Question on Functions vs Components

Hey all! I have a quick question. What is the difference between using plain functions versus using components when both return JSX? I realized just now I accidentally had used functions instead of components in my code but when I changed them to components, it broke the functionality. Is it okay to use either or?
6 Replies
Can you post an example of a component that's not a function?
victoraalvarezOP2y ago
export default function LayerPanel () {
const [data] = getData();

const [selectedSource, setSelectedSource] = createSignal("");

const SourceDropdown = () => {
if (data.state === "ready") {
const sources = parseModelData(data()).getSources();
const sourcesPair = => {
return {
[source]: SOURCE_LOOKUP[source]

return (
<div class="dropdown">
<button class="btn btn-sm" type="button" data-bs-toggle="dropdown" aria-expanded="false">
{ selectedSource() ? SOURCE_LOOKUP[selectedSource()] : "Select source..." }
<ul class="dropdown-menu">
<For each={ sourcesPair } fallback={"Loading..."}>
{(source) => <li><a onClick={
(event) => {
const value = event.currentTarget.textContent || "";
const key = Object.keys(SOURCE_LOOKUP).find(key => SOURCE_LOOKUP[key] === value);
setSelectedSource(key || "default");
} class="dropdown-item">{Object.values(source)}</a></li>}
export default function LayerPanel () {
const [data] = getData();

const [selectedSource, setSelectedSource] = createSignal("");

const SourceDropdown = () => {
if (data.state === "ready") {
const sources = parseModelData(data()).getSources();
const sourcesPair = => {
return {
[source]: SOURCE_LOOKUP[source]

return (
<div class="dropdown">
<button class="btn btn-sm" type="button" data-bs-toggle="dropdown" aria-expanded="false">
{ selectedSource() ? SOURCE_LOOKUP[selectedSource()] : "Select source..." }
<ul class="dropdown-menu">
<For each={ sourcesPair } fallback={"Loading..."}>
{(source) => <li><a onClick={
(event) => {
const value = event.currentTarget.textContent || "";
const key = Object.keys(SOURCE_LOOKUP).find(key => SOURCE_LOOKUP[key] === value);
setSelectedSource(key || "default");
} class="dropdown-item">{Object.values(source)}</a></li>}
ouff, the formatting on that is terrible, ill probably send a playground solidjs playground
oneiro2y ago
this is a function returning a component (a component is just a function returning JSX)
victoraalvarezOP2y ago
I see, this is the return of my LayerPanel function
return (
<ul class="list-group mt-2">
<li class="list-group-item d-flex ">

<li class="list-group-item d-flex ">
<div class="col">
<div class="source-row d-flex">{
<div class="data-row d-flex">{
}<span class="px-1" style="color: blue;">@</span>{
<div class="col">

return (
<ul class="list-group mt-2">
<li class="list-group-item d-flex ">

<li class="list-group-item d-flex ">
<div class="col">
<div class="source-row d-flex">{
<div class="data-row d-flex">{
}<span class="px-1" style="color: blue;">@</span>{
<div class="col">

So there is/isn't a difference in using {SourceDropdown()} versus <SourceDropdown />?
thetarnav2y ago
the only difference is that <SourceDropdown /> gets automatically untracked while the other one doesn't + some minor only-in-development differences
victoraalvarezOP2y ago
So if I wanted to switch from functions to <SourceDropdown /> would I have to pass the signals into each of the components manually? Because for example, levels depends on the source and field signals defined in a higher scope and (I think) the components scope doesnt work the same as the functions

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