Firefox Fails loading Font Awesome modules and can't run dev Start Project.

I'm loading up a bunch of icons from various FA packages using their library functionality via import { library } from '@fortawesome/fontawesome-svg-core'; . This works great everywhere except Firefox, where 90+% of the time I just get a white page when trying to load the page after npm run dev. If I hammer F5 enough, it will load 1 out of 10 times, but I've never figured out how to get Solid Start to run constantly on FF with FontAwesome icons. I've been through the Vite GH multiple times, and did find a similar issue ages ago, but apparently it was fixed in v4... but not for me.
1 Reply
Some Call Me Tim
Some Call Me TimOP2y ago
there are approximately 1000 components that -do- load successfully when running dev, and the only thing that sticks out about the font awesome ones are that they're by far the largest filesize wise. If i copy the URL that failed, and paste it into Firefox, it loads correctly.

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