how to trigger the fetcher in createResource if there are multiple signal values?
hello, newbie here. In the document, it could be create a Memo as a group of signals as following. What's changed could be trigger the fetcher? id() or name()? or both?
thanks a lot
import { createResource, createMemo } from "solid-js";
// the fetcher function changed to accept an object
async function fetcherFunc(info: { id: number; name: string }) {
const response = await fetch(${}/posts?name=${}
return await response.json();
const [id, setId] = createSignal<number>(1);
const [name, setName] = createSignal<string>("");
// the derived state made using createMemo
const derivedState = createMemo(() => ({ id: id(), name: name() }));
const [posts] = createResource(derivedState, fetcherFunc);2 Replies