Route layout not define

What does this mean and how can i fix it. I am using storybook and i realize if there is an A tag in the component i get this error in my storybook.
4 Replies
nksaraf3y ago
Hmm can you show a full repro?
Jerry Hogan
Jerry HoganOP3y ago
<div class="mt-3">
{local.gists.length > 0 ? (
<For each={local.gists}>
{(gist) => (
<div class="my-1" data-testid="gist-item">
<A href={gist.url} class={} target="_blank">
) : (
<p class={styles.error}>User does not have any gists</p>
<div class="mt-3">
{local.gists.length > 0 ? (
<For each={local.gists}>
{(gist) => (
<div class="my-1" data-testid="gist-item">
<A href={gist.url} class={} target="_blank">
) : (
<p class={styles.error}>User does not have any gists</p>
This is basically the component
export default {
title: 'Component/Gist Panel'

const Template = (args: GistsDataProps) => (
<GistsData {...args} />

export const Default: any = Template.bind({});
Default.args = {
gists: gists
export default {
title: 'Component/Gist Panel'

const Template = (args: GistsDataProps) => (
<GistsData {...args} />

export const Default: any = Template.bind({});
Default.args = {
gists: gists
this is the storybook code without the A tag it works. In solidjs all i need is wrapper a Router, now this is solid start. Not sure what to wrap
nksaraf3y ago
Yeah the solid-start Link needs to be aware of the routes that are generated by the compiler: $ROUTE_CONFIG is that.. storybook is not gonna include the vite plugins we have thhat do this We will need to figure out how to get proper storybook support for the router parts
Jerry Hogan
Jerry HoganOP3y ago
So, what do you suggest I do at this point? using the normal HTML a tag works.

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