How can I load external .js script on specific route?

Adding <Link> doesn't help. I can see it in DOM, but it never sends a request.
5 Replies
aquarazordaOP2y ago
Is it even possible, easily? Or should I start having fun with DOM?
Alex Lohr
Alex Lohr2y ago
solid-primitives/packages/script-loader at main · solidjs-community...
A library of high-quality primitives that extend SolidJS reactivity. - solid-primitives/packages/script-loader at main · solidjs-community/solid-primitives
aquarazordaOP2y ago
I've completely forgot about the primitives package. Thanks a lot!
Alex Lohr
Alex Lohr2y ago
👍 I wrote that package 😉
aquarazordaOP2y ago
Just tested, works flawlessly, thanks!

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