Proxy error

Hi, I'm a beginner in Solid and I wrote a little app to learn it. In this app, I have created a store state which contains an attribute config (line 42) Then, I wrote a function changeConfig which modifies the store (line 132)
const changeConfig = (fn: (c: Config) => Config) => {
setState(produce(state => {
state.config = fn(state.config);
state.victories = 0;
state.losses = 0;
state.isRunning = false;
const graph = getGraph(state);
state.machine = graphToMachine(graph, state.config.ballsPerColor);
const changeConfig = (fn: (c: Config) => Config) => {
setState(produce(state => {
state.config = fn(state.config);
state.victories = 0;
state.losses = 0;
state.isRunning = false;
const graph = getGraph(state);
state.machine = graphToMachine(graph, state.config.ballsPerColor);
When, this function is called, I obtain the following message error: Uncaught TypeError: proxy must report the same value for the non-writable, non-configurable property 'Symbol("solid-proxy")' on the line state.config = fn(state.config). Initially I wrote this function differently (without using produce) and it worked fine. I'd like to understand this error and how to prevent it.
3 Replies
GuillaumeOP6mo ago
I have fixed the problem by using a function fn that mutates the Config object instead of returning a new one (and modifying the calls of changeConfig accordingly).
const changeConfig = (fn: (c: Config) => void) => {
setState(produce(state => {
const changeConfig = (fn: (c: Config) => void) => {
setState(produce(state => {
but I still don't understand the issue.
Maciek503226mo ago
I see that you use changeConfig different ways
changeConfig(c => setGraphType(c, e.currentTarget.value))
changeConfig(produce(conf => {
(conf.graphType as KingType).width = Number(e.currentTarget.value);
changeConfig(c => setGraphType(c, e.currentTarget.value))
changeConfig(produce(conf => {
(conf.graphType as KingType).width = Number(e.currentTarget.value);
the changeConfig already uses produce, I think using produce second time inside is the thing that breaks? If you want to pass control to the function caller, you can do something like that:
const changeConfig: SetStoreFunction<Config> = (...configNextSetterArgs: any[]) => {
batch(() => {
(setState as any)("config", ...configNextSetterArgs);
setState(produce(state => {
state.victories = 0;
state.losses = 0;
state.isRunning = false;
const graph = getGraph(state);
state.machine = graphToMachine(graph, state.config.ballsPerColor);
const changeConfig: SetStoreFunction<Config> = (...configNextSetterArgs: any[]) => {
batch(() => {
(setState as any)("config", ...configNextSetterArgs);
setState(produce(state => {
state.victories = 0;
state.losses = 0;
state.isRunning = false;
const graph = getGraph(state);
state.machine = graphToMachine(graph, state.config.ballsPerColor);
I added ...configNextSetterArgs: any[], (setState as any), because typescript can't match the types for SetStoreFunction, probably because it's quite complex
GuillaumeOP6mo ago
Thank you, that is exactly what I wanted

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