Pattern for "sticky" searchParams?
I have
that I would like to be "sticky" over route changes? I know I could use the current searchParams to contruct the href
for many of the links on the page, but I'm wondering if there is a common pattern for this?
Thanks.3 Replies
I don't now about pattern but I just created a bunch of
helpers that got passed a location
which is part of the standard RouteSectionProps
passed to route layout components or which can be accessed via useLocation
solid-router/src/types.ts at 1c9eb8ed2cb70e4fa5a53d0d2836fc112e8ac4...
A universal router for Solid inspired by Ember and React Router - solidjs/solid-router
solid-start-notes-basic/src/route-path.ts at ef7437d5efa0fd1a2af4bb...
Basic client rendered notes app using SolidStart beta - peerreynders/solid-start-notes-basic
Thanks. I’ll probably have to do similar. Only a subset of my query parameters should be sticky
You can also have a look at useBeforeLeave