Passing signal from one template's function to a different template function

I've been reading so much I think I've confused myself more. If I createSignal() in header.jsx how can I use that value in footer.jsx Any pointers would be appreciated.
8 Replies
thetarnav2y ago
it's funny I've recently refactored a header component that was using too much globally shared state I think that the best approach to start from when thinking about problems like this is using context/prop-drilling and pushing the state as high in the tree as possible. If your app looks like this
Adding that signal to <App> instead and sharing it with both <Header> and <Footer> is great If that's not an option, then you have to be creative 😄 e.g. you could have a global signal in the header that you export and import in the footer. But global signals can be dangerous in SSR as they can lead to state leaking between requests in the linked pr you can see isScrollEnabled being a global, shared signal. It works for now, but I will probably look for a way to have it higher in the component tree and shared through context instead.
dmayo2OP2y ago
I was just in the process of moving the createSignal to the App (in the above example) and passing down to the <Header> and <Footer>. My issue now is there's a button in <Header> that wants to change the signal. Not sure how to get that change back up to <App>'s setter.
thetarnav2y ago
props.onChange(new_state) 🤷‍♂️ state flows downwards and events upwards
dmayo2OP2y ago
So, do I only need to pass the is? <Header cheeseburger={isHamburger()} />
thetarnav2y ago
not sure if I get that you pass the current state and an event-listener to listen for change as props so yeah, it could be like this <Header cheeseburger={isHamburger()} onChange={setIsHamburger} />
dmayo2OP2y ago
Oh, ok. So in Header
console.log(props.cheesburger) // false
props.cheeseburger = true
console.log(props.cheesburger) // false
props.cheeseburger = true
that would then bubble up to <App> and effectively call setIsHamburger() giving it the new value of true I'm successfully passing the value down to the child components. Just fumbling with the onChange. <Header cheeseburger={isHamburger()} onChange={setIsHamburger} /> then in <Header> a button has: onClick={() => {setIsHamburger = !props.cheesburger}} but that's not working.
thetarnav2y ago
setIsHamburger is a function - the signal setter you can it not assign to it also props.cheeseburger = true is not the syntax - props are readonly, there is no two way binding you update state by calling a function
dmayo2OP2y ago
That was the key. Thank you! <Header cheeseburger={isHamburger()} setIsHamburger={setIsHamburger} /> then down in Header onClick={() => {props.setIsHamburger(!props.cheeseburger)}}

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