Suspense not getting triggered although I am accessing the result of createAsync in my components

<div class="flex-1 items-center justify-center">
<DottedLoader color="#999" from="checkout suspense" />
<div class="flex-1 items-center justify-center">
<DottedLoader color="#999" from="checkout suspense" />
const routeData: Accessor<ProcurementCheckoutRouteData | undefined> =
createAsync<ProcurementCheckoutRouteData>(() => {
const routeData: Accessor<ProcurementCheckoutRouteData | undefined> =
createAsync<ProcurementCheckoutRouteData>(() => {
<div class="px-3 text-h4 text-textDark">
Proceed to pay {routeData()?.xxx}
<div class="px-3 text-h4 text-textDark">
Proceed to pay {routeData()?.xxx}
This component is within a context provider which has its own suspension block. That is getting triggered fine.
1 Reply
Madaxen862mo ago
Can you share the complete component or make a reproduction on stackblitz (link is on
SolidStart: Fine-Grained Reactivity goes fullstack
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