Context provider breaks while using esbuild-plugin-solid
I don't know if the problem is actually related to building component with esbuild with esbuild-plugin-solid, but whenever I call useContext from a child component, context is undefined. Am I missing something?
export default function CollectionWrapper() {
return (
<CollectionHeader />
import { createContext, createSignal, useContext } from "solid-js"
const CollectionContext = createContext()
export function CollectionProvider({ children }) {
const [title, setTitle] = createSignal("My title")
return (
<CollectionContext.Provider value={{ title }}>
export function useCollection() {
const context = useContext(CollectionContext)
if (!context) {
throw new Error("useCollection must be used within a CollectionProvider")
return context
export { CollectionContext }
export default function CollectionHeader(d) {
const {title } = useCollection()
return (
<div className="CollectionHeader">
Esbuild script:
entryPoints:{ path }) => path),
bundle: true,
outdir: outputDir,
splitting: true,
format: "esm",
platform: "browser",
loader: { [JSX_EXTENSION]: JSX_EXTENSION.slice(1) },
conditions: ["development", "browser"],
plugins: [solidPlugin()],
4 Replies
Whenever I move
inside the provider (instead of passing it as a child) it works tho:
<CollectionContext.Provider value={{ title }}>
<CollectionHeader />
In solid you must not destructure props.
the children in you context provider are not reactive because of that
Agree with @Madaxen86
Instead of
Change it to
Here is a good answer on that topic with some sources attached to the answer
Stack Overflow
SolidJS: Why does destructuring of props cause a loss of reactivity?
Props are what we call the object that is passed to our component function on execution that represents all the attributes bound to its JSX. Props objects are readonly and have reactive properties ...