Created by ish on 6/28/2024 in #support
useNavigate outside of router - for example on authentication faiures?
I have a file of functions for interacting with my backend, I'd like to consolidate some error handling there, for example, if there is an authentication failure, redirect. But as these are not in a router, I can't useNavigate, even though all these functions are called from a component under a router. Is there another strategy I can use here?
9 replies
Created by ish on 3/31/2024 in #support
Adding Auth to Solid-Start, need some pointers
First, sorry, this might be a little more generic than just Solid, but I've created my Solid Start app, and I want to add some social logins (github, google, mainly) for some user profile stuff and commenting. Where do I even start? I understand the session stuff enough, middleware, and could easily roll my own username/password auth. I'm more looking for pointers for adding oauth type services.. Is this where I want to maybe look at Firebase, or Supabase? Or Auth0? Thanks!
3 replies
Created by ish on 2/24/2024 in #support
Handling errors in createResource
My createResource handle fetches data from a REST API and is displayed on the screen. I have interval that calls refetch to refresh the data. If the fetch fails, my interval will keep running, and even if the remote service comes up, the refetch occurs, but the page never renders the new data. Is there a better way to handle errors in my resource? I don't want to try catch and return no data, as I want to display the existing data until new data can be retrieved.
6 replies
Created by ish on 2/16/2024 in #support
Errors loading Bootstrap SASS in dev-mode
I'm migrating a small app from Solid Start 0.3 to 0.5, so I started with a new app and am bringing things over. One thing I use is Bootstrap SASS. I've added sass and then import Bootrsap. However, in dev mode there are a load of errors about undefined variables, etc. No issues with the build and running from the build though. Bootstrap version is the same as I use in my 0.3 app, and it works fine in dev-mode over there. Any ideas? Thanks.
2 replies
Created by ish on 8/23/2023 in #support
Solid Start: CSR Only Page
I have one page that is very interactive and if client side rendering is not available I'd like to display a page along the lines of "javascript is required". I tried wrapping it in <ClientOnly> but that still comes out in the SSR content. Part of this is based on my bringing over the component from SolidJS and various browser only APIs are used. Thanks.
4 replies
Created by ish on 1/1/2023 in #support
Signals inside Bootstrap Modal
I'm using Solid-Bootstrap and putting a tabs inside a modal, however, signals used inside the JSX in the modal don't get re-rendered when they are changed. If I move the signal outside of my modal content, I do see updating the signal causes re-render in parent components, just not the modal content. If I close and re-open the modal, its re-rendered with the updated values in the signals. Any ideas? Thanks!
8 replies