custom css classes not applied somehow

Hi, i have this code:
<For each={alertsManager.getAlerts()}>
{(alert) => (
<div class={"flex alert alert-" + alert.type}>
<For each={alertsManager.getAlerts()}>
{(alert) => (
<div class={"flex alert alert-" + alert.type}>
alert.type is success and with daisyui and tailwindcss the div should have a green background color. However the div is colored like default just like alert-success wasnt there. If i manually add alert-success to the class prop it works. If I remove it after the concatinated version works somehow.. Can someone help me?
1 Reply
Greenman999OP5mo ago
Ok i found the issue. Because the class was generated dynamically, tailwind couldnt find it and didnt compile the classes alert-.... To fix this I safelisted these classes in the tailwind config.
Content Configuration - Tailwind CSS
Configuring the content sources for your project.

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