hydration mismatch when using SuspenseList
Hi, all.
When using SuspenseList in solidstart i ran into this error:
Here is a project for reproducing it: https://stackblitz.com/edit/stackblitz-starters-1bq7h1?file=src%2Fcomponents%2FProfile.tsx
To see this error, use this url: https://stackblitzstarters1bq7h1-gnvq-yj5uy0gc--3000--216f7361.local-credentialless.webcontainer.io/tutorial/async_suspense_list
A couple of curious remarks:
* Remove the SuspenseList and use a plain div, the error is gone
* Build the project and then preview, the error is gone
Any idea how to fix this? Is this a bug?
1 Reply
Honestly I'd probably be cautious of SuspenseList. It is marked as experimental specifically because we had issues with finding a stable hydration strategy with it.