how to add debounce to any signal setter ?

I have use case where my my signal is getting called multiple times which is fine as per the implementation. But what I want is to debounce that seignal setter so that it is call in deferred manner and its fine if few calls are missed.
4 Replies
nzdeep2y ago
pretty easy with debounce lib ( const [signal, rawSetSignal] = createSignal(1); const setSignal = debounce(rawSetSignal, 250); // use setSignal
solid-primitives/packages/scheduled at main · solidjs-community/sol...
A library of high-quality primitives that extend SolidJS reactivity. - solid-primitives/packages/scheduled at main · solidjs-community/solid-primitives
nzdeep2y ago
However.. I would not recommend this set signal is meant to be fully sync and you'll potentially run into many problems a better approach is debounce the expensive parts of an effects or memo of a signal (not the effect / memo itself) e.g. like a search text autocomplete ajax call
AbrinzerOP2y ago
@nzdeep thanks for the input. I tried wrapping effect in debounce but it didn't realy work
nzdeep2y ago
sorry I mean what the effect calls yeah ignore the "better approach" that's also bad.. edited what the expensive opereation you need to debounce

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