Hydration Mismatch. Unable to find DOM nodes for hydration key

I'm trying to setup a SolidJS SSR project with Vite, Fastify, and the @fastify/vite plugin. I've finally got something rendering, but am getting this error:
Uncaught Error: Hydration Mismatch. Unable to find DOM nodes for hydration key: 0-0
at getNextElement (chunk-TJVPM3FD.js?v=ff79f117:398:13)
at _$$component.location (App.tsx:8:2)
at @solid-refresh:25:42
at untrack (chunk-2MQNFOLP.js?v=ff79f117:574:12)
at HMRComp.createMemo.name [as fn] (@solid-refresh:25:28)
at runComputation (chunk-2MQNFOLP.js?v=ff79f117:889:22)
at updateComputation (chunk-2MQNFOLP.js?v=ff79f117:872:3)
at createMemo (chunk-2MQNFOLP.js?v=ff79f117:330:5)
at [solid-refresh]App (@solid-refresh:22:20)
at chunk-2MQNFOLP.js?v=ff79f117:702:14
Uncaught Error: Hydration Mismatch. Unable to find DOM nodes for hydration key: 0-0
at getNextElement (chunk-TJVPM3FD.js?v=ff79f117:398:13)
at _$$component.location (App.tsx:8:2)
at @solid-refresh:25:42
at untrack (chunk-2MQNFOLP.js?v=ff79f117:574:12)
at HMRComp.createMemo.name [as fn] (@solid-refresh:25:28)
at runComputation (chunk-2MQNFOLP.js?v=ff79f117:889:22)
at updateComputation (chunk-2MQNFOLP.js?v=ff79f117:872:3)
at createMemo (chunk-2MQNFOLP.js?v=ff79f117:330:5)
at [solid-refresh]App (@solid-refresh:22:20)
at chunk-2MQNFOLP.js?v=ff79f117:702:14
The App component this is happening in is as basic as you can get:
import type { Component } from "solid-js";

export function createApp() {
return <App />;

export const App: Component = () => {
return <div>Hello World!! </div>;
import type { Component } from "solid-js";

export function createApp() {
return <App />;

export const App: Component = () => {
return <div>Hello World!! </div>;
So basic in fact I'm not sure what there is to mismatch. I know it's not much info to go on but any leads on how to debug this would be appreciated. P.S. - Even with the error the app renders properly on first render. Subsequent hot updates though are received by the browser but don't change what's rendered.
3 Replies
Birk Skyum
Birk Skyum13mo ago
Do you have a repro i can run/debug?
lxsmnsyc13mo ago
seems like an integration issue with fastify-vite if the error occurs during HMR update
GhirigoroOP13mo ago
Thanks for the kind offer but it's part of a monorepo and includes references to a lot of internal libraries. It would take too dig out of that monorepo and make the thing a standalone project. I used that plugin because it was in theory going to be easier to integrate, but it's been a grind for 2 days just to get that thing running, so I may be barking up the wrong tree. If you have any suggestions or know of any resources for integrating SolidJS into a TS/Fastify project I'm all ears. Thanks I figured it out. The plugin's weak TS support, outdated examples, and lack of error handling made it a bit hard to figure out exactly what it wanted but I got there. Thanks all!

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