SolidJS11mo ago

Mutate data for optimistic updates with createAsync

When using createResource you can use the mutate() function to update the value directly for optimistic updates. Is there a way to do this when using createAsync? For example in this example, I'd like to optimistically update the name() before I call my api function to update it.
const loadAboutData = cache(async () => {
return new Promise((resolve) =>
setTimeout(resolve, 500, "Solid")
) as Promise<string>;
}, "about");

export default function About() {
const name = createAsync(() => loadAboutData());
return (
<section class="p-8">
<Suspense fallback={<p>...</p>}>
onClick={() => {
// optimistically update the dat
mutate((name) => “UpdatedName”)
// api call to update
const loadAboutData = cache(async () => {
return new Promise((resolve) =>
setTimeout(resolve, 500, "Solid")
) as Promise<string>;
}, "about");

export default function About() {
const name = createAsync(() => loadAboutData());
return (
<section class="p-8">
<Suspense fallback={<p>...</p>}>
onClick={() => {
// optimistically update the dat
mutate((name) => “UpdatedName”)
// api call to update
13 Replies
lxsmnsyc11mo ago
Not really. createAsync is just createResource under the hood, so it's either you use createResource or if your createAsync is tied to a cache, do cache mutations
maxOP11mo ago
Thanks, I was reading through some github discussions and saw that there is a cache.set() method, do I just call this with the key value pair for the cache I want to update? Do I then need to call revalidate()? Also, just reading through the Cache Architecture on Github and it says: "cache API can be used with createResource but it must be passed into the tracking argument not the fetcher which means that you can't only pass a single argument as createResource defaults to just the fetcher. So to use a cache function with createResource you would need to:
const getUser = cache((id) => {
return (await fetch(`/api/users${id}`)).json()
}, "users") // used as cache key + serialized arguments

const [user] = createResource(
() => getUser(params.id),
v => v // pass the return promise through
const getUser = cache((id) => {
return (await fetch(`/api/users${id}`)).json()
}, "users") // used as cache key + serialized arguments

const [user] = createResource(
() => getUser(params.id),
v => v // pass the return promise through
" Is that all that needs to be done to use cache with createResource?
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peerreynders11mo ago
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maxOP11mo ago
peerreynders11mo ago
The above example is flawed given that the underlying resource's signal will not propagate the update when the value "doesn't change". So when you click "Test" a second time it will never update to the cached "third" from the optimistic "second". To address this it becomes necessary to "bust" resource's equals behaviour: https://playground.solidjs.com/anonymous/67657955-297e-4ef9-af12-4f35f606bd7e It also needs to be understood that this defeats suspense and transitions; but the objective here is to show an optimistic value, i.e. replacing the paint holding behaviour of the transition with a value that will be showing soon anyway.
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Brendonovich11mo ago
i think solid primitives has createWritableMemo just for this purpose https://primitives.solidjs.community/package/memo#createwritablememo
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peerreynders11mo ago
Yes it's a lot cleaner https://playground.solidjs.com/anonymous/aba5c525-b01e-4da1-be1d-9b603567b95c but 1. You still have to "bust the resource equals" otherwise the memo will stay on the last set value rather than change to the last fetched value (which matches the value in cache). 2. You also have to "bust the mutation equals" otherwise the memo won't change to an optimistic value that was already previously set but overwritten by a subsequent dependency change. 3. Suspense/transitions still don't apply.
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peerreynders11mo ago
i.e. let the UI handle the "optimistic UI" DON'T corrupt the reactive data flow with optimistic values. https://playground.solidjs.com/anonymous/88733aaa-51f4-4d06-abad-841153bf37a7
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peerreynders11mo ago
So in the createAsync scenario instrumenting the "fetcher" may be one way of addressing the current limitations. https://playground.solidjs.com/anonymous/b033bb58-c7e3-4e47-a213-c6d6a83a5de5
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mdynnl11mo ago
https://stackblitz.com/edit/vitejs-vite-jiumjg?file=src%2FApp.tsx i haven't been catching up with new stuff lately so i might be completely missing something
peerreynders11mo ago
Thank You for this. It's nice to have an example that places these primitives into their intended roles and then demonstrates how they are meant to collaborate with one another while also highlighting the idiomatic design they are suggesting. I find it difficult to glean that from the primitive-by-primitive documentation. I think single flight mutations is the most recent addition. However what still isn't clear is the implicit connection between cache and action because of this; and that in the absence of any keys any action will trigger all cached values (which thank to your example I was able to discover with some poking and prodding). So in the simplest terms the response to the OP should have been: 1. Use an action for the mutation 2. Use an associated submission.input as the optimistic value and show it while submission.pending
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peerreynders11mo ago
The correct answer should have been: 1. Use an action to perform the mutation 1b. The action will automatically invalidate the cached value the createAsync draws on once the action completed. This causes the cached function to run again. 2. Use a submission linked to the action to a.) track it's pending state to know for how long the to show the optimistic value and b.) provide the optimistic value that was given to the action. Example code here: https://stackblitz.com/edit/solidjs-templates-7u2yad?file=src%2Fapp.tsx
solid.js action cache interplay - StackBlitz
A Solid TypeScript project based on @solidjs/router, solid-js, typescript, vite and vite-plugin-solid

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