SolidJS11mo ago

Side effect in bundled code `ie(["click", "keydown"]);`

I'm trying to import types from a lib I'm building that contains a Solid.js component. However, when building using a vanilla Vite + Solid setup, the lib's build output has a top-level call to ie(["click", "keydown"]); . In turn, this call is added to the output build of the second package. Where is this coming from? Can Solid.js be fixed to not produce these top level function calls?
21 Replies
aryzingOP11mo ago
This is what gets added to the second package when importing only types from the first (which has the Solid.js component),
const Oe = "_$DX_DELEGATE";
function ie(e, t = window.document) {
const n = t[Oe] || (t[Oe] = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set());
for (let i = 0, r = e.length; i < r; i++) {
const s = e[i];
n.has(s) || (n.add(s), t.addEventListener(s, Vt));
function Vt(e) {
const t = `$$${e.type}`;
let n = e.composedPath && e.composedPath()[0] || e.target;
for (e.target !== n && Object.defineProperty(e, "target", {
configurable: !0,
value: n
}), Object.defineProperty(e, "currentTarget", {
configurable: !0,
get() {
return n || document;
}); n; ) {
const i = n[t];
if (i && !n.disabled) {
const r = n[`${t}Data`];
if (r !== void 0 ? i.call(n, r, e) : i.call(n, e), e.cancelBubble)
n = n._$host || n.parentNode || n.host;
ie(["click", "keydown"]);
ie(["click", "keydown"]);
ie(["click", "keydown"]);
const Oe = "_$DX_DELEGATE";
function ie(e, t = window.document) {
const n = t[Oe] || (t[Oe] = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set());
for (let i = 0, r = e.length; i < r; i++) {
const s = e[i];
n.has(s) || (n.add(s), t.addEventListener(s, Vt));
function Vt(e) {
const t = `$$${e.type}`;
let n = e.composedPath && e.composedPath()[0] || e.target;
for (e.target !== n && Object.defineProperty(e, "target", {
configurable: !0,
value: n
}), Object.defineProperty(e, "currentTarget", {
configurable: !0,
get() {
return n || document;
}); n; ) {
const i = n[t];
if (i && !n.disabled) {
const r = n[`${t}Data`];
if (r !== void 0 ? i.call(n, r, e) : i.call(n, e), e.cancelBubble)
n = n._$host || n.parentNode || n.host;
ie(["click", "keydown"]);
ie(["click", "keydown"]);
ie(["click", "keydown"]);
Brendonovich11mo ago
are you using import type {} from "package"? that should prevent the package's code from actually being imported, unless you're importing it somewhere else also if you're developing a package and not an app, you shouldn't be bundling dependencies
aryzingOP11mo ago
Yes, or rather, the equivalent import { type Foo } from "package"; The snippet above gets included b/c it's considered a side effect regardless of what gets imported I believe the first (library) package has to contain some Solid.js code because I'm building a web component with Solid.js and solid-element (https://github.com/solidjs/solid/tree/main/packages/solid-element#readme) The web component is available to consumers, as well as some types
Brendonovich11mo ago
yeah since it's a package you'll want to only distribute your package's code, bundling in solid and solid-element and everything else should be left up to the builder used by the end user for making solid libraries i like to use tsup + this preset rather than vite, it makes sure that only your library's code is built + adds the appropriate exports
aryzingOP11mo ago
Thanks for the recommendation!
Brendonovich11mo ago
i'm not too familiar with web components but this is something you'd consume with an npm install and a js import yeah?
aryzingOP11mo ago
I guess I was trying to provide a fully functional web component, hence it feels weird that consumers have to import solid -- they may not even be able to if they're in a pure web environement Essentially, the web component is packaged and ready to be included in any HTML doc without requiring external dependencies correct I think it would be fair to say it's not a solid library, it's a lib that contains a web component that just happens to be built with Solid.js
Brendonovich11mo ago
hmm, that sounds more similar to the app than library use case since they should be standalone web components. you probably do want to bundle in solid in that case
aryzingOP11mo ago
I think so too 😅
Brendonovich11mo ago
in that case what's wrong with the sideeffect being included?
aryzingOP11mo ago
Great question! Next.js 😮‍💨
Brendonovich11mo ago
ffs i thought web components were isolated or something?
aryzingOP11mo ago
Some users are rendering the web component using Next.js, which when rendering on the server errors out due to window being included Yes, they are isolated, but the bundle contains those pesky ie() calls
Brendonovich11mo ago
omg ssring a solid webcomponent and getting a window undefined error is the most obscure problem ever since solid requires different compilation for client and server yeah i have no idea what you'd do about that haha
aryzingOP11mo ago
When the component is simple, there are no issues When the click handlers start to get added, that's when Solid.js generates side effect functions that then interfere with Next.js
Brendonovich11mo ago
yeahhh, those listeners wouldn't be added in the version compiled for server
aryzingOP11mo ago
Alright, maybe I have to look into that, although I'm leaning towards dropping Next.js support, b/c consumers need to be able to freely import the bundle on the browser Much appreciate your help @Brendonovich 🙏
Brendonovich11mo ago
yeah on the browser it should be fine, you'd be missing ssr support in general though rather than just nextjs support maybe you'd have to require that next/dynamic is used to make it client only
aryzingOP11mo ago
Yeah, I'll add that to the docs and call it a day
Brendonovich11mo ago
even with solid start you'd need to use clientOnly
aryzingOP11mo ago
Fixed it! Switched from synthetic events (on__) to native events (on:__)

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