Lazy loading routes instead of components

Hi, I'd like to have a separate file for each main route, but I'm not sure how to do that using lazy
<Route path='/*' component={MainLayout}>
<Route path='/' component={Home} />
<Route path="/privacy" component={Privacy} />
<Route path="/tos" component={ToS} />
<Route path="/shards" component={Shards} />
<Route path="/commands" component={Commands} />

<Route path="/profile" data={UserRouteData}>

<Route path="/admin" component={AdminLayout}>

<Route path="/admin/updates/new" component={CreateUpdate}/>

<Route path="/blogs">

<Route path="/dashboard" component={ServerPanel}/>
<Route path="/dashboard/:guildID" component={DashboardLayout} >
<Route path='/*' component={MainLayout}>
<Route path='/' component={Home} />
<Route path="/privacy" component={Privacy} />
<Route path="/tos" component={ToS} />
<Route path="/shards" component={Shards} />
<Route path="/commands" component={Commands} />

<Route path="/profile" data={UserRouteData}>

<Route path="/admin" component={AdminLayout}>

<Route path="/admin/updates/new" component={CreateUpdate}/>

<Route path="/blogs">

<Route path="/dashboard" component={ServerPanel}/>
<Route path="/dashboard/:guildID" component={DashboardLayout} >
those are my routes. What I'd imagine is a file for homepage. privacy, tos, shards, commands, then profile but that should include also its subroutes, same with admin and blogs and dashboard. How can I lazy load several components at once?
1 Reply
Brendan3y ago
import {lazy} from "solid-js";
<Route path='/' component={lazy(() => import("./home"))} />
import {lazy} from "solid-js";
<Route path='/' component={lazy(() => import("./home"))} />
If you want the bundler to group all the "child routes" together for the parent route, you may be able to have a separate <Routes> section (for the child routes) within the lazy-loaded parent component, and just don't use lazy for the child routes inside there.

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