SolidJS10mo ago

Solidjs with AEM Integration

Hello team, I want to build a project in AEM 6.5 with SolidJs . Please help me out how i integrate AEM with SolidJs? There are lot of articles about AEM with React but i didn't find any article about AEM with solidJs.
6 Replies
bigmistqke10mo ago
never heard of aem, is it like a headless cms?
shakilOP10mo ago
Yes it is CMS, Adobe Experience Manager
bigmistqke10mo ago
what functionality you want to use of AEM? I am looking at it and it seems a rather large project. I see there is a headless form that you can query with graphQL, but that's maybe not what you are after?
shakilOP10mo ago
my client wants a build a brand new website from scratch using AEM and Magento as a backend and instead of react he wants solidsjs as the front-end.
shakilOP10mo ago
https://experienceleague.adobe.com/en/docs/experience-manager-learn/getting-started-with-aem-headless/spa-editor/react/overview This article guided me on how we can create a website in AEM using React. how can i set up every things. but i want instead of React i use Solidjs. So how can i integrate Solidjs with AEM?
Getting Started with the AEM SPA Editor and React | Adobe Experienc...
Create your first React Single Page Application (SPA) that is editable in Adobe Experience Manager AEM with the WKND SPA. Learn how to create a SPA using the React JS framework with AEM's SPA Editor. This multi-part tutorial walks through the implementation of a React application for a fictitious lifestyle brand, the WKND. The tutorial covers th...
bigmistqke10mo ago
I have been reading up a bit on it, from what I understand rn they have this spa editor mode that uses webpack to bundle, afaik there is no webpack plugin for solidjs tbh so I am not sure if that will work. there is a complete headless mode too. then ur quering json from their api with graphql. https://codesandbox.io/p/devbox/wknd-sveltekit-bsj8m2?embed=1&file=%2Fsrc%2Flib%2Fserver%2FaemHeadlessApi.js this is an example of integration with sveltekit but the main concepts you can easily port to solid. maybe you are lucky and somebody else used aem with solid before, but I am afraid chances are small.

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