Have anyone gotten ts particles to work in solid?
I've tried implementing the example they give, but it does not work.
GitHub - tsparticles/solid: Solid.js tsParticles official component
Solid.js tsParticles official component. Contribute to tsparticles/solid development by creating an account on GitHub.
2 Replies
What does not work? Were there any error messages?
Maybe let's start with resolving the red underline errors in your code? You probably need to import the appropriate functions
Seems like the README.md might be a bit outdated
If you check the example app they have under the
folder in the repo, this seems like the new recommended approach https://github.com/tsparticles/solid/blob/main/apps/solid/src/App.tsx
solid/apps/solid/src/App.tsx at main · tsparticles/solid
Solid.js tsParticles official component. Contribute to tsparticles/solid development by creating an account on GitHub.