2y ago
even if i can console.log the data
thetarnav2y ago
how do you store it though? is something missing in the devtools?
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