SolidJS3mo ago

Understanding Solid Reactivity Lint Error

In the following component I get this lint warning:
The reactive variable 'handleContextMenuCommand' should be used within JSX, a tracked scope (like createEffect), or inside an event handler function, or else changes will be ignored solid/reactivity
The reactive variable 'handleContextMenuCommand' should be used within JSX, a tracked scope (like createEffect), or inside an event handler function, or else changes will be ignored solid/reactivity
But I am using it inside of an event handler function. Is this a misunderstanding on my part of how reactivity works or does the linter just not recognize that the chrome.runtime.onMessage global used by Chrome extensions can register event listeners? Here's a stripped down example of my code:
export const ExampleComponent: Component = () => {
const [isLoading, setIsLoading] = createSignal(false);

const handleContextMenuCommand = async (message: string) => {
await fetch('/example', { body: { message }});

// this line results in a lint error:

onCleanup(() => {

return <div>Example</div>
export const ExampleComponent: Component = () => {
const [isLoading, setIsLoading] = createSignal(false);

const handleContextMenuCommand = async (message: string) => {
await fetch('/example', { body: { message }});

// this line results in a lint error:

onCleanup(() => {

return <div>Example</div>
If this code is incorrect, what's the right way to handle it?
6 Replies
peerreynders3mo ago
Taking your example and reframing it for BroadcastChannel and the warning goes away. https://playground.solidjs.com/anonymous/59b7b2a2-5543-47bc-8b94-0dad942a2f46 I'd be tempted to use
// eslint-disable-next-line solid/reactivity
// eslint-disable-next-line solid/reactivity
and move on with my life. It seems the rule gives addEventListener special treatment that addListener doesn't enjoy. https://github.com/solidjs-community/eslint-plugin-solid/blob/06c60957a0135c33513fa7e567a4b15a953a127e/src/rules/reactivity.ts#L1068-L1075
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eslint-plugin-solid/src/rules/reactivity.ts at 06c60957a0135c33513f...
Solid-specific linting rules for ESLint. Contribute to solidjs-community/eslint-plugin-solid development by creating an account on GitHub.
seb3mo ago
thank you, @peerreynders! that BroadcastChannel example was a great idea. I was wondering if maybe addEventListener was a special string that the linter looks for, but I'm also not seeing a lint error when I make this change to your code: https://playground.solidjs.com/anonymous/1ec3207d-67ef-40e6-935f-ae49d71742a7
const channel = {
addListener(eventName: string, handler: (args: any) => void) {},
removeListener(eventName: string, handler: (args: any) => void) {},
const channel = {
addListener(eventName: string, handler: (args: any) => void) {},
removeListener(eventName: string, handler: (args: any) => void) {},
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peerreynders3mo ago
Just to be sure though, make a test case (with multiple changes) to see if it works as expected. I'm not sure what happens when you run a setter outside of a reactive context. I don't know if it's true anymore but some time ago derivations needed to the able to resubscribe after every change propagation and that relies on changes happening under a reactive root.
seb3mo ago
found the issue! https://playground.solidjs.com/anonymous/b7b46f20-69f9-4896-82ca-89b107aadea3 so it is the case that addListener behaves differently from addEventListener. I am just not certain whether I can safely eslint-ignore this one.
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peerreynders3mo ago
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seb3mo ago
oh that's brilliant, I wasn't aware of from. that works!
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